Saturday, May 02, 2009

Topic of the day: Roll 'n Roll Power!

Next time when you hear people blasting the music by Led Zeppelin or Rolling Stones, don't just tell them to turn it down 'coz they might be using the music to drive crickets away! That's what people in Nevada use to defend against the onslaught of crickets.

Friday, May 01, 2009

Topic of the day: animation and age discrimination

Political correctness police striked again! Here is the story: Movie critics have been singing praises for the new Pixar animated movie "Up," which breaks the tradition by featuring an old guy as the main character. However, some analysts suggest investors to dump the stock of Disney (owner of Pixar) because it is hard to sell merchandises related to this movie. (Believe it or not. Kids fall for merchandises related to animations BIG TIME! Toys, clothing, lunch bags, cups...... the possibility is limitless) And those analysts were accused of age discrimination! I think that's BS. Do you think senior people will really get offended by such comments?

Thursday, April 30, 2009

Topic of the day: Boycott Pocket God

Imagine you are a minority in your country and there is a game of which the object is to kill and torture people of your race. Will you be offended? I would be furious!

And that's what the iPhone game Pocket God did to Pacific Islanders. I thought Apple has a high standard on approving apps to be sold at their App store. Well, probably not.

The sad thing is: the maker of this game is going to make even more money because of this publicity (for example, idiots like this are encouraging people to buy and try the game.) It proves once again no publicity is bad publicity. Shame on them!

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Tech of the day: ex-Facebook exec replaced departed MySpace CEO

I don't have the experience of being a top dog and then slowly overtaken by another up and comer (I went out on top! :P) but I could imagine it gotta hurt. Think IBM->Microsoft. Or more recently, Yahoo->Google. Add another from the tech world: MySpace->Facebook. I still remember when MySpace was king, many commenters think Facebook only appeals to the college crowd and being too elitist. When MySpace fell behind Facebook in US, people still said MySpace was the worldwide leader. Well, MySpace has lost that crown too. Perhaps it's time to play the game my son likes: "Follow the leader" Or better yet, hire someone who used to work for the leader/competitor! Is this desperation act? I won't call it that 'coz MySpace is still THE place for bands to promote themselves. On the other hand, it is hard to reverse a trend in the tech world. Just ask Yahoo.

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Tech of the day: Fate of a cloud pioneer

Before I talk about this pioneer, I gotta admit I hate the term "cloud." It has become yet another hype like "Web 2.0." Running Web application and storing data on the internet are nothing new. Case in point: GeoCities was started 15 years ago. And that's what they did (well, they are more well-known for offering free website hosting.) Ironically, it will be shutdown later this year even though the hype of cloud is higher than ever.

Recommended by a friend, I started using GeoCities one year after it was launched, i.e., 1995, because I need to migrate my old web page hosted by my grad school's computer science department (they were not going to host my page much longer after I graduated!) Like most people of that generation, that's where I honed my HTML skills! One thing unique about GeoCities was that it organized web pages into "neighborhoods." Users could choose the neighborhood that represents the contents or reflects the personalities. I still remember my neighborhood was "Broadway!"

The memory associated with GeoCities was not all great though: after hosting my personal web site for 7+ years, it was lost all of a sudden and Yahoo couldn't bring it back. Not a big loss for me 'coz I left it outdated anyway. I had "outgrown" static web pages and spent most of my energy on those days.

Still, it is really sad to see it go. With such a brand name and large number of users, I just don't understand why Yahoo couldn't make a ton of money out of it. In fact, this is just one of many cases where Yahoo was unable to take advantage of its vast user base (those uses Yahoo mail, My Yahoo, Yahoo Answers......)

Monday, April 27, 2009

Musicians of the day: American Idol, classical edition

That's basically what the KDFC Classical Star Search is about. They are cutting down to 3 finalists in the 2 groups (adult and youth) Check out the videos of the 10 semifinalists in each group. All are so impressive that I have no idea who to vote for!

Sunday, April 26, 2009




