Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Musicians of the day: Taylor Swift and Kanye West

This is a followup to yesterday's topic. So I found one interesting thing they did in common (besides singing, obviously) Both of them have a song named after a person. Kanye's song is "Barry Bonds" (in which he compares himself to Barry with both being arrogant) Swift's song is "Tim McGraw" (about an ex-boyfriend whom she hope would think of her when he listens to the famous country singer Tim McGraw)

BTW, Taylor Swift composed her own songs and wrote her own lyrics (and she played guitar too) I guess it doesn't mean much to Kanye, whose music is arguably much more mature with topics about current affairs and social issues. Still, she's better than those idols with zero ounce of creativity. I'm not trying to defend her but anyone should be allowed to create music, no matter how bad it is. If bad music ended up being popular, there is a problem with the listening (and paying) audiences.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Topic of the day: What Obama said about Kanye

It has been an interesting week for those who likes controversies (and things that people said near a mic) Let me recap: at last week's Video Music Award show, teen-pop/country singer Taylor Swift got the Best Female Video award. While she was accepting her award, rapper Kanye West jumped on the stage, grabbed the mic and pronounced that Beyonce's video was the best (i.e., more deserving of the award that Swift) Before an interview with the media, President Obama casually commented on the incident by saying Kanye was a jackass. Some in the media thinks that this should stay off-record but apparently some ignore the practice and tweeted this so now everybody knows. Fortunately, it isn't that big a deal because (1) most people would agree with Obama on this, and (2) Obama is a brother so his comment wasn't considered racist. Interestingly, you could look at Kanye's comment from the racial perspective too.

Anyway, what Kanye did probably helped Swift more than hurting her. If this didn't happen, I probably would not have checked out her award winning video on YouTube. I gotta admit it's really cheesy (both the video and the lyrics) Just like her other popular song "Love Story" Still, it was inappropriate for Kanye to do that on stage. I'd rather hear him analyze why Swift is no good in a rational manner off stage.