Saturday, June 06, 2009

Musicians of the day: The Beatles

I heard Penny Lane at A&W this morning.
Then the radio played Blackbird (big band jazz cover) in the car.
Next, I practiced Lucy in the Sky with Diamond and Hey Jude at home.
Finally, Dear Prudence was played at Boston Market at dinner time!

What a Beatle day!

Friday, June 05, 2009

Topic of the day: slow news day

Techcrunch has stated the obvious (again): it is more likely for Twitter users to follow others then being followed. And TC called the former sheeps! At first I thought I should stop following TC on Twitter. But then, these type of garbage posts are perfect to blog about when I am having my own slow news day (like today!)

Thursday, June 04, 2009

Star of the day: Randy Johnson

The Big Unit won his 300th game in the San Francisco Giants uniform today. That is a BIG milestone. He is also one of the few pitchers who has beaten all 30 major league teams! More interestingly, he won his 300th against the team he started with! (Washington Nationals was Montreal Expos) And he has won 2 more games than the Washington Nationals have ever won (since it was moved from Montreal!) as of now.

There are also ~150,000 people who deserved to be the star of the day: the ones who attended the June 4th memorial march in Hong Kong.

Wednesday, June 03, 2009

Magazine of the day: Guitar Aficionado

With all these book stores (Stacey's, B.Dalton) disappeared near where I work, what I missed the most was browsing through their magazines (the former has a great selection!) Now my first priority whenever I'm in a book store is going through the magazine section. That's how I found this new magazine Guitar Aficionado last weekend.

It is not your typical guitar magazines, i.e., those with lots of instructions, transcriptions, reviews. It is more like other magazines of luxury goods (e.g. watches, boats, cigar......) In fact, it does have sections about luxury goods! The cover piece is about a famous chef who is also a guitar enthusiast. So, you get the idea. I'd say it's an interesting approach. The subscription rate is $24.95 for 4 issues (per year.) I guess it's not a bad addition to anyone's coffee table (which I don't have)

Tuesday, June 02, 2009

Music of the day: Eleanor Rigby

I have listened to as many jazz cover versions of this song as I could find and I just heard another one this morning on the local jazz station KCSM (this member-supported community station has almost reached its fund raising goal so I hope it survives, unlike KKSF)

This version came from an album called "Work to Do" by Carl Allen and Rodney Whitaker, who lead a group including big names like Vincent Herring (alto sax) and Rodney Jones (guitar) I gotta check out the whole album!

Monday, June 01, 2009

Tech of the day: "Using Prompt Commands" May Be a Sign of Criminal Activity

A Boston College computer science student whose computers, cell phone, and other property were seized as part of an investigation into who sent an e-mail to a school mailing list identifying another student as gay.

What made him suspicious? According to the police, he uses 'two different operating systems for hiding his illegal activity. One is the regular B.C. operating system and the other is a black screen with white font which he uses prompt commands on.' Oh yeah, he also 'jail breaks' cellphones.

DISCLAIMER: every post I wrote regarding Linux on this blog was fake. I only use what the government allow us to use.

Sunday, May 31, 2009


相熟的朋友都知道我視電視連續劇為「師奶玩意」,其實我亦是一個超級電視迷,只不過主要看半小時一集的處境喜劇及卡通(Southpark, Metalocalypse)


