Thursday, May 29, 2014





Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Trigger warning

WARNING: if you are an educator who got into trouble because of trigger warning issue, please stop reading this post as it might bring back bad memories.

I gotta admit I don't watch enough US news as I was completely unaware of the debate about trigger warning in college course material. I don't even know what the term means until today! Post Traumatic Stress Disorder is certainly a serious illness that no one should ignore. On the other hand, how far could schools go to prevent course material from triggering it in its students? This article against it made some good points: for one thing, it is an inadequate solution to a medical problem. And the cost is huge: college professor will be hamstrung when it comes to picking good material to teach. I am sure its supporters have their counter-arguments too. As a bystander of the college environment, fortunately I don't need to take side.