Saturday, October 03, 2020



客有吳郎吹洞簫,明月沈江春霧曉。湘靈不可招, 水雲中環佩搖。

是著名畫家倪瓚贈友人吳國良之作,吳郎既擅長製墨,又精於吹簫,本曲用江月春霧的美景讚他的演奏餘音繚繞。湘靈的典故是指傳說中舜的妃子娥皇、女英, 她們死後成為了湘水女神;吳的簫聲雖然未能令她們現身,但水雲交織的迷濛中隱約可聽到她們飾物搖動之聲。詞簡淺得來意境高,我十分欣賞。


Monday, September 28, 2020

One Note Samba

If you came here for the song, please go to YouTube.  This is my one note for fixing my SAMBA-related issue on my Manjaro box. Basically gio mount gave me the following error:

Failed to mount Windows share: Software caused connection abort

Fortunately I found this post, in my case, I created a new smb.conf file as root and added the global protocol line to it.