Thursday, February 15, 2018

Beyond Creation

I think it has been a while since I last recommended metal bands. I listened to way too much Canto/Mandopop lately so I have to balance with some metal. Spotify recommended a track by "Beyond Creation" based on the Death song I just listened to. Like Death, the band is very technical, lots of opportunities for the instrumentalists to shine, even including the bassist (Hugo Doyon-Karout) The band has released two albums so far. The latest was "Earthborn Evolution" from 2014. Really looking forward to their upcoming release. In the mean time, ​check out this YouTube playlist with lots of awesome bass playing:

Tuesday, February 13, 2018


  • 達摩不會武功,基本上沒有任何史書傳記記載他會武
  • 達摩不是少林僧,由梁武帝撰寫的「禪門第一祖菩提達摩大師碑」說達摩畢生,只是一個遊方和尚,「莫知其所居,未詳其姓氏」,最終圓寂,也不是在少林寺,而是在「洛州禹門山」。
  • 少林武功和禪學思想關係不大
  • 有名的少林棍法其實由明朝名將俞大猷所授,少林原本的反而有所不及
  • 易筋經很可能由道士所寫,主旨是壯陽術