Friday, May 06, 2016

FM 98.1 format change

I have written about my radio listening experience a lot,  mostly about jazz,  rock or sports talk.  I actually listen to 98.1 a lot too.  It's one of my top 6 presets!  So, what does this station play? Well, it was called Kiss FM in the past decade or so and played mostly 70s and 80s hits. A month ago it quietly changed its format to 96.5 KOIT-ish soft music. And it's got a new name: the Breeze. The transition was so smooth that I didn't find out until a week after! I missed those old upbeat stuff they used to play. I could be in cheesy disco mood once in a while too. After all, for old soft music I could go to 96.5. I guess the Breeze is trying to pick up the listeners who totally refuse to listen to newer hits, which KOIT is playing more often these days. Anyway, looks like the Breeze will remain on my top 6 after I heard them playing "Holding back the years" and "Don't dream this over" These 2 were among my favorites in the 80s!

Sunday, May 01, 2016


由高中開始,我已接觸中文文書處理,在DOS的年代已練習倉頡輸入法,用熟來自台灣的國喬及倚天等外掛中文系統打歌詞冧女。老實說,那段學習之路值得回味,雖然印象已極之模糊,只記得在台灣閱讀當地電腦雜誌,對這類軟件的成熟程度,相當驚嘆。(多得這位仁兄撰,大家可以懷舊一番) 到Windows年代,改用南極星,現在還保留不少用其proprietary格式的文書檔案呢!事實上,電腦系統在國際化的漫長道路上已變得頗為成熟,從以下種種可見一班:Windows 10內置中文輸入法免費亦頗好用,由要特別選取Big5(繁體)或GB(殘體)encoding否則見亂碼發展至今日兼容多國文字的Unicode,而一般文書處理軟件也適用於中文。在此想分享一次最近學用特別中文功能的經驗:話說早幾天要打一篇訃聞,需要兩種功能:
Googled了一會,不覺得平時最常用的Google Docs有支援。於是再research一下我的「次選」Libreoffice,就找到不少來自台灣的網頁(可見該國人始終是中文文書處理方面的專家)這些指南都是以中文UI作示範,我嘗試在已裝的Libreoffice 4使用英文的UI找尋那些對應的選項,選用後打出來的字卻顯示得不對勁,索性重新安裝,裝了Libreoffice 5並特地同時加裝繁體中文UI,再重覆以上網頁指示,終於成功!在此列出步驟:
1)從top menu選格式->頁面->頁面(tab)->文字方向:從右向左(直書)
2)mouse-select要並排的字, 從top menu選格式->字元->亞洲語言版面設置(tab)->雙行, check分為雙行寫入