Tuesday, February 28, 2017



Monday, February 27, 2017

Archaeology of Ancient Greece and US Politics?

I found that the "establishments" in Hong Kong these days like to use the term "politicized" whenever their behaviors were (rightfully) criticized. And they like to blame it on US influences. Well, they actually might have a point. Consider a Smithsonian magazine article I read recently about the discovery of the "Griffin warrior" at an ancient Greek site, which gave rise to new theories about the beginning of the Greek civilization (and the whole Western civilization in general) Before its discovery, when artifacts from the island of Crete (which were more well-developed before the mainland Greece did) were found in the latter, historians believed they were robbed by the mainland Greek and moved there. The new theory is that two culture might have co-existed peacefully and influenced each other. And the people at those days might not see a clear distinction between them. This is certainly a plausible theory. However, the author added his comments on how this is related to the current political situation: cultural influences from immigrants are beneficial to our society! Yeah, I think this story is politicized.

Sunday, February 26, 2017


那是一百年前的二月廿四日,之前有爵士樂雜誌專題討論,然後又讀了這篇BBC的文章,如此長文真難得有心讀完。老老實實,即如我般沉迷爵士,也未必有興趣一再欣賞這張Original Dixieland Jass Band的唱片,皆因和今時今日我們常聽到的現代爵士相差太遠了!當中扮動物聲音效果更令我嗤之以鼻。個人來說,回溯歷史,值得開始欣賞的,最早期要算是Lester Young Billie Holiday 四十年代的Swing爵士樂。