Thursday, August 10, 2017


我地講廣東話不時會話人地做野是是旦旦,亦即係好「求其」(中間再加一個助語字 :P)

Tuesday, August 08, 2017

手遊. 電競. 女神

從小就接觸電腦遊戲,不知何故一直不算太沉迷,雖然有玩過第一代PlayStation及Wii,也有好幾年完全脫節,最近幾次返港聽財經節目,有講及以手機遊戲為主要業務的公司,股價頗受關注,總之是有人炒的股;繼「手遊」後,又有新詞語「電競」,即電腦遊戲競技比賽,相關公司股票成為新炒作對象。其實電競日益「主流」化有跡可尋,美國有線「大台」TBS近年有節目ELeague轉播打機比賽,我看人家打Street Fighter看得很過癮,好像回到大學年代在Austin機舖星期五下午放學後到機舖和友人觀戰的歲月;而香港「大台」TVB旗下的網台Big Big Channel也有直播藝人打機聯賽,並在電視台的「男人」節目特地找來兩位將參與聯賽的港姐靚女馮盈盈及張曦雯訪問,她們這一代不只是「宅男」才打機了,這兩位都有豐富打機經驗,也把這些經驗轉為商機:上星期香港動漫展就找了她們出席,這一代的藝人不再單靠登登台剪剪綵等活動賺外快吧。

Monday, August 07, 2017

Passage by William Ackerman

I mentioned the 5-for-$15 deal I got at California Audio Show the other day. One of the vinyls I bought Passage by William Ackerman (the pic I took on that post was blurry) I know nothing about this artist so I took a gamble on it. I figured you can't go that wrong with a release from THE New Age brandname, Windham Hill. After all, George Winston did a few excellent piano albums with Windham Hill. This album turned out to have a very interesting back story: I later on found out Ackerman was a guitarist, a composer and most importantly the founder of Windham Hill, after he dropped out of Stanford (almost graduated but became a carpenter instead.) He made this record while he was in Palo Alto! The album cover has notes from him about the various duet with other instruments adding colors to his acoustic guitar. The guest pianist was actually George Winston. A great buy!

You (and I, but why :P) can also stream it from Spotify: