Saturday, March 08, 2014

A day-ful of Ingrid Jensen

It's the international women's day so it's perfect time to play music from female jazz musicians. I prefer instrumental music and one of the biggest name in big band yet I seldom listen to is Maria Schneider (she decided not to license her music to streaming/download services)

Found this video of her band performing Ivan Lins' composition, Lembra de Mim
The first horn soloist appeared in the video was Ingrid Jensen. I actually first learned about her today! And coincidentally the local jazz station KCSM played a few tunes she played on, including Vernal Fields from her album with the same title at 11:51AM, and Hope Springs Eternally from Helen Sung's album Anthem for a new day at 5:14PM. (KCSM also played an Ivan Lins' tune Comecar De Novo from the album Juntos at 12:40PM too. Things certainly came full circle today!)

Friday, March 07, 2014

Data Cruncher Uses Code to Solve NYC’s Problems

I read this article from the Wired magazine while having my froyo break. I was fairly impressed even though there wasn't much detail about what that female programmer did exactly. In any case, it was a good thing done by our profession and definitely deserved some credits. I guess I'm really easy to please 'coz judging from the comments on the linked articles, a lot of readers were not impressed. I do agree with one of them: some mission critical systems (like the ones used in hospital) could be so buggy that a whole team of programmers are dedicated to fixing bugs and basically performing the heroics mentioned in the article all the time!

Thursday, March 06, 2014




Links: 1, 2

Tuesday, March 04, 2014


為打發時間上討論區,讀的十之八九為無聊帖,不過偶爾也會因此讀到一些好文,得到一點有用資訊知識,也就不算浪費了時間。有個很少上的中樂版,有名為HKCO(莫非HK Chinese Orchesra官方?)的版友常常發帖連結到相關文章,例如這篇提到以中阮作品《雲南隨想》聞名的作曲家劉星改編自己作品所面對的挑戰,實在有趣。其實中阮這件彈撥樂器可算冷門(和二胡琵琶等相比),著名作品當然不多,自不然就想到劉星。最後,發表原文的頭條日報值得一讚。

Monday, March 03, 2014



趕絕推銷及影相黨相信反對意見不多,剩下來值得討論的,是應否支持樂隊樂團?作為業餘音樂人,我也感到有點矛盾。我親身及在網上電視聽過看過不少他們的演出,有些唱老餅國語歌,有些翻唱廣東流行曲,例如SMS樂隊唱Beyond名曲,算是頗有名氣;都不覺得怎樣出色,對於老餅歌有大班粉絲更是不以為然。(BTW,看過電視節目訪問成員威哥才知SMS是解作Sing My Songs,可是只見到他們唱別人的歌!可能也有原創作品只是無人留意?)但那只是個人主觀意見,坦白說沒有甚麼準則,若說翻玩別人作品我不支持,也不成立,皆因如果有Flamenco結他手或中樂團表演傳統樂曲,我必定舉腳贊成。
