Like a lot of people, I am the type of person who cannot stand absolute silence. While in the living room, I often turn on the TV and it's quite easy to find a semi-interesting program on US cable TV with tons of channels. The alternative is of course listening to music. That's usually my "accompaniment" for breakfast time. I alternate between the Opera channel from Music Choice (iOS app exclusive channel) and the Audiophile Classical channel from Shoutcast. And if nothing is good "on the air", I can always count on Spotify, on which I have setup a bunch of playlists: one for Alto Sax, one for Metal, and a very special one with violin music only (which I could play when other family members are there too!) I am listening to this playlist just now and it was the first time I listened to "Prince of Clouds," a double violin concerto composed by Anna Clyne for this album and performed by Jennifer Koh and her mentor Jamie Jaredo. In fact, the whole album featured 4 pieces of double violin works, starting with the seminal one by Bach. I like this "concept" a lot! I hope someone who do a "Three x 4" using Beethoven's Triple Concerto as its model!
Now my goal is to listen to enough classical music on Spotify that it will create a Daily Mix for me (we have 3 family members listening to the same account at different times. 1 playlist is Cantopop. 1 for "US" pop. 1 Metal and for some reason Spotify made 2 jazz mixes for me)
Wednesday, February 08, 2017
Monday, February 06, 2017
近年很少去戲院的我在去年底竟然去了三次!看的包括Da Vinci Code作者Dan Brown小說改編的Inferno(前年去意大利時一直在讀), 源於漫畫人物的Doctor Strange, 以及迪士尼破紀錄地賣坐的動畫Moana。承接這道戲癮,今年在家中試用Netflix,又看了一大堆新舊戲:
- The Magic of Belle Isle:這是一套有點超現實的電影,皆因劇中有一段老年黑人男子同中年白人女子愛情故事,發生在底特律附近一個不差的社區。不過由老戲骨Morgan Freeman飾演該男子又作別論,角色是一位才氣橫溢的作家(及前職業棒球手因傷殘轉行)女主角則是出道時以飾演「艷女」聞名的Virginia Madsen,近年也成為演技派。作家因喪妻意志消沉避世於該地,三女之母則在辦離婚中,幾個聰明伶俐又有奇想的小朋友和老人家互相啟發,總算讓人看得心頭暖暖。
- A Mile in his shoes:這也是一套勵志式電影,以飾演電視版超人聞名的Dean Cain在片中的角色是一支半職業棒球隊的領隊兼球探,在開車前往物色球員途中抛錨,意外地認識一名農村少年,該少年有自閉症但特別擅於投擲水果,領隊視他為棒球投手可造之材!在相當保護其子的父親不太情願的情況下,領隊把少年帶入球隊,其才華得到發揮,當然亦招妒中詭計,但總算在挫折中成長。
- Captain America 3 Civil War:本片的主線是Avenger成員分裂互揪,因為各國政府認為他們屢次闖禍,必須受約束,以Iron Man為首一派同意,以美國隊長為首一派則反對。這個主題在動畫及漫畫我均已看過,所以不感陌生,反而覺得真正大戰來得太遲,原來已是電影尾聲!當然埋下伏筆拍下一集了。
- Arrival:本帖多套電影中這套最為出色。女主角是一位語言學家(想起老友妹妹!)透過同外星人接觸,受他們語言影響了思考,學會預知未來的秘技。到結尾觀眾會發現全片情節並非順序發生,實在巧妙。值得一提:電影改篇自得獎科幻小說Story of your life,作者是美國華裔Ted Chiang(姜峯楠)
- Horrible bosses:片中三位波士豈止horrible,簡直就是變態!Kevin Spacey飾演一間企業高層,下屬為搏升職被「駛到盡」卻不獲公平回報;Colin Farrell飾演一間生產商的二世祖太子爺,父親是良心老闆但急病去世由他接替,他在公司胡天胡帝亂炒下屬;Jennifer Aniston飾演一個脅迫下屬和她做愛的中女牙醫。這三個組成的卡士實在有來頭,其實主角是要向他們三人報復的下屬,演員的名氣遠遜其「波士」,本片笑位頗多成績不俗,相信令三位男主角「升價」不少。
- Jaco:去年提過這套關於低音結他鬼才Jaco Pastorious的電影,將另文專述。
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