Friday, January 15, 2010

Topic of the day: Earthquake at Haiti

It is sickening that someone try to blame the disaster on the local people! Christian broadcaster Pat Robertson claimed the Haitians had made a pact with the Devil to drive out the French who occupied the country in 1791 and thus cursed. The earthquake was the result of the curse. This article gives more details on what happened back then and why Robertson's claim actually made his Christian god looks bad.

This is actually the third pieces of negative news related to Christian I read this week. It has been reported that World Vision, a highly regarded Christian charitable organization, discriminates against non-Christian job applicants but it receives $250 million grant from US government and thus different from other religious entities like churches. Finally, Vatican criticized the blockbuster hit movie Avatar for promoting human's love of the nature. To be honest, it really doesn't make much sense. Even for those believe in the Christian God, shouldn't they also love the nature, which is supposedly their God's creation?

Thursday, January 14, 2010


最近常常聽見香港人談論50後阻住80後上位,新一代沒有機會云云。其實這個不是甚麼新鮮事,在位的如果坐得太舒服,又怎肯離開座位?美國電視界剛剛就有一單:話說NBC的老牌深夜清談節目The Tonight Show,自92年起由50後棟篤笑藝人Jay Leno主持,04年他和NBC續約五年,NBC當時已安排Leno約滿後該節目由60後的Conan O'Brien接任。09年六月,該節目按協定換人。滿以為Leno會退休或轉到另一個電視台,原來NBC已安排他主持一個較早時段性質相近的節目,並於九月啟播。不過三個月後,謠傳公司將再安排他重掌The Tonight Show。


Sunday, January 10, 2010

新晉小提琴家Ann Marie Calhoun

這位可能是繼Vanessa Mae後另一位將會紅起來擁有亞裔血統的女小提琴家。她有份參與荷里活大製作福爾摩斯的配樂,亦是Yanni及Steve Vai樂隊的成員。

和另一位小提琴家Samvel Yervinyan比試:

為搖滾結他大師Steve Vai的live performance伴奏: