Tuesday, September 12, 2017


最近在FB見到關於玩具反斗城生意不佳可能要關門大吉的新聞,令我想起早一陣子也有關於美國著名樂器連鎖店Guitar Center的傳聞,早幾個月前報紙就有文章探討結他之死,因為十年間電結他年銷量由1.5 mil下降到1mil!昨天Billboard採訪結他「神」Eric Clapton又提及幾家結他廠商生意均走下坡。不過讀過太多XX之死的文章,包括重金屬、爵士樂、唱片(還有某個國家前領導人)我想電結他還是有一定生命力。

Monday, September 11, 2017

The greatest jazz albums I've never heard

I can understand the rationale behind writing outrageous post title to attract readers because the competitions for eyeballs are just crazy. However, if one wrote about "The Greatest Jazz Albums You've Never Heard", it almost guaranteed to be a disappointment. Regardless of my bias against West Coast/Big Band/Vocal jazz, the lineup are really not that strong, with the exception of these 3:

  • Larry Carlton "Last Nite": Carlton played awesome fusion that any fan of guitar cannot resist 
  • Stan Getz "West Coast Jazz": I forgot to mention another bias of mine: jazz tunes less than 3:30 minutes long seems to left something unsaid to me. This 13-song album has 2 under 3:30 but you can't really go wrong when Stan Getz played his tenor so I let that go :P
  • Lou Donaldson "Blues Walk" Another "you can't go wrong" rule has to do with Blue Note Records: anything they released in the 50s and 60s are simply Good.