Thursday, February 02, 2012


除夕開party的記憶猶新,原來眨下眼2012年已過去了12分之一!整個月好像沒有做過甚麼,事實上有半個月是活在jet lag之中,認真過份。由去年十月底萬聖節開始的holiday mood,好像一直無停過;農歷新十五將至,還等著和一些朋友吃開年飯呢。跟著情人節又到,之後又有Spring break,暑假還遠嗎?

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Open house

It's open house at my kids' school again. Obviously it happened at normal class time, which means regular working hour for those parents with day jobs. Fortunately the American society values family activities highly. Not sure how working parents in Hong Kong could do the same though. Today I saw the digital white board in action for the first time. We should have one of these at work! Well, I guess my company has to cut cost to pay my salary so I could pay tax to school district so they could spend on fancy gadgets. That's how money moves around.

In the 3rd grade classroom, there is a list named "Ways to choose books." #2 item on the list is: "cover looked interesting." And #4 is: "interesting title." Now you know how to be a successful book writer! The outside is as important as the content! I guess these apply to how people choose phones too.

Another poster teaches how to deal with boring moments. #1 thing to do is keeping your body and eyes turned towards the teacher. Yep, that also works when you're with your wife or boss.

The last revelation is what our next generation want to be when they grow up. Doctor is still the most popular choice in spite of the ongoing medical reform for which reports claim doctors are going bankrupt. A few wanna be teachers. The most ambitious one wanted to become the best tennis player in the world. Good lucky girl! Just need to adapt to the grunting standard in the future :P The one that's really puzzling says he wants to "adlt". He either just wanna be an adult (hopefully without too much effort) that doesn't care about "u" or an auditor.

Sunday, January 29, 2012


皇帝有座山,叫做皇帝山;上山果條路,就係King's Mountain Road;這條路在灣區單車界薄有名氣,僅稍遜於附近的Old La Honda Road(OLH),卻比後者要長,在MapMyRide屬Category 1 Climb,難度不低。
早幾天(住老遠的)同事說起會去,我亦有此意。昨晚大吃大喝,也夾了一會Canon,不忘叫培正老友今早一起上King's Mountain Road消滅點卡路里。六時起床匆匆出車,天仍全黑!倒是小事,最難頂的是雙手涷到僵,真後悔沒有戴上次熱到全是汗的fleece手套,到Sand Hill Road時已比原定時間遲了廿分鐘!正不好意思,但竟然不見老友,連忙取出電話check check。老友留了VM說昨晚飲太多所以肚痛不能出車,時為7:20am,雙手幾近全無知覺,內心掙扎要否打退堂鼓?邊掙扎邊踩,不久就到Tripp Road及King's Mountain交叉點,向左走向右走?再check email,見同事回覆confirm晚點會來,大家在路上見吧。此時有點騎虎難下,想想再過一會應更暖,而上山的風反而不如下山般勁吹雙手,加上面子攸關,上!後來也覺得這是明智決擇:天氣好得不得了,山上風景宜人。之前的折騰盡拋諸腦後,不當一回事了。(BTW,最後也沒有碰上應比我踩得快的同事們,唯有立此存照:P)