Friday, March 02, 2012


今早讀過明朝萬歷皇帝要面對一大堆形式多於意義的繁文縟節,今時今日作為凡夫俗子的我們亦不能倖免。此話何來?今天學校「慶祝」Read Across America Day,召了各位家長回校到課室和小朋友一起閱讀半小時。平日大家開車回校只是送子女上學便走,今天都要停車,為了應付此事,我們又要提早出門;至於不能出席的家長,就更感guilty。其實這裡的虎媽督促子女閱讀,每天也不少於半小時吧。

Thursday, March 01, 2012

Do we need more Com. Sci. students?

I mean, in Western countries. The reason I'm asking is that the creators of the $35 Raspberry Pi computer said they are building this new programmable machine for a new generation. "Each year we had fewer and fewer students applying, and most of them hadn't really done much more than write a web page," Raspberry Pi co-founder Eben Upton told CNN. In the long term, he hopes the computer will generate an additional 1,000 engineers in the UK each year. I guess it's a good thing to have more software developers locally to drive down the salary. Hopefully low enough such that companies don't need to offshore their development jobs.

Monday, February 27, 2012

A special wedding

What made it special?
It's at a golf course in Pleasanton. Golf course is a popular choice in the States but it's the first time I've been to a wedding at one. It's kinda cold watching the ceremony outdoor though. The flower girl was shivering!
The banquet's theme is bicycling. A tandem bike was on display. And the name of the tables are all famous biking routes like Old La Honda, Crystal Spring, Tamalpais. Guess what the name of the head table was? The road I rode earlier that day: King's Mountain! The bride explained the appearance of the tandem bike in her speech: their relationship grew with it. She felt secured to follow her man in the front. What a moving speech!