Friday, July 25, 2014

How to toggle input language on iPad when using external keyboard

I bought a Bluetooth keyboard to use with my old Android tablet some time ago. I didn't have a need to switch between Chinese and English because the 3rd party input method natively takes care of that. Now I am using it with the iPad and it's even easier: simply hit Command-Space to toggle between the languages that were previously enabled under Settings. Nice!

Louder than hell: 口述重金屬歷史

作為重金屬fans超過廿年,其歷史算頗為熟悉,由最早期Black Sabbath到今期流行的prog metal band如Mastodon都會留意;讀過相關書籍包括Ian Christe十年前出版的名作Sound of the Beast: The Complete Headbanging History of Heavy Metal, Chuck Klosterman的Fargo Rock City: A Heavy Metal Odyssey in Rural North Dakota等等,亦看過2011年的Metal Evolution系列紀錄片。今次讀這本700頁厚的Louder than Hell又有甚麼特色呢?


其二,全書大致以時期及風格分章,包括的範圍甚廣,連冷門風格如Industrial metal及hardcore樂隊都有提及。


Wednesday, July 23, 2014

