Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Topic of the day: it's not your fault when you left your kid behind

A family took a taxi from the Boston airport to home. When they got home, they left their daughter who was asleep on the taxi. The taxi driver got a call from the taxi dispatcher and drove the kid back to her home.

Next? He got suspended by the police, which was changed to a warning later.

Yeah, let's blame it on the driver, not the parents.

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Tech of the day: 1984 and Animal Farm

These are probably the 2 most well-known books about dictatorship. And they were in spotlights again. Here is the story: as I have previously written, Amazon is selling an e-book reader called Kindle, on which their customers could buy e-books from Amazon wirelessly. Recently some Kindle customers found out some of their purchases were deleted from their Kindle by Amazon (Amazon did refund the purchase price)

1984 and Animal Farm would probably be the worst books for Amazon to "showcase" their ability to delete any of your e-book anytime, and ironically, these were indeed the books that were deleted by Amazon!