- Akua Dixon - Akua's Dance: This one is probably the most mainstream among all the recommendations even though she played a non-mainstream jazz instrument (cello). After all, she did cover Sade's The Sweetest Taboo, which I actually like (the original too, of course) Her music reminded a little bit of Regina Carter. I also enjoy the acoustic guitar works on this album. It would have been perfect without that lone vocal track IMHO.
- Binker and Moses - Journey to the Mountain of Forever: I wouldn't expect a duet of sax and drums can sound so exciting. As you know, it's challenging even for a sax trio with bass and drums as the rhythm section without a chordal instrument like piano or guitar to supply the harmony. I admire their ability to pull this off. Of course, it featured more band members in the later part of the album and those tracks are as good.
- Tony Allen - The Source: this is one funky album that is growing on me.
- Harriet Tubman - Araminta: there are only 2 tracks available on Spotify for this album but you get an idea of what this guitar trio plays: jazz that really rocks.
- Camilla George Quarter: she is yet another exciting (female) sax players that I hear in the last few years. Again, the vocal track is the only "distraction" for me.
Saturday, December 30, 2017
Best Jazz Albums of 2017 Part II: the Top 5!
I have finally sampled all (and deep-dived a few) of the Best of Jazz 2017 I posted earlier. And I really dig the followings:
Friday, December 29, 2017
The Magic of Mushroom
Monday, December 25, 2017
宋詞. 菩薩蠻·花明月暗籠輕霧
Friday, December 22, 2017
家中孩子放假太多空閒時間,要他上網學點東西,例如寫網頁之類,才發現我一直極少用Mac OS X的TextEdit,試用了一會,第一件事要Format做Plain Text(否則default是Rich Text Format),而打double quote會自動被轉換,又要修改設訂,總之麻煩重重;還是開個Terminal使用慣熟的vi或emacs好了,就這樣新一代emacs用家後繼有人了。
(後記:在IT老友介紹下找到Atom這個較為現代的Code Editor ,emacs體驗之旅暫時告終)
(後記:在IT老友介紹下找到Atom這個較為現代的Code Editor ,emacs體驗之旅暫時告終)
Wednesday, December 20, 2017
- Delike New Moon w/ Bent Nib: 在FB見到人家用Delike示範書法,寫得很好(當然功力比硬件重要),而筆外型和我支Kaweco Sport有九成相似,更有書法尖(又名美工尖)!年幾前買的英雄牌書法尖墨水筆是漏墨王,經已放棄;決定再試一次書法尖,在eBay找到一支比仿Kaweco Sports款更漂亮的New Moon,好不容易等到從國內寄抵我家,拿上手比照片看來高貴呢。這支書法尖做出來的粗幼效果比英雄牌要含蓄一點,但出墨順暢無漏墨問題,性價比相當高,是每天都用得著的筆。
- Duke Emerald Black Barrel Guan Yu Calligraphy Bent Nib: 寫書法尖寫得上癮,決定試試另一極端,在Amazon找到這支可以很粗可以很幼的「大關刀」,十分好玩。
- Noodler's Ink Konrad Flex Nib Clear Demo: 早一陣子在eBay買了「無間」Rhodia迷你記事簿,賣家是網店Goldspot,自此每週收到他們的宣傳電郵,大減價相當吸引,上個月終於「落搭」購入一個Noodler's的特價筆墨套餐,包括此筆和兩隻墨(一黑一白!)是自從去年賣掉我的Namiki再寫flex nib, 依然喜歡。
Monday, December 18, 2017
Comcast X1 box English audio
As a long time soccer fan (and a sports junkie), I try to watch as much as I can on TV. In US, that means often I would watch channels that broadcasts in Spanish. I knew some programs actually have English commentary "as a second language" on Comcast but I just couldn't figure out how to listen to that, until today. Here are the steps:
Step 1: Click the Xfinity button on your remote, then choose the Settings icon, then choose Language, SAP Language. And in my case, choose English.
Step 2: Back to the program you are watching, click the "Down arrow" button, toggle on SAP, it will switch to English (which was chosen in Step 1)
Step 1: Click the Xfinity button on your remote, then choose the Settings icon, then choose Language, SAP Language. And in my case, choose English.
Step 2: Back to the program you are watching, click the "Down arrow" button, toggle on SAP, it will switch to English (which was chosen in Step 1)
Sunday, December 17, 2017
Best Jazz Albums of 2017
又到了一年一度樂壇回顧的時候,和去年一樣也是連結別人介紹的最佳廿張唱片算了,我正在由第19位慢慢開始聽(略去第20位因為是vocal),這位作者的口味實在比較獨特,有前衛的,有New Orleans原始風味的,有World Music元素的,就是沒有Straight ahead的,讓我接觸一些平日較少聽的音樂實在是好事;廿張之中我只聽過#12 Ambrose Akinmusire – A Rift In Decorum: Live At The Village Vanguard,也算喜歡;從Spotify有得聽的砌了這個playlist:
其實2017年的新作我實在聽得不多,無獨有偶,最「主流」的要算是Chris Potter樂隊的The Dreamer is the Dream,多得ECM終於肯在Spotify「上架」!其餘喜歡的都算比較另類: William Parker Quartets的雙唱片集Meditation/Resurrection及Cuong Vu 4-Tet的Ballet(The Music of Michael Gibbs)。有空的話再寫寫其他種類音樂的2017精選。
其實2017年的新作我實在聽得不多,無獨有偶,最「主流」的要算是Chris Potter樂隊的The Dreamer is the Dream,多得ECM終於肯在Spotify「上架」!其餘喜歡的都算比較另類: William Parker Quartets的雙唱片集Meditation/Resurrection及Cuong Vu 4-Tet的Ballet(The Music of Michael Gibbs)。有空的話再寫寫其他種類音樂的2017精選。
Wednesday, December 13, 2017
Monday, December 11, 2017
Orchard Field
單看名字會想到種滿果樹的果園吧?和朋友聊天,問起他的旅程,他回覆說在ORD,雖然工作關係我輸入過一大堆airport code,竟然想不起ORD是那裡,原來是芝加哥O'Hare! 為甚麼縮寫為ORD?其實該機場歷史悠久,二次大戰期間是道格拉斯為軍方生產軍用運輸機的工廠,名為Orchard Place,道格拉斯徹走後改稱Orchard Field,為表揚戰時出色軍人O'Hare又改名,韓戰期間美軍再徵用該機場,後來才轉型成為民航機場。這段歷史頗為有趣!
Thursday, December 07, 2017
詩經. 月出
Tuesday, December 05, 2017
Wednesday, November 29, 2017
ECM on Spotify!
上個星期爵士古典界最大的「新聞」可能是經典唱片品牌ECM終於破禁:讓旗下作品在網上各大收費音樂平台串流播放!以往讀到任何讚賞ECM唱片的樂評,除非在圖書館借到,否則只有概歎緣慳一面,所以這是對我來說期待已久的好消息!ECM毋庸置疑是唱片界奇葩:獨立不群又能取得商業上及藝術上的成功,即使是同一位樂手為ECM及ECM以外的公司出碟,細心的樂迷都很容易聽出分別!ECM就有一種前衛知性的味道。我在同一天在FB分別讀到兩篇介紹ECM必聽作品的文章[英文link][中文link] 我又特地重讀過去N期音響雜誌專找介紹ECM唱片的樂評,在此分享一下聽了的作品:
1) Keith Jarrett, the Koln Concert: 這張可能是ECM最著名的唱片!全碟均為即興爵士鋼琴獨奏,獨愛鋼琴的姐姐十分喜歡此碟,我就一如過往嫌Jarrett夾雜在琴聲中的招牌「吟唱聲」
2 ) Paul Bley, Solo in Mondsee: 此亦是一張爵士鋼琴獨奏,可以聽到點點藍調的味道,亦有姐姐的stamp of approval
3) Vijay Iyer Trio, Break Stuff: 這個鋼琴三重奏兩張前作我經已十分欣賞,而樂評人認為此碟更上一層樓
4) Chris Potter, the Sirens: 自從2013年起,我最欣賞的色士風手之一的Chris Potter的作品都在ECM發表,這是第一張。2015及2017的我還未開始仔細聽呢。
5) Bill Frisell, Small Town: 接著的都是結他手領軍(或獨奏)的作品,本碟是一支結他加一支bass,構成的音樂空間比想像中的廣濶。
6) Ralph Towner, My Foolish Heart: 忽發狂想:以古典結他作品聞名百年的Francisco Tarrega如果還在生,或許會彈得像Towner。
7) Dominic Miller, Silent Light: 除了流行曲cover Fields of Gold一曲略為cheesy之外,其餘的都彈出清新嶲永的味道。
8) Avro Part, Arbos: 也來一張(現代)古典音樂,有合唱,有銅管樂團,有小提琴大師參與,俗一點我也要說:「抵聽」
Monday, November 27, 2017
I became a coffee lover last year and drinks mostly decaf these days just to avoid the stimulant. I had no idea it's association with that infamous "party" though. The most interesting facts I learned from the linked article though, was that the method they extracted the caffeine actually left poison in the drink! Hmmm...... what about the current method? Hopefully it won't suffer the same fate.
Tuesday, November 21, 2017
Sports highlights: NASCAR Championship weekend
As a big fan of NASCAR, I knew there will be a 3+ month break after this weekend that seems like forever but still I was really excited about this. The truck race was without much drama: Christopher Bell wasn't really challenged during the whole race. The Xfinity race was more competitive: William Byron's car was strong during most of the race but Elliot Sadler was equally if not stronger at various times during the race too. (Daniel Hemric's car had a failure that took him out of the equation and Justin Allgaier's car couldn't find speed, even with the help of 7-time championship winning crew chief, Chad Knaus, in his pit) Sadler was leading the final stage of the race and had a good chance to win the championship. However, he was held up by Ryan Preece, who could have just let Sadler go. And William Byron seized the opportunity to use Preece as a "pick" and passed them both. That was THE championship winning move. Sadler bumped into Preece as a desperation move and hit the wall which made it even less possible for him to catch up to Byron. Sadler was really mad at Preece at the end of the race. After all, looking at the history of the series, this year might have been the closest one where an "old dude" (Sadler was a full time driver at the top level for about 10 years before moving "back down" to this series) win it all. When I look at the list of champs starting from 2001, 6 of them moved on and won championships at the next level. For some reason this series favor young guns.
The cup series championship featured even more drama: all 4 drivers had their moments that look promising for them to win it all. Keselowski's car was the weakest among them (which kinda proved his point that Toyota had an unfair advantage over other manufacturers.) I kinda rooted for Martin Truex Jr who was the only one among the final 4 who has not won a championship yet but was the winningest driver this season (and he has shown huge improvements in the past few years) and have been dominant on 1.5 mile race track like this one in Miami. It seems that he has lost his magic here though. Busch's car has been the strongest, especially in long runs. In situation like this, it's only natural that Brad K's team would play the strategy game by going off sequence, i.e, pit early and try to gain ground with new tires while hoping to get lucky. Harvick and Truex's team followed suit but Kyle Busch's team decided to stay out and pit normally, which would have been the winning strategy if there was no more cautions since his 3 competitors all need to pit one more time then him. However, luck was not on his side. The caution was brought out by none other than his older brother Kurt! Talk about sibling rivalry! So Kyle's car ended up behind Truex's and like Sadler he was held up by another driver with nothing to win: Joey Logano (who was certainly no friend of Busch) but unlike Sadler his car was strong enough to eventually pass Logano but he admitted later he used up his car doing that and was not able to pass Truex even though he got really close.
The other "winner" that I must mention is this year's brand new point system! I think it did make the races prior to the championships more competitive.
The cup series championship featured even more drama: all 4 drivers had their moments that look promising for them to win it all. Keselowski's car was the weakest among them (which kinda proved his point that Toyota had an unfair advantage over other manufacturers.) I kinda rooted for Martin Truex Jr who was the only one among the final 4 who has not won a championship yet but was the winningest driver this season (and he has shown huge improvements in the past few years) and have been dominant on 1.5 mile race track like this one in Miami. It seems that he has lost his magic here though. Busch's car has been the strongest, especially in long runs. In situation like this, it's only natural that Brad K's team would play the strategy game by going off sequence, i.e, pit early and try to gain ground with new tires while hoping to get lucky. Harvick and Truex's team followed suit but Kyle Busch's team decided to stay out and pit normally, which would have been the winning strategy if there was no more cautions since his 3 competitors all need to pit one more time then him. However, luck was not on his side. The caution was brought out by none other than his older brother Kurt! Talk about sibling rivalry! So Kyle's car ended up behind Truex's and like Sadler he was held up by another driver with nothing to win: Joey Logano (who was certainly no friend of Busch) but unlike Sadler his car was strong enough to eventually pass Logano but he admitted later he used up his car doing that and was not able to pass Truex even though he got really close.
The other "winner" that I must mention is this year's brand new point system! I think it did make the races prior to the championships more competitive.
Monday, November 20, 2017
下輩子 我要變成一枚 印錯的字作者是徐珮芬,全文可在此找到。(提示:之前兩段更淒美)
錯降在一首 完美的情詩裏
Wednesday, November 15, 2017
除了音樂會,竟然也去了戲院看電影(訪港極少看電影,之前較有印象的是去看「那些年」和The Lego movie而已)看的更是極少看的日本電影!皆因在Pokka Cafe看到「解憂雜貨店」的宣傳品,那是改編自近年讀了很多的作家東野圭吾的小說,下機當晚睡不著才讀完全本「真夏方程式」呢!「解」是東野首本集奇幻與推理情節於一身的温情作品,我反而未讀過原著而先看電影版。由於喜歡此作家,對電影自然也愛屋及烏。故事圍繞一家已結業的雜貨店,當年老闆歡近人家來信詢問疑難,他會一一細心解答;老闆過身店也結業多年後,有三個少年在犯事之後無意中闖入,適值時空交錯,收到多年前多封詢問信,他們這幾位以未來人身份回信,改變了好幾段人生。有影評說由於要講的事太多,人物的刻劃有點片面,可能也有道理,總之我就十分喜歡。
- 舒伯特 B小調第八交響曲,D759,「未完成」
- 莫扎特 降E大調第九鋼琴協奏曲,K271,「茱諾姆」 (由年輕女鋼琴家Sophie Pacini負責獨奏)
- 荀伯格 《昇華之夜》,作品4
除了音樂會,竟然也去了戲院看電影(訪港極少看電影,之前較有印象的是去看「那些年」和The Lego movie而已)看的更是極少看的日本電影!皆因在Pokka Cafe看到「解憂雜貨店」的宣傳品,那是改編自近年讀了很多的作家東野圭吾的小說,下機當晚睡不著才讀完全本「真夏方程式」呢!「解」是東野首本集奇幻與推理情節於一身的温情作品,我反而未讀過原著而先看電影版。由於喜歡此作家,對電影自然也愛屋及烏。故事圍繞一家已結業的雜貨店,當年老闆歡近人家來信詢問疑難,他會一一細心解答;老闆過身店也結業多年後,有三個少年在犯事之後無意中闖入,適值時空交錯,收到多年前多封詢問信,他們這幾位以未來人身份回信,改變了好幾段人生。有影評說由於要講的事太多,人物的刻劃有點片面,可能也有道理,總之我就十分喜歡。
Monday, November 13, 2017
Sports highlights: NASCAR "semifinals"
All 3 NASCAR series will have their final races of the season that determines the champion this weekend. And the 4 finalists for each series were determined by last weekend's race which made the races extra interesting, with a few notable crashes involving those fighting for playoff spots. During the truck race, the 4th final spot holder at one point, Ben Rhodes, tried to cut in front of his closest competitor Austin Cindric at a restart and was wrecked. Rhodes' crew chief was very upset about that but the announcers didn't think it's the fault of the latter, who got that final spot eventually, as a beneficiary of the crash of course. Similar issue happened to #48 Brennan Poole of the Xfinity race when he tried too hard to gain around on other competitors. Once he crashed out, the 4th spot came down to either Daniel Hemric or Cole Custer. Custer tried his best to overtake Hemric but just came up short. Another unfortunate #48 was Jimmie Johnson, who also had to fight for that 4th spot for the Cup championship at the bottom of the final 8. And that's not the only drama: Denny Hamlin was leading for a long time and looked promising to get that 4th spot. However, remember he wrecked Chase Elliott at Martinsville and ruined the latter's chance to win the first Cup race of his career (and more importantly, advance to the championship)? So, no surprise that when Hamlin lost his top spot from the pit and restarted near Elliot, the latter would take revenge (after all, his only chance to advance was to pass everyone else, i,e, win the race to got into the championship 4) Last but not least, Matt Kenseth won his first race of 2017 (by overtaking Chase Elliott for the top spot) which would also be his final season in NASCAR. It's cool to see him going out on top.
Sunday, November 12, 2017
篆書:簡樸原始味重,Gregorian chant一類中古時代西洋音樂大概可以相比。
篆書:簡樸原始味重,Gregorian chant一類中古時代西洋音樂大概可以相比。
Friday, November 10, 2017
In Pursuit of Silence 老實說,看完差不多兩週經已印象全無!只記得是講現代人生活很多噪音,走到深山享受寧靜對身心有益云云。我想有點道理,不過沒有音樂會比較悶吧。
Yarn 本片講了世界各地幾位以針織作為媒介的女藝術家的故事,這個算是相當冷門又女性化的媒介,題材的確極有新鮮感。
Obit 這是一套介紹報紙訃聞版記者的紀錄片。不知現代人一般有幾多機會閱讀報紙訃聞?我印象中的訃聞主要是地區免費報刊出關於本地人士去世那些,到底是收費廣告嗎?香港報紙的當然是,皆因我家去年就登過。這些當然和本片談及的有所不同:後者都是有記者採訪家人搜集資料然後寫出介紹生平的文章。原來以往訃聞部乃係報館把記者「流放」的部門!其實他們責任重大呢,出起錯(例如主角未死!)後果頗嚴重吧。
In Pursuit of Silence 老實說,看完差不多兩週經已印象全無!只記得是講現代人生活很多噪音,走到深山享受寧靜對身心有益云云。我想有點道理,不過沒有音樂會比較悶吧。
Yarn 本片講了世界各地幾位以針織作為媒介的女藝術家的故事,這個算是相當冷門又女性化的媒介,題材的確極有新鮮感。
Obit 這是一套介紹報紙訃聞版記者的紀錄片。不知現代人一般有幾多機會閱讀報紙訃聞?我印象中的訃聞主要是地區免費報刊出關於本地人士去世那些,到底是收費廣告嗎?香港報紙的當然是,皆因我家去年就登過。這些當然和本片談及的有所不同:後者都是有記者採訪家人搜集資料然後寫出介紹生平的文章。原來以往訃聞部乃係報館把記者「流放」的部門!其實他們責任重大呢,出起錯(例如主角未死!)後果頗嚴重吧。
Thursday, November 02, 2017
Sports highlights: NASCAR, EPL, Bundesliga, Champions League, World Series
It has been two really intense weeks back home and I missed quite a bit of playoff actions from NASCAR and Major League Baseball in the States. Glad that I was able to catch Game 6 and 7 of the World Series. Thumbs up to the Astros winning it all. Any pro team from Texas winning a championship is always welcome, especially beating a team from So Cal, my #2 "disliked" team LA Dodgers. The road to WS victory was definitely a tough one even though they played very well in the regular season, they were almost eliminated by the Yankees in ALCS. And if they didn't mount a big comeback in Game 5 of WS, LA just needed to win one of the next 2 games at home to win the series!
I didn't bother to record the 3 NASCAR races I missed but relied on Comcast's On-demand "condensed race" replay of Talladega 2, Kansas 2 and Martinsville 2 (the first race of the Round of 8.) I guess I still watched most of the highlights, e.g. key passes and crashes :P The race at 'dega featured a tons of the latter as expected. And I've finally understood how the new point system works! So basically there are 3 different types of points: the "original" points drivers used to get based on their finishes at the end of each race, the "stage" points that were given to drivers finishing in Top 10 at the end of each stage, and the "playoff" points that were given to stage and race winners. Additional playoff points were awarded based on the end of regular season standings. And playoff points came into the picture during the playoff (obviously!): these points are added to each driver's total points after the point reset for each driver at the beginning of each playoff round, and carried over through out every round and every race in the playoff (except the final race) So drivers have incentive to win stages and races to accumulate the playoff points which would help getting to the final race.
The interesting matchups during the past few weeks in Champions League for me are Real Madrid vs the Spurs and Manchester United vs Benfica. Looks like it's finally time for Real Madrid to have a down year: only able to tie the Spurs at home and lost 1-3 away. The first Man U-Benfica match was a thriller: Man U scored a lucky goal but the 2nd win seems more convincing. (Oh yeah, their victory over the Spurs during the past weekend was a good one too!)
Bundesliga is the only domestic league that my dad followed and Bayern played Leipzig again right after they met in the German cup (which went to extra time) The latter had a player sent off for both games and lost both. (Also lost their Champions league match to Porto!) I guess the team is still not ready for too much spotlight.
I didn't bother to record the 3 NASCAR races I missed but relied on Comcast's On-demand "condensed race" replay of Talladega 2, Kansas 2 and Martinsville 2 (the first race of the Round of 8.) I guess I still watched most of the highlights, e.g. key passes and crashes :P The race at 'dega featured a tons of the latter as expected. And I've finally understood how the new point system works! So basically there are 3 different types of points: the "original" points drivers used to get based on their finishes at the end of each race, the "stage" points that were given to drivers finishing in Top 10 at the end of each stage, and the "playoff" points that were given to stage and race winners. Additional playoff points were awarded based on the end of regular season standings. And playoff points came into the picture during the playoff (obviously!): these points are added to each driver's total points after the point reset for each driver at the beginning of each playoff round, and carried over through out every round and every race in the playoff (except the final race) So drivers have incentive to win stages and races to accumulate the playoff points which would help getting to the final race.
The interesting matchups during the past few weeks in Champions League for me are Real Madrid vs the Spurs and Manchester United vs Benfica. Looks like it's finally time for Real Madrid to have a down year: only able to tie the Spurs at home and lost 1-3 away. The first Man U-Benfica match was a thriller: Man U scored a lucky goal but the 2nd win seems more convincing. (Oh yeah, their victory over the Spurs during the past weekend was a good one too!)
Bundesliga is the only domestic league that my dad followed and Bayern played Leipzig again right after they met in the German cup (which went to extra time) The latter had a player sent off for both games and lost both. (Also lost their Champions league match to Porto!) I guess the team is still not ready for too much spotlight.
Monday, October 23, 2017
- 點心仔:此店有車仔麵及涼茶坊兩個舖,我在前者幫襯過兩次煎釀三寶(每次四件都要釀茄子)、車仔麵、腸粉、糯米雞,後者兩次燒賣及豆腐花,全部都便宜及有水準。
- 太子美食:這是街市內典型「乜都有」的茶餐食肆:有燒味有碟頭飯有早餐有菠蘿油有奶茶......我幫襯過乳豬飯(普通)、金菇肥牛湯飯(正),魚香茄子飯(掂),雞扒早餐,菠蘿油、奶走等等。這是你想不到吃甚麼也可以先入去的店。
- 香港仔魚蛋王:魚餃墨丸牛腩均不俗。(當然和尖沙咀九記有點距離)
- 和食:即街市版吉野家,味道不錯。
- 真意小食:小丸子好味抵食。
- Q點心:菜肉包和鵪春蛋燒賣均美味。
- 百份百:很健康地點了西蘭花炒魚柳。
- 桃園粥麵:很不健康地點了梅菜扣肉煲,不過另一次則點了蒸肉餅,兩者皆有水準。
- 麵包先生:除了提子包這些標準野,也吃了它的老婆餅,有意外驚喜。
- V28: 同是麵包店,我比較喜歡麵包先生。
Monday, October 16, 2017
I read some where that Python is one of the "in demand" language for those looking for programming jobs (also for data scientist!) As a life-long computer enthusiast, I gotta be curious about this language, which seems to be successor to the "throne" of backend scripting language, i.e., Perl. I needed to write a quick and dirty program so it's the best opportunity to learn a new language. And I found that OS X has Python 2.7 pre-installed! Basically I learned how to write my first program entirely from StackOverflow (the for loop, if-then-else, functions......)
Next, I'm interested to see how it compares to PHP when it comes to building web app. So I found a free host that support Python and good old CGI: HelioHost. I changed one of my "idle" domain bought from GoDaddy to use HelioHost's name servers.
Next, I'm interested to see how it compares to PHP when it comes to building web app. So I found a free host that support Python and good old CGI: HelioHost. I changed one of my "idle" domain bought from GoDaddy to use HelioHost's name servers.
Thursday, October 12, 2017
Tuesday, October 03, 2017
Bye Bye Shoutcast
I "restarted" listening to Shoutcast, the free streaming/online radio directory, since about a year ago. To be honest, the UI seems really dated but I still get to listen to a ton of free smooth jazz almost everyday so I can't complain. Today I found that many of the links have stopped working. Most feed started with something like a commercial and no music. Then I really paid attention and that dude actually told people to go to "Radionomy" instead (I had a hard time figure out the spelling though) And I also found out Shoutcast was acquired by AOL/Radionomy a few years back. I guess the "cutover" (oh yeah, I hear this word too many times these days) is finally happening. Long live Radionomy!
Monday, October 02, 2017
New TV shows
I used to watch a lot of sitcom back in the days especially Wings and Friends. I think I watched every episode multiple times. Will and Grace was from around the same time too. And the show was revived this season! I watched the first episode last night (for nostalgia) and I found it entertaining (making fun of the white house)
And this is not the only new show from this season that I watch! My (Star)Trekkie friends strongly recommended me to watch Orville, created by Seth MacFarlane (of the "Family Guy" fame) who also acted (as the captain) in the show. Before it was air-ed, most speculated it would be a parody or at least a Sci-fi comedy, which I disagree after watching the first 3 episodes. The topics are rather serious IMO. Again, I found the show entertaining, with good stories and interesting characters.
Yeah, I've got some alternatives to watching auto-racing or baseball all the time :P
And this is not the only new show from this season that I watch! My (Star)Trekkie friends strongly recommended me to watch Orville, created by Seth MacFarlane (of the "Family Guy" fame) who also acted (as the captain) in the show. Before it was air-ed, most speculated it would be a parody or at least a Sci-fi comedy, which I disagree after watching the first 3 episodes. The topics are rather serious IMO. Again, I found the show entertaining, with good stories and interesting characters.
Yeah, I've got some alternatives to watching auto-racing or baseball all the time :P
Friday, September 29, 2017
NASCAR in trouble?
Readers of this blog all know that I have been a big fan of NASCAR for several years. I probably started following the sports when it reached its height in popularity and witnessed its decline in recent years. I won't blame the NASCAR bosses for their efforts to reverse the trend. Critics actually think they tweaked the rules for the championship too much! For example, stage points and playoff points were introduced for the first time this season to encourage drivers to be competitive not just for the win of each race but also in the middle of it. I guess the goals of these rule changes are (1) having multiple (4) drivers eligible to win the championship and (2) encouraging drivers to win races instead of just accumulating points. It's hard to argue against that, IMO. However, with no such "playoff" system, IndyCar's championship battle almost always come down to the last race anyway. Unfortunately, as this article pointed out, there are just way too many distractions happening in NASCAR right now. The following video shows one of them: young phenom and championship contender Chase Elliot's car was caught "cheating" with illegal modification to give the car an advantage:
Monday, September 25, 2017
Tuesday, September 19, 2017
Monday, September 18, 2017
2017 Indycar championship
It was a busy weekend for auto-racing fans! All 3 of the NASCAR series, F1 as well as IndyCar raced during the weekend. To be honest, IndyCar normally doesn't get the highest priority but it's different this weekend because IndyCar will crown its champion at this final race of the season with 6 drivers still mathematically eligible! Based on the history of the past few seasons, Penske drivers came to the race leading in points were totally capable of screwing up their chances. I still remember how Will Power squandered his lead years after years until he finally won one. And just 2 years ago, Juan Pablo Montoya was leading the championship entering the last race but crashed with Will Power and losing the championship to Scott Dixon from Chip Ganasse Racing. In fact, I think Dixon has a good chances to do it again this year even though he was behind Josef Newgarden of Penske racing in the standings. The point gap would have been bigger if Newgarden didn't crash chasing teammate Will Power exiting the pit during the penultimate race. (I seriously questioned why the team decided to pit both drivers on the same lap!) Team Penske drivers were again fighting for the lead during this race. The defending champ Simon Pagenaud got ahead of polesitter Newgarden with a different pit strategy. Luckily no crash this time and Newgarden finished second safely and become the first American IndyCar champion in 5 years (the last one was Ryan Hunter-Reay) Glad to see that. (Newgarden's sponsor Verizon, which was also the series title sponsor, should be happy too. Their CEO Lowell McAdam flew all the way to California to present the trophy to their own driver!) These two and fellow American Alexander Rossi (2016 Indy 500 Winner who also won at Watkins-Glen last month) should increase the interest in the sports among Americans in the coming years. (Forbes agreed too)
Tuesday, September 12, 2017
最近在FB見到關於玩具反斗城生意不佳可能要關門大吉的新聞,令我想起早一陣子也有關於美國著名樂器連鎖店Guitar Center的傳聞,早幾個月前報紙就有文章探討結他之死,因為十年間電結他年銷量由1.5 mil下降到1mil!昨天Billboard採訪結他「神」Eric Clapton又提及幾家結他廠商生意均走下坡。不過讀過太多XX之死的文章,包括重金屬、爵士樂、唱片(還有某個國家前領導人)我想電結他還是有一定生命力。
Monday, September 11, 2017
The greatest jazz albums I've never heard
I can understand the rationale behind writing outrageous post title to attract readers because the competitions for eyeballs are just crazy. However, if one wrote about "The Greatest Jazz Albums You've Never Heard", it almost guaranteed to be a disappointment. Regardless of my bias against West Coast/Big Band/Vocal jazz, the lineup are really not that strong, with the exception of these 3:
- Larry Carlton "Last Nite": Carlton played awesome fusion that any fan of guitar cannot resist
- Stan Getz "West Coast Jazz": I forgot to mention another bias of mine: jazz tunes less than 3:30 minutes long seems to left something unsaid to me. This 13-song album has 2 under 3:30 but you can't really go wrong when Stan Getz played his tenor so I let that go :P
- Lou Donaldson "Blues Walk" Another "you can't go wrong" rule has to do with Blue Note Records: anything they released in the 50s and 60s are simply Good.
Tuesday, September 05, 2017
Monday, September 04, 2017
Tiangong-1 space lab
Thursday, August 31, 2017
Tuesday, August 29, 2017
The Napa I don't know
Even though I won't call myself a food and wine expert, Napa is one of my favorite place to visit. Can't beat the atmosphere there! It has fun written all over. I read this article "The Napa You Don't Know" from AAA's magazine VIA. Turns out I've actually been to most of the places(wineries and shops) mentioned except the Gatehouse Gallery houses. The reviews are mixed though. As a cyclist, I do wanna check out the Clif bar founders related places, like the Velo Vino tasting room and food truck.
Monday, August 28, 2017
Changes in San Jose Downtown
I wrote about a new venue/bar called Forager in San Jose on my other blog. That space was huge and I was very curious what it used to be. Turns out it was the South First Billiards. Now I could visualize how the pool table fits in that space. From another news article back in 2015 I learned that there was actually a "wave" of moving out of that area because of the violence. Not sure if there was much improvement in that regard but new businesses seem to have moved back in. Another example was the nearby Agenda lounge. Now it's the Avery lounge (not sure if related)
Wednesday, August 23, 2017
Why Elvis Presley Isn’t the King to Millennials
The title came from a post by the History channel. Well, the question might as well be "Why should Elvis be the King to Millennials"? I guess the writer didn't have anything better to write on the 40th years after Elvis died. He wrote "Elvis. King of Rock and Roll, but not of Spotify" which did get me curious about who the top artist on Spotify is. For the record, Elvis ranked 331st as of 8/16. It turns out Spotify doesn't provide an easy way to see the whole ranking. Someone posted this in the forum. And this was from February. I guess you could call Ed Sheeran the King of Spotify?
Tuesday, August 22, 2017
Stories from Wizard of Oz
I was listening to the local classical station this morning. I think it just finished playing "Over the Rainbow" when I tuned in. As we all know, the song came from the movie "Wizard of Oz" but the DJ said the song almost got cut from the movie (wikipedia has more details). I learned something new everyday. And the DJ mentioned another story about the movie: the coat worn by one of the character was bought from a used store. When the character put on the coat and reached into the pocket he found the name of the original owner, none other than the author of "Wizard of Oz", L. Frank Baum! Snopes.com has more details about this story (and it's not too sure this was not made up)
Monday, August 21, 2017
Manually fill a .Net DataSet
I am "refactoring" a piece of legacy software at work. One method returns a DataSet to the caller from an Oracle query. The Oracle backend has been replaced by a Web Service but I still need to populate the DataSet for backward compatibility. This post describes how to manually fill in a DataSet object.
Friday, August 18, 2017
地球人在這個大地上用上種種藉口互相廝殺, 各自的歪理今日愈來愈令人類良心道德撕裂諷刺的是歌手曾被批評轉軚愛國賺維穏費。
current affairs,
hard rock,
hong kong,
Wednesday, August 16, 2017
Sports highlights: Young guns and underdogs
I enjoyed all 3 NASCAR races this past weekend. Gotta admit I slept through most of the laps but did wake up in time for the exciting endings: both Sam Hornish Jr and Darrell Wallace Jr were able to preserve their lead late in their respective races (Xfinity in Mid-Ohio and truck in Michigan) and fought off the strong challengers from behind. You just don't see Kyle Busch finishing 3rd in a truck race often (NASCAR is limiting the number of lower-level events for top-level drivers so fans would actually see other drivers winning more :P) I guess it's an irony to see an African-American driver winning in a sports rooted in the south on a weekend dominated by news about white supremacists. And it's the first race that Bubba returned to the series this season! For the cup race, Martin Truex Jr was dominating as usual but out-gunned by Kyle Larson at the last restart. Yup. It's a weekend for the young guns and underdogs.
The same is (almost) true for the opening weekend of the English Premier League, with defending champ Chelsea beaten by the underdog Burnley and Liverpool tied by Watford. And the young guns of Man United shined in their game vs West Ham: the 24 year old Lukaku scored twice in his EPL debut for Man U. So did Martial and Pogba.
And the awful SF Giants actually went 6-4 for the last 10 games, even won 2 on the road! Welcome back, Panda!
The same is (almost) true for the opening weekend of the English Premier League, with defending champ Chelsea beaten by the underdog Burnley and Liverpool tied by Watford. And the young guns of Man United shined in their game vs West Ham: the 24 year old Lukaku scored twice in his EPL debut for Man U. So did Martial and Pogba.
And the awful SF Giants actually went 6-4 for the last 10 games, even won 2 on the road! Welcome back, Panda!
Tuesday, August 15, 2017
Looping through Multiple Databases on a M$ SQL Server
An instance of M$ SQL Server can host several databases. One application suite at work has objects scattered around many databases (because there are conceptually multiple applications that work together) I have a stored procedure that I need to debug but I don't know the name of the database. Fortunately, there is an undocumented SQL Server feature/stored proc called sp_msforeachdb. Check out its usage here.
Thursday, August 10, 2017
我地講廣東話不時會話人地做野是是旦旦,亦即係好「求其」(中間再加一個助語字 :P)
Tuesday, August 08, 2017
手遊. 電競. 女神
從小就接觸電腦遊戲,不知何故一直不算太沉迷,雖然有玩過第一代PlayStation及Wii,也有好幾年完全脫節,最近幾次返港聽財經節目,有講及以手機遊戲為主要業務的公司,股價頗受關注,總之是有人炒的股;繼「手遊」後,又有新詞語「電競」,即電腦遊戲競技比賽,相關公司股票成為新炒作對象。其實電競日益「主流」化有跡可尋,美國有線「大台」TBS近年有節目ELeague轉播打機比賽,我看人家打Street Fighter看得很過癮,好像回到大學年代在Austin機舖星期五下午放學後到機舖和友人觀戰的歲月;而香港「大台」TVB旗下的網台Big Big Channel也有直播藝人打機聯賽,並在電視台的「男人」節目特地找來兩位將參與聯賽的港姐靚女馮盈盈及張曦雯訪問,她們這一代不只是「宅男」才打機了,這兩位都有豐富打機經驗,也把這些經驗轉為商機:上星期香港動漫展就找了她們出席,這一代的藝人不再單靠登登台剪剪綵等活動賺外快吧。
Monday, August 07, 2017
Passage by William Ackerman
I mentioned the 5-for-$15 deal I got at California Audio Show the other day. One of the vinyls I bought Passage by William Ackerman (the pic I took on that post was blurry) I know nothing about this artist so I took a gamble on it. I figured you can't go that wrong with a release from THE New Age brandname, Windham Hill. After all, George Winston did a few excellent piano albums with Windham Hill. This album turned out to have a very interesting back story: I later on found out Ackerman was a guitarist, a composer and most importantly the founder of Windham Hill, after he dropped out of Stanford (almost graduated but became a carpenter instead.) He made this record while he was in Palo Alto! The album cover has notes from him about the various duet with other instruments adding colors to his acoustic guitar. The guest pianist was actually George Winston. A great buy!
You (and I, but why :P) can also stream it from Spotify:
You (and I, but why :P) can also stream it from Spotify:
Tuesday, August 01, 2017
奇怪的是,2024及2028這兩屆,竟然無人問津,巴黎和洛杉磯輕易取得主辦權!還記得十幾年前遊巴黎,見不少和申奧有關的橫額海報,不過輸了給倫敦。今天聽體育台的Happy hour節目討論此話題,原來洛城是少數辦奧運真正有錢賺的城市,皆因校際體育活動及旅遊業本已相當發達,大部份設施可使用現成的:包括大學宿舍、體育館、大球場及酒店。希望到時不用加州或美國政府倒貼吧。
Sunday, July 30, 2017
California Audio Show 2017
I wrote on this blog the last 2 times I attended the show (2011, 2015) It was on hiatus last year. The 2017 show was at Oakland Airport Hilton (instead of SFO) with fewer rooms (I guess it helped to manage the cost) Still, the manufacturer line up was impressive and I spent a solid 3 hours listening to various systems. The show was "divided" into 4 areas and roughly equal to 4 different classes of equipments:
1) the "sky is the limit" class has 2 rooms: the ultra-expensive Von Schweikert speakers + VAC tube monoblock amp is no doubt the best system of the whole show (well, for that price tag it gotta be)
1) the "sky is the limit" class has 2 rooms: the ultra-expensive Von Schweikert speakers + VAC tube monoblock amp is no doubt the best system of the whole show (well, for that price tag it gotta be)
2) the "still too expensive" class has 1 floor of bigger rooms: the Margules group is the winner here. The system was able to generate a huge soundstage with its own turntable, tube amps and (a very conventional dynamic) speakers. For electrostatic speakers, Sound Lab and Martin Logan were both there. The latter had a pair of huge ones named Neolith (for some reason I just don't appreciate it as much as the smaller systems I listened to before. Maybe the music they played turned me off :P) I would give the edge to Sound Lab. The Acapella spherical horns (speakers) sounded great with vocals too. You can't really go wrong with anything on that floor.
3) the "not too expensive" class is on the 2nd floor with smaller rooms: Audio Note UK has complete tube amp/speakers/turntable system that sounded great as usual (and doesn't require a ton of space behind the speakers) but my top pick went to Volti Audio. The design of having a horn in the middle used by the Rival speakers seem to be the way to go. And it costs less than eight grand! They were also placement-friendly like the Audio Note speakers.
4) the "affordable" class features, finally, equipments that I may buy, i.e. headphone/DAC/amp that I could listen to often. For some reason I am less "in love" with the Audeze planer magnetic headphone this time. I did find some very interesting product by SCHIIT (yeah, weird name) First, I AB-compared the headphone out on a M$ Surface tablet vs Fulla 2 DAC/AMP using a song I'm very familiar with, No Doubt's "Don't Speak" The latter sounded more detailed and fuller with an entry-level Sennheiser headphone. One step up was SCHIIT Modi 2 (DAC) and Vali 2 (AMP) combo (using a pair of Beyerdynamics DT-880. All three combined costs <$500! You can't have a better deal than this)
After checking out hardware, of course it's time for software! I found THE deal of the show: 5 for $15 vinyl from the "guitar music" bin of the Audio Nerd. I joked with the guy if he had something against guitar :p He said they just happened to have extra inventory.
I hope the show will be back in 2018!
Wednesday, July 26, 2017
Monday, July 24, 2017
Sports highlights: three impressive (or improbable) victories
I am talking about golf's British Open, soccer's Gold Cup (semi-final) and NASCAR's Brickyard 400.
Heading into Sunday's final round, Jordan Spieth had been leading the tournament since Round 1 on Thursday. However, blowing his lead in the final round of a major championship was something he has done before (last year's Masters) And he almost did it again with consecutive bogeys in the beginning of the round. Then he finally lost his lead to Matt Kuchar on the 13th: his tee shot went way way wide. It took a long time to find his ball and then another lengthy delay to find a place to drop the ball (ended up somewhere near the driving range) Nevertheless, he did a good job with damage control: he was only 1 stroke behind after this hole. Then he sank a long put to eagle the 15th and never looked back. I didn't have the guts to watch all these live (glad that I switched channel before the "disastrous" 13th) but I am so happy to see a fellow Texas alum winning a big one. (To be honest, I would not have followed it if not for him. Who won the 2017 US Open anyway? I have no clue) He is now the youngest golfer to have won the first 3 legs of the 4 majors since Jack Nicklaus.
The rematch between 2 former Gold Cup finalists, Mexico and Jamaica, happened one round earlier this time, at the semi-final. Mexico has not trailed at any moment in this tournament so far. And they had many chances during the first half, only to be denied by the excellent Jamaican goalkeeper. Jamaica's play improved in the 2nd half. And the game was 0-0 until the very last minutes. Just when I thought it would end with PKs. Jamaica scored an impressive free kick. The Mexican goalie had no chance. Looking forward to the final between Jamaica and USA! (Even though my buddy looked down on this tournament!)
NASCAR drivers and owners consider the annual Brickyard 400 as one of the more prestigious races (other than Daytona) on the calendar, because it races at the iconic Indy Motorspeedway. Kyle Busch won it last year (as well as the year before, but nothing since then) has been strong and leading the whole race, until he was wrecked by the also very competitive (in fact, red hot all season) Martin Truex Jr (who admitted his fault after the race) The crash left the door open to drivers like Matt Kenseth (who lead after the restart) and Trevor Bayne (who was on a different pitting strategy) Then we have 3 drivers stayed out of the pits: Brad K, JJ and Kasey Kahne (who has been in a long slump with a 100+ race losing streak) Kahne was the first among these 3 that pitted and he got lucky: Kurt Busch crashed right after Kahne left the pit so he became the leader after the subsequent restart. He survived the last restart at the OT and ended his drought! This 18th victory could be the one that revived his once-promising career.
Heading into Sunday's final round, Jordan Spieth had been leading the tournament since Round 1 on Thursday. However, blowing his lead in the final round of a major championship was something he has done before (last year's Masters) And he almost did it again with consecutive bogeys in the beginning of the round. Then he finally lost his lead to Matt Kuchar on the 13th: his tee shot went way way wide. It took a long time to find his ball and then another lengthy delay to find a place to drop the ball (ended up somewhere near the driving range) Nevertheless, he did a good job with damage control: he was only 1 stroke behind after this hole. Then he sank a long put to eagle the 15th and never looked back. I didn't have the guts to watch all these live (glad that I switched channel before the "disastrous" 13th) but I am so happy to see a fellow Texas alum winning a big one. (To be honest, I would not have followed it if not for him. Who won the 2017 US Open anyway? I have no clue) He is now the youngest golfer to have won the first 3 legs of the 4 majors since Jack Nicklaus.
The rematch between 2 former Gold Cup finalists, Mexico and Jamaica, happened one round earlier this time, at the semi-final. Mexico has not trailed at any moment in this tournament so far. And they had many chances during the first half, only to be denied by the excellent Jamaican goalkeeper. Jamaica's play improved in the 2nd half. And the game was 0-0 until the very last minutes. Just when I thought it would end with PKs. Jamaica scored an impressive free kick. The Mexican goalie had no chance. Looking forward to the final between Jamaica and USA! (Even though my buddy looked down on this tournament!)
NASCAR drivers and owners consider the annual Brickyard 400 as one of the more prestigious races (other than Daytona) on the calendar, because it races at the iconic Indy Motorspeedway. Kyle Busch won it last year (as well as the year before, but nothing since then) has been strong and leading the whole race, until he was wrecked by the also very competitive (in fact, red hot all season) Martin Truex Jr (who admitted his fault after the race) The crash left the door open to drivers like Matt Kenseth (who lead after the restart) and Trevor Bayne (who was on a different pitting strategy) Then we have 3 drivers stayed out of the pits: Brad K, JJ and Kasey Kahne (who has been in a long slump with a 100+ race losing streak) Kahne was the first among these 3 that pitted and he got lucky: Kurt Busch crashed right after Kahne left the pit so he became the leader after the subsequent restart. He survived the last restart at the OT and ended his drought! This 18th victory could be the one that revived his once-promising career.
Friday, July 21, 2017
- 三少爺的劍:本片改編自我未讀過的同名古龍小說。首先出場的是一位劍法高超的劍客,原來他叫燕十三,卻不是三少爺,接著出場的是三少爺的舊情人,真正的神劍山莊三少爺卻躲在妓院做打雜,是為了避開一眾迫他稱霸武林的家人情人,當然事與願違不得不戰。男女角長相都不太吸引,算是打發了點無聊時間吧。其實本片最令我覺得有趣的是最尾演員名單出現了一個久違了的名字:顧冠忠,我認不出舊情人父親就是由他飾演;另一位我認得出飾演三少爺父親的,正是徐少強!這兩位同時出現,相信80年代電視迷都會聯想起當年轟動一時的「中途易角事件」:麗的天蠶變主角雲飛揚本來由徐飾演,拍攝及出街半途,徐突然失蹤,結果找到顧頂上,在劇中的解釋是練成天蠶神功後連容貌也改變了!再Google一下,更發現本片導演爾冬陞在1977年正是飾演楚原執導的三少爺的劍成名,而徐和顧兩人也有份!而當年三少爺的「新情人」由余安安飾演,比這個版本漂亮吧。
- 這個冬天不太冷:這個電視節目由無線旗下三位音樂人參與,一起遊阿拉斯加,三集節目介紹了北極光,通往北極的公路,位於北極圈內的小鎮巴羅(Barrow,竟然有香港人移民當地揸的士!)等等,三位音樂才華實在不弱,在極地彈彈唱唱十分好feel,大家不妨上YouTube看看。
- Beltracchi: The Art of Forgery: 即使對藝術品古玩拍賣市場毫不認識,都會聽過贗品充斥的問題,不過贗品「製作人」的故事,相信大家就不會聽過幾多,始終他們都是「見光死」,難得近年有「落網人」公開其故事,當然他們「從良」後要賺點收入,甚至可以靠影片提高知名度,或者有人欣賞其原創作品而成功轉型也說不定,這個肯定是Beltracchi出鏡的原因。此君本身頗有才華,十四歲就已經能抄畢加索到似模似樣;亦對藝術史藝術家有深入認識,他說他會從藝術家作品集找「靈感」,例如某畫家有一段時期沒有作品流傳,他就會從其他敍述中「創作」一件風格相符的作品。至於如何找舊畫布,偽造作品被收藏家買入的故事,也很有趣。Beltracchi夫婦曾經因為這門「生意」十分風光,不過2010年被補及被判有罪,需還款歸原主兼坐監,真是一場空。
不同場加映:到埗翌日是星期日,大雨無出街,爸爸介紹看港台31台逢星期日下午播放的音樂節目,播的是「Bob Dylan 無處是吾家」我陰謀論地認為在回歸廿週年介紹這位以抗爭音樂聞名的唱作人,是港台又一次暗反「阿爺」:P
還有一天早上channel surfing,在電影台看到警察鬥大盜的《通天大盜》,主角是林子祥(被盜一方保險公司的調查員)及楊紫瓊(心靈空虛以做案為樂的富婆),部份在巴黎拍攝,又有滑雪滑翔機騎馬等exotic玩意,當年(87年)普羅大眾相信沒有像現在般常常有機會外遊玩樂,自然覺得格外有新鮮感。就算撇除這些今日看來很cheesy的情節,我也覺得頗有娛樂性。
Monday, July 17, 2017
最後介紹我在機上聽了的一張爵士唱片,是鼓手Will Calhoun向Elvin Jones致敬之作,可以在Spotify上重溫(當中有cover Wayne Shorter一曲Mahjong,倒和去香港有點關係呢):
請留意part 2
- Logan:此片算是X-Men系列作品,之前幾套我都非常欣賞,所以對本片十分期待,上畫時本就想拉隊去看可是攪不成。上機前已和兒子討論,他說既以金剛狼為主角,相信會很血腥,事實上的確如此。不過片中時代的Logan,能力已不復當年勇,連打不死之身也走下坡;故事主題是以「人工製造」Mutant為「武器」的公司,因為新技術淘汰舊技術,要把一大批少年武器殺害,以揸出租汽車為業的Logan,就被捲入拯救行動,包括一名有他的Mutant基因的少女。
- Lego Batman movie:早幾年在香港戲院看了第一套Lego Movie,結局揭露原來是現實世界中的爸爸不准兒子亂動他的Lego collections,十分欣賞。本片的主題是惡搞Batman和Joker的關係:前者似乎不能沒有後者!感覺上太過胡鬧。
- John Wick, John Wick 2:由Matrix「型到震」的Keanu Reeves著到官仔骨骨做打不死的「殺神」,其實兩集內容差不多,我還是先看第二集再在回程看第一集呢!第一集中Wick為亡妻留給他的愛狗被殺復仇,第二集則被迫為黑幫大佬殺人再對抗全球追殺令。相信導演很受吳宇森及發哥的英雄片風格及形像影響,原來不只我這樣想,請看此網上文章。
- Jack Reacher:本片有點John Wick X Logan的味道,皆因靚佬湯飾演的主角Jack Reacher也是打不死的戰神,而主線又是打救懷疑被他「留種」生的女兒;當然,片中角色最吸引我的是我一直十分喜歡的舊Sitcom "How I Met Your Mother"女主角Robin(Cobie Smulder)她飾演一名好打得的女軍人,其下屬因揭發軍火商陰謀被殺,她順理成章被陷害,和她常常通訊卻素未謀面的Reacher也被捲入其中,逃亡期間有少許Smulder露bra鏡頭甚養眼;芳鹷十八飾演機警的「女兒」的Danika Yarosh也演得很稱職。
- 骨妹:本身不算梁詠琪fans,其實由她主演吸引力不大,不過很好奇一把年紀的她如何演譯一個骨妹,原來她的戲份是已離開了該行;故事開始時梁和丈夫在台灣生活,無意中在報紙看到一則㝷人廣告,尋的正是她,事緣她的老友剛過世,梁回到她長大及工作的澳門和其他舊友團聚,原來過世友人購了保險受益人是已經翻臉遠走的她!接著就倒敘當年梁(桑拿場19號 )如何入行,如何從「老師傅」(「重口味」江美儀飾演)努力學按摩,如何得到其他同場女幫助,特別是未過世前的18號,如何和18號艱苦地共同湊大後者的私生子;當中的母子情及姐妹情實在賺人熱淚,也算對骨場⻣妹有了少少認識,剛去完澳門的我感覺上好像去了兩次呢。
最後介紹我在機上聽了的一張爵士唱片,是鼓手Will Calhoun向Elvin Jones致敬之作,可以在Spotify上重溫(當中有cover Wayne Shorter一曲Mahjong,倒和去香港有點關係呢):
請留意part 2
Friday, July 14, 2017
至於音樂會,下機當晚在D100爵士鍾情FB頁的介紹下去了旺角樓上餐廳(真的叫做Upper,位於「著名」砵蘭街地區一座架步林立的大廈!)的一場音樂會,是由鼓手Nate Wong領軍的Wong Way Down,玩的是Fusion風格爵士樂,包括多首原創作品,這隊樂隊創作及演奏水平均相當高。臨尾Nate用melodica玩了幾首歌,無獨有偶,這是我最最最近期玩的樂器!
至於音樂會,下機當晚在D100爵士鍾情FB頁的介紹下去了旺角樓上餐廳(真的叫做Upper,位於「著名」砵蘭街地區一座架步林立的大廈!)的一場音樂會,是由鼓手Nate Wong領軍的Wong Way Down,玩的是Fusion風格爵士樂,包括多首原創作品,這隊樂隊創作及演奏水平均相當高。臨尾Nate用melodica玩了幾首歌,無獨有偶,這是我最最最近期玩的樂器!
週末最後一擊去了另一個(中環近上環)樓上表演場所「花好音樂廳」的Funk jazz之夜,演出包括Mike Stern, John Scofield, Jaco等等的名作,兩位結他手Simon Yu和Wilson Lam,相對後者簡單一部BOSS multi-effect, 前者的Stomp box算多籮籮,總之各有各特色。
後記:在Google老鑼時得知早幾年他因為作品《法海你不懂愛 》惹來宗教界及其他人士抨擊他侮辱佛教人物。老老實實,以我對白蛇傳少少的認識,的確覺得故事中的法海有點多管閒事,我這講法是否要被禁呢?
Wednesday, July 12, 2017
Monday, July 10, 2017
Cycling and sailing (and a new America's Cup winner!)
I have been loosely following this new edition of the America's Cup since Oracle USA's miraculous victory 4 years ago. I watched a bit of the Louis Vuitton Cup competition earlier this year and was surprised by the new system used by Team New Zealand: instead of winding with arms and hands, they used a bicycle-like pedaling system which winds with leg power. I was very curious and immediately Googled it and found this article. And I missed the TV coverage of all America's Cup races until it's over! This time no comeback from USA. This new pedal system seems to be THE innovation that contributes a lot to the success of Team New Zealand according to this article. Congrat to the Kiwis! (yeah, Larry doesn't win every time)
Wednesday, July 05, 2017
3 Minutes to Midnight
昨天才聽了一首我熟悉的Iron Maiden歌曲,來自其精選的Two Minutes to Midnight!今天聽的名字多了「一分鐘」,卻是完全風馬牛不相及的結他手Lawson Rollins的新唱片
Lawson Rollins的風格大致可歸類為New flamenco, 即Jesse Cook及Ottmar Liebert那一類,論技術及創作水平,Rollins和他們都不遑多讓;近年他每有新作,結他雜誌都會訪問,和我一樣十分推薦。
Lawson Rollins的風格大致可歸類為New flamenco, 即Jesse Cook及Ottmar Liebert那一類,論技術及創作水平,Rollins和他們都不遑多讓;近年他每有新作,結他雜誌都會訪問,和我一樣十分推薦。
Tuesday, July 04, 2017
Monday, July 03, 2017
Steve Wozniak the painter
I went to Paint Nite's event several times before. Basically each event is a lesson by an artist who taught you how to paint a piece from start to finish. These are not serious art lessons but more like social events where you can (or expected) to drink. After attending one, I receive their newsletter regularly. And a recent one is about a painting called "Tahitian Sunset" which is quite pretty but what really caught my eye was the name of the artist who created it: Steve Wozniak. Is he "the WOZ" (Apple's co-founder)? Hmm...... No.
Tuesday, June 27, 2017
RIP Geri Allen
I've just learned that the amazing jazz pianist Geri Allen has passed away. I have enjoyed her performances for decades. For those not familiar with her music, just listen to her album "Life of a Song" and you will understand how talented she was.
It's a very sad day for all jazz lovers.
It's a very sad day for all jazz lovers.
Superhero comics as a reflection of social movements
I watched a documentary aired on the History Channel called "Superhero decoded." At a first glance it was kinda like a promotion for the new Wonder Woman movie! However, I actually learned quite a few surprising facts from it. For example, I have no idea that Stan Lee created the X-Men as a reaction to the African American Civil Right movement! The message was that American shouldn't look down on others because they were different. He also joked that he was lazy to come up with backstories for each Superhero how they acquired the superpower so they were all just born with it :) And the peace-loving Professor X (Charles Xavier) and the aggressive Magneto also represented two schools of thoughts from the two African American leaders: MLK Jr and Malcolm X. Still, the first Marvel black superhero were created a bit latter. That would be the Black panther, a prince from a fictional African country. Then the first African American superhero appeared: Falcon, who was the crime-fighting partner of Captain America.
Back to Wonder woman: She was first created around the WWII as a warrior with superpower from the Amazon. However, as the American society became more conservative, her role also changed in that direction: renouncing her power in order to get a boyfriend! The demand for equal rights by another social group, the women, was reflected in the transformation of Wonder woman, who was once again the mighty hero who beat up bad guys. They showed a few clips of the TV show starring Lynda Carter. She was great in that role. Also reminded me of the childhood days when it was aired on Hong Kong TV.
Another surprising fact for me was that Iron man was created during the Cold war era. Tony Stark was a weapon manufacturer making big bucks but was injured and captured by the enemy and ended up creating the Ironman suit to save himself. The story was "refitted" for the war in Afghanistan after 911, which drew a lot of comparison to the Vietnam war: heavy casualties of US soldiers overseas evoked antiwar sentiment.
Yeah, maybe comic books could be used as supplementary textbooks for Social Studies!
Back to Wonder woman: She was first created around the WWII as a warrior with superpower from the Amazon. However, as the American society became more conservative, her role also changed in that direction: renouncing her power in order to get a boyfriend! The demand for equal rights by another social group, the women, was reflected in the transformation of Wonder woman, who was once again the mighty hero who beat up bad guys. They showed a few clips of the TV show starring Lynda Carter. She was great in that role. Also reminded me of the childhood days when it was aired on Hong Kong TV.
Another surprising fact for me was that Iron man was created during the Cold war era. Tony Stark was a weapon manufacturer making big bucks but was injured and captured by the enemy and ended up creating the Ironman suit to save himself. The story was "refitted" for the war in Afghanistan after 911, which drew a lot of comparison to the Vietnam war: heavy casualties of US soldiers overseas evoked antiwar sentiment.
Yeah, maybe comic books could be used as supplementary textbooks for Social Studies!
Monday, June 26, 2017
Ferko lawsuit
繼上次寫過馬場風雲,今次又寫寫賽車場風雲。美國NASCAR房車賽每年巡迴全國舉行很多場賽事,某些和NASCAR淵緣深厚的賽車場如Daytona, Talladega, Dover Monster Mile,一年必有兩場賽事,其餘的只得每年一場,多年前曾有人因此興訟,結果卻實在令我驚訝,講的是這一單:德州居民Ferko(也是德州賽車場的小小股東,但和管理層無關)以反壟斷法控告NASCAR未有為該場每年安排兩場賽事,勝訴後的一年他如願以償;但對他生活卻帶來重重打擊:首先他工作的食品安全公司認為他成為新聞人物影響團隊而解僱了他,他在外州找到工作搬離德州,其後他留在德州育有一子的廿歲兒子自殺身亡,Ferko覺得如果他還留在德州的話可能可以阻止悲劇發生,最後他太太因為爭取孫兒撫養權失敗和他離婚;種種不幸可以說是源於該次訴訟,只能歎一句命運弄人吧。
Tuesday, June 20, 2017
前一陣子和朋友討論一位歌手的新歌,他說不喜歡那歌手平日說話太「作狀」,我說那對歌唱得好不好沒有影響吧,話題再扯到人品與藝術水平的關係。我第一個想到的「反面例子」是出色的Tenor saxophonist Stan Getz,第二個想到元代書法家趙孟頫,似乎史家對他為人評價不高,想來和他是宋室後人卻在元朝做官有關,事實上的確如此。其實我倒不太在意,他的字我相當欣賞,我認為實在是文質彬彬秀麗的美,把王羲之這一面發揮光大,只是主觀地略嫌不夠豪氣。當然,論人品,趙和奸臣的層次不可同日而語;我記得宋代就有書法藝術水平極高的奸臣蔡京,再google一下,還有更多,當中最臭名昭著自是秦檜,且看看專家有何評價。
Monday, June 19, 2017
Leonid Afremov's paintings
I "discovered" this artist because of this music video:
Some of his depictions of streets of small towns reminded me a bit of Thomas Kinkade. Seems that his stuff are more available (less pricy) according to this discussion.
Here is a video that shows how he paints:
Some of his depictions of streets of small towns reminded me a bit of Thomas Kinkade. Seems that his stuff are more available (less pricy) according to this discussion.
Here is a video that shows how he paints:
Friday, June 16, 2017
You are what you meme
For those not familiar with the current language, "meme" basically means idea or a thing that represent idea (e.g. a picture) As a verb it means passing around those things. Maybe I should be glad that I started college and career before the "age of meming" As you can see I like to write (>1000 of posts on various blogs) I cannot guarantee all of them are unoffensive to no one. Kids, learn from these 10 "was-accepted-by-Harvard-but-not-anymore" students. Yes, everything you post will count against you.
Wednesday, June 14, 2017
早前澳洲之旅在紐西蘭奧克蘭轉機,竟然派發免費中文報紙華頁(Mandarin Pages),當局對中國旅客(及移民?)似乎頗為重視,我當然順手拿了一份,閒來讀一點,早幾天讀到其中一篇關於新發現中國古畫《着色山水》的報導,原來美國密芝根大學在我飛那一天舉行了和此畫有關的研討會,此畫之所以如此受重視,皆因有學者認為可能出自著名詩人兼畫家王維的手筆!專家朱紹良先生對鑒定此畫提出幾個入手點,例如服飾、建築方面,值得參考(以上連結也包括該畫的圖片。)
Tuesday, June 13, 2017
小時候所認識的英國名勝中,大笨鐘算數一數二,大個才知那是音譯英文Big Ben,原意和笨無關,Ben好可能是紀念當時一位土木工程師Sir Benjamin Hall,他也是負責監管工程的國會議員,其名字有份刻在鐘上。我一直以為那是整座鐘樓的名字,原來Big Ben只是指那被敲出聲的巨鐘而已,鐘樓其實以伊利沙白女皇命名。
Monday, June 12, 2017
Sports highlights: Back-to-back Stanley Cup Champion, first time NASCAR winner
After the European football season is over, I had to switch my focus on another championship: this year's Stanley Cup final was a great one, pitting one of my favorite sports team, the Pittsburgh Penguins against the relatively newcomer Nashville Predators. Since the Pens have won last year, I won't feel too bad if they fail to defend. After all, it's hard to repeat as champ in many pro Sports in this day of age. (That's why Real Madrid's back-to-back European cup was hailed as a big achievement) Just when I thought it's a piece-of-cake when the Pens won the first two games of the series at home, they lost the next two away. Then won 1 at home again. So they were 3-2 at Nashville last night trying to clinch the title. And unlike the previously high-scoring contests, it was 0-0 until the last 2 minute of regulation! Both goalies were at their best and proved they were the elite of the elites. At the end something have to give and it's a lucky bounce that scored an "ugly" game-winning goal for the Pens. My family was surprised that I am actually a long time Penguin fan, which I try not to show too much when they played against the local fav San Jose Sharks! I jumped on the bandwagon in the early 90s when Super Mario and Jaromir Jagr reigned supreme winning the first two of the 5 cups they have now. The current dynamic duo of Sidney Crosby and Evgeni Malkin have actually surpassed their predecessor by winning the next 3 together!
After writing about a five-time winner, I would like to change the topic to a first time winner on the same day. That's Ryan Blaney of NASCAR Cup Series, winning at Pocono. Seems like many rooted for him to win because of the history of his team owners, the legendary Wood brothers. (I just found out one of the driver-turned-announcer Michael Waltrip used to ride for them and won an All-Star race. No wonder) The No. 21 car has been strong and especially at the end passing the then-leader Kyle Busch with about 10 laps to go. To be fair, if there was another caution and re-start, his car will probably be over-taken by the "Closer" Kevin Harvick. FOX sent fellow cup driver Brad Keselowski as a reporter to the Victory Lane to interview Blaney, who did the opposite one day ago for the Driver-only broadcast of the Xfinity race at the same racetrack. BTW, that really made interesting TV. Hope there will be more Driver-only broadcasts in the future!
After writing about a five-time winner, I would like to change the topic to a first time winner on the same day. That's Ryan Blaney of NASCAR Cup Series, winning at Pocono. Seems like many rooted for him to win because of the history of his team owners, the legendary Wood brothers. (I just found out one of the driver-turned-announcer Michael Waltrip used to ride for them and won an All-Star race. No wonder) The No. 21 car has been strong and especially at the end passing the then-leader Kyle Busch with about 10 laps to go. To be fair, if there was another caution and re-start, his car will probably be over-taken by the "Closer" Kevin Harvick. FOX sent fellow cup driver Brad Keselowski as a reporter to the Victory Lane to interview Blaney, who did the opposite one day ago for the Driver-only broadcast of the Xfinity race at the same racetrack. BTW, that really made interesting TV. Hope there will be more Driver-only broadcasts in the future!
Thursday, June 08, 2017
昨天上FB讀On this day見到我在N年前的帖,說我對Big Brown很失望。隨著年紀漸長,這些「不知以前寫的東西何解」發生的次數也越多。Big Blue我知是甚麼,但Big Brown 呢?我以為這個好普通的詞語可能Google也不得要領,但全能的Google立即找到答案:那是2008年順利勝出美國馬圈三冠賽事頭兩場的馬!當時對上一次有馬匹贏得三冠王已是三十年前的事,之後一直有多次「叫胡食唔出」,大家對Big Brown寄予厚望,結果它在Belmont Stakes跑包尾不特已,甚至沒有衝線!難怪我這個「忽然馬迷」如此失望。看看Google其他搜尋結果,發現更有趣的文章!原來背後馬主練馬師都分別捲入醜聞風波:練馬師由於多次違反規則,包括餵馬匹食類固醇及止痛藥等禁藥,又隱瞞馬匹操練紀錄等等,結果被停牌十年!而擁有該馬的公司,亦以馬圈前所未有的方式經營:把馬匹馬廄設施及馬醫院資產如基金般售予投資者。問題是養馬從來回報難估計,很多馬主都是得不償失,志在過癮。不過該公司以高價買入有質素馬匹以贏取獎金的策略,起初的確奏效,只是無以為繼,背後金主以種金方式營造假象,上下其手中飽私囊,最後被判入獄廿年。這樣的故事可能比無線拍的更引人入勝。
Tuesday, June 06, 2017
到底「百變雄獅」及「變型金剛」那一個先面世?其實歷史頗為複雜,如果計美國版,Tonka公司在1983年由日本引入Machine Robo成為GoBots(百變雄獅),其後Hasbro在84年也從日本引入Micro Change及Diaclone成為Transformers(變型金剛)由此看變型金剛的確是跟風之作。那兩者的前身又是誰抄誰呢?根據維基百科,Machine Robo及Micro Change均於1982年由日本推出,但前者被視為先驅:
只要對流行文化有少許認識的讀者都知道,兩者的「比拼」係由市場包裝策略比較精明的「後來者」變型金剛勝出;除了在八九十年代大受歡迎,近年又拍成電影,玩具大賣。那百變雄師的下場如何?從此文可見它的玩具評價實在不高,其引入者Tonka被Hasbro購入,包括部份GoBots的知識產權,以此為名出過零星以幼童為對象的玩具(1993年,2002年)2012年及之後的Transformers Rescue Bots也源於此。不過原創者母公司Bandai似乎仍保留了部份知識產權,在2004年及之後推出無動畫的玩具系列,2015年及之後授權香港公司Action Toys推出的超合金等等。看看這一款三合一,實在令人眼前一亮,似乎真的由黑暗走出光明了:)
到底「百變雄獅」及「變型金剛」那一個先面世?其實歷史頗為複雜,如果計美國版,Tonka公司在1983年由日本引入Machine Robo成為GoBots(百變雄獅),其後Hasbro在84年也從日本引入Micro Change及Diaclone成為Transformers(變型金剛)由此看變型金剛的確是跟風之作。那兩者的前身又是誰抄誰呢?根據維基百科,Machine Robo及Micro Change均於1982年由日本推出,但前者被視為先驅:
Machine Robo (マシンロボ) is a Japanese transforming robot toyline first released in 1982 by Popy, a division of Bandai. The toys featured a number of other innovative features – Raideen is often considered the first transforming toy, and thus a precursor of the world-famous Transformers line.
Takara Toys' 1982 Micro Change series of toys were part of the 1980 New Microman toy line and were small household objects that could transform into vehicles or artificially intelligent robot characters that fought alongside their 10-centimeter tall alien cyborg Microman creators against the evil Acroyears. The line was combined with Takara's 1982 Car-Robots series of Diaclone toys by Hasbro in 1984 to create the Transformers. The transformers Megatron, Soundwave, Blaster, cassettecons/casettebots, Perceptor, Reflector, and several Mini Cars (Bumblebee, Cliffjumper, Windcharger, Huffer, Gears, and Brawn) came from this line.
Monday, June 05, 2017
The Santana highlights
I watch a bit of ESPN (Sportscenter?) highlight show last night and host John Buccigross dedicated a segment to the Santanas, which included:
- Carlos Santana played the National Anthem at the NBA Final Game 2 Warriors vs Cavs in Oakland. He actually "made a mistake" by playing an extra verse. (BTW, it's kinda hard to find out who played the bass in that video. That's Benny Rietveld. Check out his bass solo on Youtube. He played with Miles in 1988 too)
- Atlanta Braves' Danny Santana went 4-for-5, 3 R, 3 RBI, 2 2B, HR.
- Milwaukee Brewers' Domingo Santana has been playing well lately too: he hit a HR against Clayton Kershaw on Saturday.
Sunday, June 04, 2017
再一次介紹我在Shoutcast發掘的網台Audiophile Classical,今天中午之前播了好些不太熱門的作曲家及作品:
- Piano Concerto No. 2 in B minor, op.42, [Howard Shelley piano, BBC Philharmonic, Matthias Bamert] Erno Dohnanyi Erno Dohnanyi - Piano Conc.
- Concerto for two clarinets in B-flat major, [Dieter Klocker, Sandra Arnold, Czech Philharmonic Chamber Orchestra] Antonio Cartellieri Less-known composers
- Entracte No. 2 from Rosamunde Franz Schubert Masters Of Classical Music (Vol. 9)
- Serenade No. 5 in D minor, op.53, [Cologne Chamber Orch., Christian Ludwig] Robert Fuchs
Robert Fuchs有一位很出名的同姓同鄉Christian Fuchs(Leicester City奪英超隊伍成員,也曾在2016代表奧地利首次打入歐國盃)也是風格略保守的廿世紀作曲家,以上一曲可在Youtube找到,原來他是Brahms少有點名稱讚的作曲家,那我更加非聽不可!維基百科指他也是著名的老師,你道他旗下弟子包括那些?Mahler, Sibelius, Korngold, Enescu等等!認真「架勢堂」了。
Antonio Cartellieri比以上兩位更早一個多世紀,是波蘭奧地利人,擅於聲樂及小提琴,不過今次聽到這首他的作品卻是兩支單簧管協奏曲,不算多見的組合!大家可以在Youtube聽聽,我認為相當悅耳,十分慶幸像他這樣較為冷門但出色的作品能被今人重新發現、錄音及被播放。
Thursday, June 01, 2017
上月遊船河,原來適逢鐵達尼號撞冰山沉船,認真大吉利是。當年電影一出主題曲成為大熱,傳聞各郵輪皆禁播該曲,不過看來已解禁。而該船因何故撞上冰山,一直以來眾說紛云,最近在Netflix看了它推介的一套2012年的紀錄片Titanic Final Mystery,似乎找到合理解釋。一直以來,最令人不解的是,船上有兩位船員專職觀察航行方向有否冰山之類的危險,視野足以讓船長有三十分鐘改變方向,所以矛頭一直指向船員船長失職。本片指出真正原因其實是海上冷暖空氣造成了海市蜃樓般的現象,令觀察員的視覺出現誤差,到撞冰山前一分鐘左右才發現及警報,船長立即扭軚也來不及;更不幸的是其實原來正面撞以該船的設計反而不會沉沒!唯有概嘆一句:人算不如天算。不過以上連結的評論似乎對本片結論有所質疑,並建議讀者參考其他紀錄片,有機會真要看看。
Tuesday, May 30, 2017
Sports highlights: Triple Crown of Motorsports
For the recent years that I have been following auto racing, F1's Monaco GP, IndyCar's Indy 500 and NASCAR's Coca Cola 600 (at Charlotte) always happen on the same Sunday. I guess you can't have a bigger day than this for US motorsports fan (even though only the first 2 is really part of the "Triple Crown" with the third one being 24hr of Le Man) I knew I won't be home the whole day so I recorded all of them and started watching the first one in the morning. It has been a long time that I saw Kimi Raikkonen leading a F1 race. Too bad his Ferrari team decided to pit him too early and have him lost time in traffic so the 2nd place (aka Ferrari's #1 man) Vettel could build a big lead and remain in the 1st place even after he pitted. That's basically the gist of the race. Then it was time to watch Indy 500: the polesitter Scott Dixon was involved in a freak accident in which his car became airborne and smashed at the wall but fortunately he walked away unharmed. The beloved "newcomer", 2 time F1 champ Fernando Alonso did very well and led quite a few laps but his engine blew and ended his day prematurely. Finally it came down to 3 time Indy 500 winner Helio Castroneves and the driver who "almost won it" a few years ago, Takuma Sato. Both had fast cars this Sunday. Castroneves passed Sato but was overtaken again late and Sato never looked back. The race wasn't decided by fuel saving strategy like last year when Alexander Rossi won it. However, fuel-saving was the race-winning strategy for Coca Cola 600 later that night (really late!) 2 of the stage winners, Kyle Busch and Martin Truex Jr really dominated most of the race but they pitted at lap 368 while Austin Dillon stayed out and gambled with the fuel, along with Jimmie Johnson. Dillon was the "last car standing" (Johnson ran out of fuel) and didn't caught by Busch and Truex (who finished 2nd and 3rd) Finally able to made his very supportive grandpa and car owner Richard Childress proud. (You need both luck and the silver spoon to win a race at this level!) My recording actually ended before these "thrilling" last lap because there was a lengthy rain delay :(
Monday, May 29, 2017
八卦掌 vs MMA
繼太極師傅挑戰MMA教練的Epic FAIL視像成為大熱後,又傳出八卦掌李姓師傅不敵MMA好手的片,後者董建(和香港前特首差一字:)的師父則是散打冠軍仲叢陽,仲又被稱為「少林梅花樁第一人」,不過從片中可見董出拳腿都不太有少林功夫的影子,至於李的八卦掌功力如何,也無從印證。
Thursday, May 25, 2017
Hugo Boss和納粹黨
在FB歷史討論有網友提到據聞納粹黨軍服是Hugo Boss設計的,以前我從來未聽過,其實Hugo Boss的服裝對我來說貴了一點,不過也很喜歡該牌子黑色的褸及簡單直接的設計,現在才知原來是德國品牌,的確有德國Bauhaus "form follows function"的味道!說回正題,到㡳以上傳聞是否屬實?我找到這篇文章(維基百科也有提及),原來Boss未有為納納粹黨設計軍服,但他們兩者的關係匪淺:Hugo Boss本人曾經成為黨員("party membership",戰後他被歸類為"follower"而非主動推動納粹主義份子),此身份幫助他公司取得為納粹德國政府生產服裝的合約,公司的確是德國軍服的供應商之一。而他真正「助紂為虐」的罪過,是在他環境惡劣的工廠使用當時德軍佔領區被迫成為勞工的居民以及戰俘,而他們在空襲期間仍要工作!以上連結文章給Hugo Boss的評語是:
Ultimately, Boss was not an evil man, but he did not do enough to stop evil happening.我想這段歷史也值得現今各大舉足輕重的科技業巨頭引以為鑒,不竟他們掌握了現代人生活多個重要環節。
Tuesday, May 23, 2017
Monday, May 22, 2017
Tuesday, May 16, 2017
有評論家論及丹青生與令狐沖在梅莊品酒一節,細心及此,盛意可感。唯我國古人製酒及酒具與今日大異,論者以在美國之自身經歷為標準,論及丹青生、令狐沖之品酒,則未必相合。如欲以現代標準評論古人,現代葡萄酒之正宗者在法國,其次德國、意大利、西班牙、葡萄牙、瑞士、比利時、羅森堡、奧地利亦有佳釀,近年來澳大利亞之Penfold Granger崛起,國際間大受歡迎,價格陡漲;此外智利、阿根廷、南非、紐西蘭等地紅酒白酒亦有佳者。美國加州紅酒白酒品質較次,世界高級酒店及西餐廳之酒牌中常不予列入,否則自損餐廳品位。美國人飲紅酒,往往沖以橘子汽水加冰,猶似香港、新加坡人以加冰七喜汽水沖白蘭地,以此為標準論令狐沖梅莊品酒,當不相合。Google了好一陣子也找不到金老為何如此介懷那位「美國」人的評論,只找到這位「金學」作者應聲附和。他們如此看不起美國酒,顯得實在偏頗。首先,我和一班美國友人都算走過各大城市,從未見過美國人飲紅酒溝橙汁汽水加冰。(飲Sangria不算飲紅酒吧,也不是美國獨有,甚至不是美國人發明的飲法。正如某地區有人把威士忌加進咖啡的話,就等於那是當地人品評咖啡或威士忌的標準?相信必有一些不為人知的細節,我真十分好奇!至於世界高級酒店及西餐廳之酒牌中有無加州紅白酒?加州Napa谷的French Laundry曾獲選為全球最佳餐廳,它的酒牌難道沒有加州酒?其實金老也知自己寫葡萄酒四蒸四酿之後還是紅色不太對勁,也不宜稱之為葡萄酒,新修版已改為黃色,及改稱為葡萄濃酒。不少論者都曾指出葡萄酒再蒸餾即是白蘭地的做法(連結一,連結二),此書更詳細介紹現實中的西域酒文化(及與金庸小說中描述所不同之處,第188頁),值得讀讀。
Monday, May 15, 2017
Sunday, May 14, 2017
Yes vs Yes
和多數在80年代中正式開始接觸西洋流行及搖滾的樂迷一樣,我第一首聽的Yes樂隊作品是Owner of the Lonely Heart,這也是當年我常聽、討論年輕男女戀愛關係的港台節目的寂寞的心俱樂部的theme music! 主持人之一的倪震出的雜誌取名為Yes,想來也和此曲的Yes樂隊有關,可能他是樂隊fans?(無獨有偶,上次帖關於Yes,也因為去完倪太周慧敏的演唱會!)今次再寫Yes,則和樂隊榮登搖滾名人堂有關:結他雜誌訪問了樂隊其中一位結他手Trevor Rabin,訪問理所當然提到Owner of the lonely heart這首樂隊最hit作品,本來就是Rabin本人的作品,原來打算以另一樂隊名義推出,而Yes主音Jon Anderson加入後,索性就成為改組的新Yes。老實說,在我接觸過原班人馬更早期的真正經典prog rock作品如Close to the Edge及Fragile之後,對Trevor Rabin這個陣容的Yes就看低了一線,該陣容的作品全部都是Owner of the Lonely Heart一類的hit songs,前衞味道盪然無存,難怪Anderson後來又另組ABWH(Anderson Bruford Wakeman and Howe),再度回歸prog rock,尤記得當年還有荷李活中心還有熱心推介搖滾另類獨立音樂的唱片舖Monitor Records(助聽器)的年代,店主Alan就對我大力推薦ABWH唯一一張新作,我的財力只能買小量CD也購入,初聽不覺如何,卻越聽越欣賞;ABWH的Steve Howe正是Close to the Edge的結他手,有結他友認為他的結他技術不如Rabin精鍊,但音樂才華及創意之高則無人能否定。十年人事幾番新,Jon Anderson退下重組後Yes主音一職,補上的繼有Benoit Davids及Jon Davison, 兩位均唱功一流。除了少量全新作品,現場玩的音樂以Close to the Edge時期為主,那邊廂Jon Anderson捲土重來,和Rabin及Wakeman再組band。基本上兩邊陣營均有Yes名字的使用權,原來低音結他手Chris Squire曾和Anderson有協議,兩者不會爭用Yes名字,不過隨著Squire舊年去世,協議也不再存在。總之今時今日的他們早已昇上神枱,無論那一個名字玩甚麼水平的音樂,似乎也沒所謂吧。
Friday, May 12, 2017
Wednesday, May 10, 2017
"Pour over" with AeroPress
My friend bought me some coffee (ground for drip) from Kona (Thanks!) And I decided to experiment with a different brewing method than my usual "espresso made with an Inverted AeroPress" (and dark roasted beans ground more coarse) I bought a Kaffeologie S Filter and followed this video:
I think it works well (and produced a bigger cup :) Come to think of it: this is how the AeroPress is "supposed" to be used rather than the "inverted" method, right? I have actually tried this method when I first got my AeroPress 1 year ago (but with the original paper filter) and the water "dripped" way too fast and made very weak coffee. The comments on Amazon from many users mentioned they found their coffee tasted better after replacing the paper filters with this S Filter. Maybe it's really that good. Who knows?
I think it works well (and produced a bigger cup :) Come to think of it: this is how the AeroPress is "supposed" to be used rather than the "inverted" method, right? I have actually tried this method when I first got my AeroPress 1 year ago (but with the original paper filter) and the water "dripped" way too fast and made very weak coffee. The comments on Amazon from many users mentioned they found their coffee tasted better after replacing the paper filters with this S Filter. Maybe it's really that good. Who knows?
Tuesday, May 09, 2017
我開始喜歡蘇東坡的詩詞書畫,當然和我們是「同宗」有很大關係:) 事實上,他的多才多藝,就如(遲他約五百年的)文藝復興時代幾位傑出藝術家。蘇東坡的作品如何有藝術性,各位請看看台灣著名作家、詩人及畫家蔣勳先生的介紹。
回想我練字之路, 幼稚園學寫字但求齊整,當然也充滿童真稚拙,老師獨具慧眼(還是濫芋充數)給我一個寫字獎!之後一味求快任意胡來,毫不追求美感,近年才來個180度轉變,開始學習王羲之,不論普羅大眾還是書家眼中,王體理所當然是美的最高境界!不過喜歡率性而為的我,也被不拘一格的蘇體深深地吸引,縱有個別字醜拙有敗筆,整體上卻是傑出不凡,這篇寒食帖正正體現了他這種獨特風格。(其實我對書法認識淺薄,有錯請指正)
回想我練字之路, 幼稚園學寫字但求齊整,當然也充滿童真稚拙,老師獨具慧眼(還是濫芋充數)給我一個寫字獎!之後一味求快任意胡來,毫不追求美感,近年才來個180度轉變,開始學習王羲之,不論普羅大眾還是書家眼中,王體理所當然是美的最高境界!不過喜歡率性而為的我,也被不拘一格的蘇體深深地吸引,縱有個別字醜拙有敗筆,整體上卻是傑出不凡,這篇寒食帖正正體現了他這種獨特風格。(其實我對書法認識淺薄,有錯請指正)
Friday, May 05, 2017
Carlos' old team vs Carlos' new team
Caught a glimpse of the Texas Rangers vs Houston Astros game yesterday. It was one-out, bases-loaded in the bottom of the inning. Carlos Gomez made an incredible catch in the center field which turned a base-hit into just a sac-fly. Wait a minute: I thought Gomez played for Astros but he actually was traded from the Astros to the Rangers last season! Then I saw another Carlos, Beltran, came up to bat. Wait a minute: I thought the days of Beltran playing for the Astros were way way back (Yep, that's 2004. BTW, I also remember his very brief stint with the Giants after the 2011 trade deadline but did nothing to save that season.) Well, he re-joined the Astros after playing for the Rangers in 2016.
Yeah, it's confusing.
(Side note: If I could have done it all over again, I would have become a Red Sox fan 'coz not just ESPN but also MLB Network is trying to show every Red Sox game live. I am pretty sure they have the most national coverage among all teams.
And this is the 1000th post of this blog! Congrat to self :)
Yeah, it's confusing.
(Side note: If I could have done it all over again, I would have become a Red Sox fan 'coz not just ESPN but also MLB Network is trying to show every Red Sox game live. I am pretty sure they have the most national coverage among all teams.
And this is the 1000th post of this blog! Congrat to self :)
Wednesday, May 03, 2017
Building Pharaoh’s Chariot
Netflix "knows" I love watching documentary about history, especially Europe, Egypt or Biblical ones. So it recommended this one from NOVA (I watched quite a few NOVA/PBS documentary when I was taking the art history courses and knew they are GOOD) Most history buffs know that Egyptian civilization had its glorious days (their written language, their sculptures and their architecture which utilized their scientific knowledge) However, between the kingdoms/dynasties, there were times that the country was threatened by their neighbors. With their strong army, the Egyptian Pharaohs were able to defeat these enemies and further expand their territories. The creator of this documentary argued that what made the Egyptian army so powerful was their secret weapon: the chariot! To prove this theory, the team reconstructed a chariot based on careful researches combining info from various historical sources (excavated artifacts like the harness), sites (cave with drawings) and also engineering knowledge, from our UW Madison Engineering Physics Professor Bela Sandor (who is really a multi-talented Renaissance man) The result is a vehicle that is easy to maneuver, fast yet providing a well-suspended platform for the "driver" and the archer such that the latter could hit their target/enemy and get away quickly, as proven by the weaponry experts who tried it out.
Tuesday, May 02, 2017
少時候的我最討厭隨波逐流,所以要到大學時代才聽The Beatles及看李小龍電影(多得老友樂迷戲迷周輝介紹),其實我也不是好勇鬥狠之徒,所以廿幾歲才因好奇習武,那次九陽神功及少林傳人示範如何練功,例如用鐵掃把打手手腳腳,又免費教了我們十二式復興拳,是來自台灣的國術。後來又在公司參加由練楊式太極多年的資深同事教授的太極班,再加上《武論金庸》作者潘國森的講述,總算對太極有點認識及感情。見識過一些以太極招式自衛的示範,深信太極除了是適合老人家的運動,也有實戰用途。
- 練MMA者集各家所長,出拳肘腿膝,再加地戰攻防;相反地,練太極者一般只練太極拳,又怎有對抗前者多樣化的打法呢?(不過作者有點矛盾地引用李小龍說:「我不懼怕對手識一萬種腿法,但懼怕對手只懂一種腿法,而練了一萬次。」)所以此戰後,中國陳式太極拳第十二代傳人、太極拳世界冠軍王占海,據報導打算派出師門六十五徒弟陳前挑戰徐曉冬,這位陳前其實不只跟王練太極,後來更成為散打冠軍,散打即中國式綜合格鬥技也。
- 太極拳是「以柔制剛」、「以弱勝強」嗎?這都是真的,包括以弱勝強,但我們看得武俠小說太多,便覺得以弱勝強等於「以最弱勝最強」,這是不可能的,因為這違反物理定律。
- 太極拳當然有技擊,但多年經驗顯示,很多理論上可行的技法,在實際上是非常難用。很簡單,太極拳講求鬆沉,因為只有這樣才能以柔制剛,但能保持鬆沉的狀態,是與心理有關的。自己練功時,練套路時,要練到鬆沉當然較容易,但上了擂台,要保持這種狀態很難
- 練太極拳,你會學到巧勁,不用拙力,用巧力,在日常生活中非常有用。咁即係唔打得?也不然,因為你可以將當中的運力原則,放進其他武術。就如上述那位散打冠軍可能也受惠於太極㡳子。
- 看慣慢吞吞出拳轉手踼腿的太極,可能對本片中的類似摔跤的打法不以為然,不過我當年練過少許推手,知道推手比賽就是如此起手的。第一位紅衫參賽者王戰海就是上述陳前的師父王占海的本名。
- 這場2011年由中央電視台舉辦的所謂太極拳武林大會,打得也像摔跤或柔道多過傳統太極,勝出者就是王戰海的兄弟,名氣有過之而無不及的王戰軍。
Monday, May 01, 2017
放完假一星期,生活大致返回正常軌道,星期六早上和好久沒有出動的行山友去了Rancho San Antonio,夏令時間又加上開始熱,所有行山客皆勁早出動,6:50am停車場已爆滿,泊得老遠,反正也是幫助消脂:) 行完8.2miles,行山友各自歸家,行程緊湊的我飲完咖啡食完lunch就去坐Caltrain,再踩單車去Fort Mason的ART MARKET SF藝術展,渡過很是充實的三個小時,再起程踩去Laughing Monk Brewery和家人會合,之前我上地圖check過路線,也不太遠,基本上沿海皮去球場,在China Basin沿著3rd street往南面走,經過的地方其實我全部均未去過, China Basin原來很多舊船塢,再踩多陣就見到Oracle Team USA的名字,我想那是service America Cup船的地方。
那天是該Brewery anniversary,又適逢Southside Festival,雖然鄰近地區出名不太太平,當日人山人海一片熱鬧氣氛,飲杯Coffee and Cream Ale就十分啱feel了。
星期日唯一scheduled activity是Flag football,繼上一個季打Cowboys,我兒子今季「效力」Packers,原本打算在賽前放低兒子和上星期教練(其實都是義工家長)給我的一袋器材(flags and footballs!)就去嘆咖啡,不過賽前練習只有兩個Packers隊友在等,事前教練說聯盟會安排人代替當日不能出席的他,卻不見踪影,作為唯一一個家長,總不成即走,硬著頭皮coordinate一下賽前練習,讓他們熱熱身再練幾個plays,那位10號仔和我兒子都是有比賽經驗的,也不用我input。到比賽開始也不見代教練,我唯有「A貨」Mike Holmgren上身,不過也沒有能力call甚麼plays,都由得隊員自由發揮,充其量只是一個跟著跑的啦啦隊吧。真.教練,我們熱切期待你回歸呀!
星期日唯一scheduled activity是Flag football,繼上一個季打Cowboys,我兒子今季「效力」Packers,原本打算在賽前放低兒子和上星期教練(其實都是義工家長)給我的一袋器材(flags and footballs!)就去嘆咖啡,不過賽前練習只有兩個Packers隊友在等,事前教練說聯盟會安排人代替當日不能出席的他,卻不見踪影,作為唯一一個家長,總不成即走,硬著頭皮coordinate一下賽前練習,讓他們熱熱身再練幾個plays,那位10號仔和我兒子都是有比賽經驗的,也不用我input。到比賽開始也不見代教練,我唯有「A貨」Mike Holmgren上身,不過也沒有能力call甚麼plays,都由得隊員自由發揮,充其量只是一個跟著跑的啦啦隊吧。真.教練,我們熱切期待你回歸呀!
Sunday, April 30, 2017
Fyre Festival
Like it or not, when a music festival makes the news, it's usually not good news. The Fyre festival is yet another example. (If a music festival ever become a "real" cultural/seminal events, it will only be talked about in many years after, IMO) When my friend told me about it (during a hike!), he first showed me the promotional video of the festival, i.e, the now "infamous" one with lots of pretty hot ladies in swim suits hanging out at a luxurious-looking island (think Hawaii) Well, well, well. The reality was nothing like that. When the guests arrived in the Bahamas island, they saw a bunch of tents, some with mattresses soaked wet, because of the rain/storm a night before the festival started. Another famous pic from the event was the supposed-to-be-high-quality food: a Styrofoam box with some bread, salad and cheese. The big name musical acts did not show up either. The whole thing ended up "postponed." The ticket price was reported to be from close to $1000 to way-way above that. It's understandable that several lawsuits were filed about the organizer. The festival was co-founded by a "tech" guy Billy McFarland and rapper Ja Rule. McFarland apologized and admitted that they were "a little naive" while others thought it's more like a money-grabbing scheme. I'm interested to see how the organizer would follow up: will people get their money back? Will there really be a "replacement" festival down the road for those who bought tix? To be honest, if this happens 20 years ago and it featured metal or jazz, I might have been one of them :P
Wednesday, April 26, 2017
繼續寫由SF去Sydney坐Air New Zealand航機上看的電影:
- X-men: First Class. 在眾多super hero系列入面,X-men我起初因太怪異無興趣去認識,看了一套Days of the Future Past,被其有正有邪的角色們和超越時空的故事深深吸引,去年看年Apocalypse,今次則看了更舊的First Class,當年飾演Moira的Rose Byrne當然更年輕,穿內衣執行任務一幕實在正,還有更火辣的January Jones(飾演Emma Frost),本片除了養眼,故事本身也精彩。
- The Accountant. 我對主演本片的Ben Affleck其實頗有偏見:繼成名初期後主演的電影水準參差(見維基),不過表面上是會計師暗地裡和黑幫週旋食大茶飯的主題又幾吸引(皆因我的老友是會計師暗地裡是獨立音樂人及衝浪士)除了連場打鬥,Affleck的角色如何踏上雙重身份之路也夠奇情,值得一看。
- 點五步. 本片的主題曲剛在電影金像獎獲最佳原創電影歌曲獎,我實在為他們高興。令八十年代在沙田長大的我更感動的其實是故事本身,講述一間沙田Band5學校校長為改變校內一班精力過盛常常惹事生非的學生,取得政府撥款(其時沙田由前曾特首主理)成立全港首次華人少年棒球隊,成班「麻煩友」由一盤散沙不斷成長到奪得冠軍,感人得來不老土,因為改編自真人真事!
- Le Ride. 又是一部體育電影,講另一樣我十分喜歡的運動:單車;這些年來在機上播放過的單車電影我差不多全部都有選來看,包括台灣的「破風」和法國的La Grande Boucle (Tour de Force);本片也講環法單車賽,而且是紀錄片:兩位單車友重演1928年環法(史上最艱辛之一)的路線,其中一位是來自紐西蘭的電視人Phil Keoghan,為的是追尋1928年參賽的包括紐西蘭冠軍Harry Watson的「澳紐四人組」的足跡,用的也是那個時代生產的單車,除了重,「轉波」也要靠人手下車調整單車鏈!「澳紐四人組」當時真的是前無古人:他們是首隊講英文的隊伍,過程更是困難重重:由澳洲坐船去巴黎固然花了不少時間,到埗後原本和另外六位歐洲車手合組十人隊伍的計劃又告吹。只得四人輪流帶頭這樣的隊伍不被看好有力完成整項賽事,他們不畏種種障礙包括爆胎傷病等等,三人完成了賽事(當屆共164位參賽者,最後只得41人完成)也贏得其他參賽者的尊重。
Sunday, April 23, 2017
澳洲遊之電影篇(一):La La Land
人生首次去澳洲,以前常常聽朋友說那裡距離美國很遠,坐飛機相當長途,西岸到雪梨要15小時!我買的平價機票要在紐西蘭轉機,所以最長一程「只是」12小時,和飛香港差不多,睡不著所以看了四套電影;由奧克蘭到雪梨三個多小時,竟也看了兩套電影!其中只有Office Space是「女神」Jennifer Aniston舊片重温(其實情節已完全忘記,當中的IT人心態自然繼續有共鳴)本文想講話題電影La La Land:該片主題是圍繞一個鬱鬱不得志的爵士鋼琴家Seb:滿腔熱誠的他開jazz club被騙財倒閉,在餐廰開工又被禁止演奏他醉心的正宗爵士樂(老板說no free jazz)無奈地靠著和舊相識一起玩大路「新爵士」音樂才令事業起飛。本片在電影界算叫好又叫座,不過爵士樂手及發燒友就頗有微言。看完之後我也有同感:(1)主角其實在片中作為正宗爵士鋼琴家身份的時候,例如他違反餐廳老板所謂"free jazz"禁令或在jazz club演出時,也沒有彈過多少爵士鋼琴(更遑論free jazz),他的"theme"就一點也不爵士,全片的配樂(我之前已聽過原聲大碟)只有一條真正(但不怎出色的)爵士track,配樂這位仁兄根本就不太在行,我想演奏此配樂的一班有料爵士樂手的心情大概像為揾錢而降呢地彈奏的Seb一樣吧,認真諷刺 (2)主角以純正爵士守護者自居固然有問題(見1),有網友對找個白人來「守護」爵士就十分反感;本片嘗試把他的(黑人)band友John Legend塑造成爵士改革者也不像樣,片中他們band玩的音樂絕對無革命性亦不會是未來爵士的取向,其實導演真有見地的話應該採用如Robert Glasper的音樂(此君有揉合R&B及爵士元素的能耐)甚至rapper Kendrick Lamar的音樂也更稱職。總之「未睇過無資格批評」,那我現在就有了。
Wednesday, April 19, 2017
這次澳洲之旅要追溯到廿多年前爸爸還未退休那時:他和媽媽計劃首次到訪「新大陸」澳洲並探望已移民該地的大舅父,不過公司大老細不放人,唯有把計劃押後。之後他們遠遊的配額都給了美加探望寶貝孫兒女,媽媽病後至去年過身,都沒有機會實現此計劃。人生苦短,我和姐姐決定帶同爸爸把澳洲之行實踐,當然媽媽精神也和我們同在!是次旅程最先出發的是姐姐,她先到香港的家再陪同爸爸直飛雪梨,而我則從三藩市飛往紐西蘭奥克蘭轉機到雪梨,我過關後行至取行李區途中就會合了爸爸和姐姐,一出閘見到多年未見的long time family friend, 即我的契大佬來接機,他多年前已移民澳洲,為公為私又來來回回港澳之間;他帶我們到第一站Eastwood食午餐, 這是一個唐人舖林立的小鎮,十分興旺,之後再到他們新居探訪。在酒店小睡兩小時後,來和我們相聚的是闊別多年的舅父和表哥,表哥先帶我們到新旅遊點Barangaroo, 不過拍了幾張照片後即開始下雨,我們趕回車上不久即變傾盆大雨!下一站是表哥位於市郊的大宅,舅父在當天早上已到Eastwood街市買餸,我們到達時表嫂已把火鍋準備好,這一餐有蝦有魚有蠔有鮮鮑魚等等,新鮮豐富又美味;更重要的是多年不見卻不減大家情誼,談得停不了口!老實說,我因為性格關係不易和人溝通,尤其是甚少接觸的人,我想血濃於水的力量實在不少呢。
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Sights from Barangaroo, hot pot dinner with uncle and cousin |
當晚大jet lag前前後後共睡了四小時左右,幸好有WhatsApp好友們和FM92.9 ABC Classic古典音樂電台陪伴。第二天先到所住Holiday Inn(題外話:小時候跟爸媽旅遊,表格上填地址default是Holiday Inn, 這次可能是首次名符其實) 的維多利亞街尾的Glider喝杯咖啡,在King's cross這個旺區當然不乏潮店。是次旅程的重頭節目其實是遊船河,在上船之前夠時間到一個旅遊點,我們選擇了雪梨版漁人碼頭:Sydney Fish Market, 場內的店各自為政:每家店的椅桌只能進食該店食品,所以我們轉了一次場,第一家Christie’s點的是早已煮好的海鮮,味道僅屬一般;第二家Peter’s我們即叫即整牛油蒜汁青口,才是真正美味!
在下船後,我還有一天時間參觀雪梨其他名勝,作為樂迷及SOH 家成員,當然首選是雪梨歌劇院(Sydney Opera House, 縮寫為SOH) 。我們未到早上九時已下船,在酒店放下行李後,到七仔買張澳寶咭(即雪梨八達通or Clipper for bay area folks), 然後到Museum站坐鐵路T1線在Circular Quay(讀作key) 下車,又回到郵輪碼頭重會我們早上下的船!其實歌劇院就在碼頭對面,我們在船上房間露台已看了很久呢!行到歌劇院才十時,購票參加導賞團,盛惠每位AU$37, 導賞員詳細介紹歌劇院計劃來龍去脈及建築細節,還有機會看了一點管弦樂團排練Elgar Cello concerto及芭蕾舞團排練當晚演出的現代作品Faster, 實在值回票價,只是辛苦了爸爸多爬樓梯。
當天演出的「重頭戲」應是Carmen,但那是我最不喜歡的歌劇之一,演出地點又只是室外。導賞團結束後,我們沒有購歌劇票,過去車站附近吃個午餐,光顧要算最便宜的banh you越南包,其實水準遠不及三藩市唐人街賣的,然後再幫襯自稱最佳咖啡店喝一杯Flat white(實在不差)。
午餐後要坐火車回酒店房,出遊經驗豐富的爸爸提議不妨坐相反方向遊遊火車河,可過橋到海港北岸欣賞風光,結果我們一路坐到好像大圍站的Chatswood才回程,搭錯車再回到Circular Quay再一次和郵輪告別才成功返回酒店房。
下一站我決定去Darling Harbour, 沿著利物浦街(名字實在改得差勁) 有很多食肆,看來相當繁榮,也經過一個(中國友) 誼(公) 園,建築相當有特色的ICC, 以及停泊了戰艦潛艇的海防博物館,在Harbourside商場的Hard rock購物及在Foodcourt喝過澳洲本土連鎖店Gloria Jean的咖啡店後,我們走過Pyrmont bridge, 打算回到海港另一岸找間餐廳吃晚飯,誰知六時半後特價餐時段結束後,正價餐都比Foodcourt貴得多,幸好有唯一一家Tokio hotel全晚均有特價,我們一邊欣賞夜景,一邊聽木結他及R&B歌手二人組演出,一邊進膳(牛扒,漢堡包,蘋果雞沙律,合計AU$65也算合理) 再走路回酒店。
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Top L Clockwise: Darling Harbour, Anzac Memorial, Chatswood Train station, Mussels from Peter's Sydney Fish Market, Sydney Opera House (SOH) |
我休息片刻後,八時半走路到廿分鐘外的505, 固然因為它最近酒店,更因為它是澳洲#1 jazz club, 雖然不知當晚演出的Old School Funk band是何方神聖,到此一遊總沒錯,事實上當晚的funk jazz演出的確火花四濺,十分精采!打道回府時才十一時半,街上還頗有遊人,尤其是有得賭錢的VIP lounges. 我在Hyde Park打了一個白鴿轉參觀了澳紐聯軍紀念碑及巨型子彈雕塑後才回酒店房睡覺。
第二天一早在Hyde Park Inn住客有九折優惠的Bahista Cafe 231喝過Toby's coffee吃過牛角包做早餐後,才乘坐AU$18.5一程的火車,只需十五分鐘便到國際機場登機回程。
之前一晚的精采爵士樂依然縈繞耳際,我聽了Air New Zealand在機上娛樂提供的Ron Samsom大碟Ace Tone,除此之外還聽了幾張紐西蘭爵士樂好手的作品:The Rodger Fox Big Band Plays New Zealand(碟名X) 及Phil Broadhurst Quintet的Panacea。航空公司撐本土音樂,抵讚!
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