Thursday, December 29, 2016
Car commercial sends wrong messages to kids
I think this has become Lexus' yearly tradition, i.e., commercials showing families getting luxury vehicles as X'mas gifts. I guess that 1% of the Americans could really afford doing that. Not sure if that's the only American population the company is going after though. As one of the 99%, I am kinda pissed. But then it got worse: this year's commercials are about making their kids to ask Santa for cars for the parents. Looks like the "target" audiences are not as rich as before and needed financial help? Let the kids get their own presents from Santa, OK? One version of the commercial is particularly bad IMO: the kid bargained so the parents allow him to request an "add-on" pet dog for himself. And I am not the only one who think this is bad. (Yeah, I dislike the Apple commercial too. Too fake)
Wednesday, December 28, 2016
No cappuccino on Starbucks menu
I have been a Starbucks shareholder for years but I didn't drink coffee until early this year so they rarely get my businesses except a frappuccino once in a long while. As a self-proclaimed cool dude of course I am anti-mega-chains and pro-local-business so I am still not getting my coffee fix from the likes of Peet's and Starbucks (I think its stock does fine without my contribution) I did tried Peet's cappuccino once ('coz my daughter gave me a coupon) but I found its foamed milk too firm and didn't mix with the espresso much. A few days ago I need to get online and my best bet was the Starbucks at Truckee. The place was ideal: large table and plenty of power outlets. I actually did my stuff for 30 min until I got a break and of course I needed to do the right thing: order something! (Well, the line has been long with tons of tourists coming in and out anyway) I thought it's time to try Starbuck's capp but I double-checked the menu when it's my turn to order and I couldn't find it! Why why why? Well, I did find the closest thing, which is latte. Of course I expected more milk in it but the whole drink tasted more like milk than coffee. Definitely not my thing. Then I had to go online to find out why there is no capp on SBUX's menu! I figured this is significant enough to make the news. I still don't know why SBUX cannot hire all those baristas capable of making perfectly well cappuccino at the local coffee shops. Maybe not hiring them are good for the profit margin? I'm fine with that and I would just try Flat White next time if I really need to. To all coffee-drinking readers of this article: please keep getting your coffee from SBUX! That's my kids' college fund :)
Monday, December 26, 2016
早幾日我在另一個blog po文要寫岩巉兩個字,唔識寫後者,當然揾Google打救,揾到呢篇文:廣東話最緊要正字 岩巉還是岩蠶?佢講其餘嗰幾個字詞都成日唔識寫/打:
1. 「搲」爛塊面
2. 瞓「捩」頸
3. 心「悒」
4. 頭「耷」「耷」
5. 黃「黚」「黚」
抄左落呢個po,第日就有得"reuse"了 :)
1. 「搲」爛塊面
2. 瞓「捩」頸
3. 心「悒」
4. 頭「耷」「耷」
5. 黃「黚」「黚」
抄左落呢個po,第日就有得"reuse"了 :)
Wednesday, December 21, 2016
今天是冬至,在美國已很少在正日慶祝,雖然每年都會聽到「冬大過年」這句說話,卻從來沒有考究何解,而事實上做冬只食一餐大餐,過年有團年飯開年飯甚至人日也有藉口食大餐,過年舞龍舞獅派利是燒炮仗,怎會比冬至「小」呢?今年終於從早前在FB add了的史檔學到原因:這其實是中國古代農業社會的傳統,農民生活耕作和天氣息息相關,所以陽曆的廿四節氣(冬至是其一),影響反而比陰曆的新年更大!古時社會上上下下包括帝皇都隆重慶祝冬至,之後那天官方有假放。
Friday, December 16, 2016
Top jazz 2016
又到年尾,又到各大樂評媒體發表全年最佳作品的時候,這幾年在FB added爵士鍾情的頁(同名網上電台節目由香港有料音樂人鍾氏兄弟主持),讀到不少和爵士樂相關文章,就全年最佳作也有兩篇:HuffingtonPost這一篇可算十分「直接」:列出碟名,唱片封套圖像,再加音檔連結,老老實實,不少樂評寫一大堆無甚意義的文字:旋律優美,節奏感強勁,成員合拍之類,倒不如讓讀者自己聽下評斷好過!榜上大家相信都耳熟能詳的名字包括Orrin Evans (piano), Warren Wolf (vibes), Shirley Horn (vocal), Julian Lage (guitar), Fred Hersch (piano),部份他們的新作我已從其他podcasts聽過亦十分欣賞。另一個榜來自Jazzwise Magazine,作為一份爵士雜誌,他們的樂評當然更詳盡,包括交待創作背景等等,此文介紹的新作中,我相當喜歡John Scofield的Country for Old Men, Sco玩fusion及straight ahead瓣瓣皆精,玩country 自然也難不到他,其實鄉謠味真不太重,借題發揮意義較大,不過Sco倒是cover了我唯一喜歡的鄉謠歌手Shania Twain的You are still the one。此外EST Symphony一碟我也相當喜歡,不是太刻意爵士化或古典化,值得一聽再聽(可惜Spotify沒有全碟)該雜誌對Charles Lloyd and the Marvels一碟評價麻麻,樂評人尤其不喜唱片公司無厘頭加插一首格格不入的Norah Jones主唱作品You are so beautiful(歌本身也不壞)其餘的作品都相當Charles Lloyd, 即是新派得來不致過份前衛。聽了少許Jack DeJohnette/Ravi Coltrane/Matthew Garrison三人合作的In Movement,頗為欣賞他們挑戰高難度,一來色士風三重奏從來我都覺得少了一件chordal instrument較為單薄,二來有Ravi父親John Coltrane及Rashied Ali珠玉在前,藝高人膽大值得支持。
Friday, December 09, 2016
Top metal 2016
It's that time of the year so a "rock (but also tons of pop and other genres)" publication like the Rolling Stone magazine of course has to write about their 20 best metal albums. I might not agree with their choices (as my taste of metal is kinda narrow) but still appreciate the effort. It's always good to learn about the new bands/albums out there. And several well-established bands have released albums in 2016 that I wasn't aware of, like Megadeth's Dystopia and Meshuggah's The Violent Sleep of Reason. Both are at their usual high standards with great guitar parts. Of course, the biggest release has to be from the biggest metal band in the history of music: Metallica! The first single was actually quite enjoyable. The rest are actually not bad too but the vocal still reminded me too much of the black album and thus do not measure up to their best (Master of Puppet, And Justice for All)
Not all "big enough" bands that had new release in 2016 made the list though, e.g., Death Angel's "The Evil Divide" and Testament's "Brotherhood of the Snake" (even though I am a huge fan, gotta admit this is not among their strongest works)
There are surely plenty of thrash metal diehards like me. This article talked about all of the above thrash bands' new albums. I learned quite a few things. I also learned that T-shirt with 80's Thrash band logo and album designs have become some sort of retro fashion trend this Summer while visiting the H&M store in Hong Kong. Testament's Alex Skolnick wrote a post to ridicule Kanye wearing one. Yeah, wearing tee of bands that you don't listen to is kinda lame.
There are surely plenty of thrash metal diehards like me. This article talked about all of the above thrash bands' new albums. I learned quite a few things. I also learned that T-shirt with 80's Thrash band logo and album designs have become some sort of retro fashion trend this Summer while visiting the H&M store in Hong Kong. Testament's Alex Skolnick wrote a post to ridicule Kanye wearing one. Yeah, wearing tee of bands that you don't listen to is kinda lame.
Monday, December 05, 2016
開始飲cappuccino不經不覺已是大半年前的事,在屋企及公司附近的Blue Bottle及Philz自然是最初的選擇!前者的Bella Donovan味道相當balanced討好,我更喜歡dark一點點的Giant Steps(當然,作為John Coltrane忠實fans的我非試不可)而Philz的decaf dark French及Jacob's wonderbar 兩溝的味道對我是百喝不厭。花心的我當然不能滿足於僅僅喝兩家咖啡!這幾個月每月都有新發現:Napa Oxbow market內的Ritual coffee, SFMOMA內的Sightglass, SF Mission/Valencia的Fourbarrel, Palo Alto Cal Ave 跑步用品店Zombierunner內的咖啡檔,以及南灣Campbell的Barefoot, 皆各有特色。
特別想推介Walnut Creek downtown 附近的Pacific Bay Coffee Company, 在這貴租地區一杯cap賣$3.5一點也不貴,而且播smooth jazz網台好好feel,老板見我會說廣東話多談了幾句,他告知賣咖啡關鍵是炒豆,一般咖啡店賣所謂一磅豆只有12oz, 因為25%水份在炒時流失,但Pacific Bat就賣足秤16oz, 我買了他的espresso blend,有機會會再光顧。
特別想推介Walnut Creek downtown 附近的Pacific Bay Coffee Company, 在這貴租地區一杯cap賣$3.5一點也不貴,而且播smooth jazz網台好好feel,老板見我會說廣東話多談了幾句,他告知賣咖啡關鍵是炒豆,一般咖啡店賣所謂一磅豆只有12oz, 因為25%水份在炒時流失,但Pacific Bat就賣足秤16oz, 我買了他的espresso blend,有機會會再光顧。
Sunday, December 04, 2016
Oakland artist collective tragedy
除了物業安全監管,是次慘劇引起其他多個值得討論的話題,包括小眾電子音樂人表演場地難找,就如今次音樂會的主角,藝名Golden Donna的男樂手來自Wisconsin,其作品由小型唱片公司出品,靠本身或公司的能耐,要找個正規表演場地有難度,老實說,從YouTube找到的視頻可見鬼船攪這類音樂會氣氛實在不錯,可惜卻有安全問題。而灣區高昂的租金對低收入人士,包括一眾藝術工作者越來越不利。一方面,灣區人才濟濟,造成一個刺激創作的氛圍;但另一方面,無法負擔住所/工作室的租金,只有離開這裡才能解決問題;實在可悲。
除了物業安全監管,是次慘劇引起其他多個值得討論的話題,包括小眾電子音樂人表演場地難找,就如今次音樂會的主角,藝名Golden Donna的男樂手來自Wisconsin,其作品由小型唱片公司出品,靠本身或公司的能耐,要找個正規表演場地有難度,老實說,從YouTube找到的視頻可見鬼船攪這類音樂會氣氛實在不錯,可惜卻有安全問題。而灣區高昂的租金對低收入人士,包括一眾藝術工作者越來越不利。一方面,灣區人才濟濟,造成一個刺激創作的氛圍;但另一方面,無法負擔住所/工作室的租金,只有離開這裡才能解決問題;實在可悲。
Friday, November 25, 2016
最近這次香港之旅雖然極短,也算是達到每次都要發掘新地方的目標:如心化石公園說騎呢的確有點騎呢,說是hidden gem卻也名付其實!大家應該估到和已故傳奇女商人龔如心有關,正是位於荃灣如心廣場(坐巴士常常見總站在這裡,今次是爸爸帶領首次到訪!)提起化石,相信大家首先會想起恐龍那些已絕種動物,我也是!但如心化石公園展示的是植物化石,想深一層,遠古動物會變化石,植物又何嘗不會呢?其實也很有美感值得欣賞,看看此文介紹。
Monday, November 21, 2016
娛樂性實在豐富,片中音樂勁好feel!我老友說這類摩登粵曲可在YouTube找到:search鄭君綿,梁醒波,鄧寄塵; 他特別介紹一套摩登滿天神佛。
娛樂性實在豐富,片中音樂勁好feel!我老友說這類摩登粵曲可在YouTube找到:search鄭君綿,梁醒波,鄧寄塵; 他特別介紹一套摩登滿天神佛。
Tuesday, November 15, 2016
Sports lowlights: the "bottom" revealed by Dzeko
I am not a big fan of World Cup Qualifiers as that means the European pro-league won't play that week. Some of the games from last weekend were alright but nothing would top this: Dzeko pulled off his opponent's pants. Here is the video:
Sunday, November 13, 2016
Shoutcast streaming
I am official back to using OS X for personal computing last week. Previously I had a (white dual USB) iBook that gradually became so obsoleted that its only usage was listening to streaming radio at night. Eventually I completely stopped using it. My new Mac reminded me that was actually a very good source for streaming music. And it took a while for the memory to come back to me: the website was! For example, this Sax4Ever streams pretty good smooth jazz. For traditional jazz, I would go for or JAZZ.FM91 (CJRT-FM).
Wednesday, November 09, 2016
Thursday, November 03, 2016
Sports highlights: 2016 World Series
昨晚的Game7是Cubs vs Indians為爭奪總冠軍終極一戰,我認為是繼多倫多Blue Jays Joe Carter以一支全壘打奪冠以來最緊張刺激的一次!雖然我看巨人三次奪冠及白襪那一次也相當肉緊,但那是加入個人感情,不夠客觀。
由於我不算是兩隊的fans, Game1前我的願望是打到Game7 再加時;本來在Game4後Indians以3-1領先,形勢大好,Cubs看來無力還擊,卻又一場一場追回;Game7 更一度領先5-1! 又以為塵埃落定,誰知皇牌Closer Chapman竟然在8th inning失準讓Indians扳平,結果真的加時。不過10th inning就分出勝負,由Cubs打破108年的宿命。108年前的世界到底是有多久呢?古典台出的帖指出,那時作曲及指揮家Mahler尚在生!繼紅襪的多年宿命被打破後,無獨有偶,今次Cubs同樣是由紅襪轉投的總經理Theo Epstein領導下打破宿命。他的下一個東家會是Indians嗎?
Tuesday, October 25, 2016
最近在FB 那些舊香港及歷史專頁看到不少地鐵最早期通車的廣告及通線圖,原來是乘著何文田及黃埔兩個新站通車之勢而貼。因為就讀的中小學校關係,算是在何文田長大,其實往返學校均甚少坐地鐵,而是以巴士火車居多,而新的何文田站比旺角及油麻地站更遠離母校!倒是有出口到高山劇場及愛民邨。而月台至部份出口的梯級是破紀錄地多!據稱比廿五層樓還多,而100毛的盤菜營子及東方昇兩位搞笑行樓梯拍live, 竟也有超過四萬人觀看!包括區區在下。下次有機會我也一定會試行。
Monday, October 24, 2016
Wednesday, October 19, 2016
近幾個月我的帖數大幅下降,實在有點慚愧,我的藉口是齋寫體育和音樂(加少許時事)寫得有點悶,其實有一個我常看的課題我比較少帖,就是歷史!我在FB like了電視歷史頻道專頁,因此讀到不少相關文章,值得介紹。例如這篇講及最近在土耳奇考古學家發現了一個有8000年歷史的古老女石像。
一看其模樣,我就想起早幾年在奧地利由維也納沿著多瑙河踩單車經過Willendorf看到歷史上有名的Venus of Willendorf,那是來自20,000年前,歷史久遠得多,而且十分明顯地和生育崇拜有關。今次土耳其發現的神像對雕石技術需求較高,身體特徵更為精細。不過有專家指未必是生育崇拜之用,亦有機會代表族中地位較高的女性,被神化也有可能。
Monday, October 10, 2016
我想香港人算是對賽車頗有熱情,會特地飛去大馬星洲上海的車迷不少,也出產過多位車手,不過在香港舉辦的賽事可謂絕無僅有,年前一級方程式開拓新市場加入多站亞洲城市,當年香港當局卻完全不見積極爭取,我想其實未必無機會。國際賽車聯會兩年前舉辦資源需求相對較少的第一屆電動方程式,據聞香港賽車界有打算申辦,不過當局仍然安全至上,即是不搞賽車不用封路不會死人就最安全!老實說,我對這個無甚往績可參考的新賽事的吸引力的確有點懷疑,攪不成eprix就算罷。不過看過電視轉播數輪賽事,我開始改觀:車手級數一點不弱,很多曾經是F1車手,競爭相當激烈,第一屆贏得總冠軍的畢奇仔相信頗多fans,第二屆我沒有太留意,轉眼間已是2016年十月,原來香港已成功爭取,更是第三季首站!Formula E賣點是在全球最出名大都會市中心地帶鬥車,香港這條賽道絕對夠級數,雖然賽前車手都認為真正能扒頭只有兩個彎位。而事實上正是如此!第一屆冠軍畢奇仔排頭位出賽一直領先,另一位熱門第二屆冠軍Buemi則耐心伺機在上述彎位扒頭。而世界房車賽WTCC冠軍Jose Maria Lopez指自己賽房車的經驗可能幫助不大,此言亦應驗:他在彎位炒車導致原本領先的畢奇仔要減速閃避,結果後者只能以第十一名完成賽事。 提起Lopez和WTCC,早幾年澳門大賽車是WTCC其中一站,不過去年WTCC放棄澳門,澳門也立即找到新辦的TCR房車賽頂上(其實TCR的前景比WTCC似乎更為光明,後者的多屆冠軍車廠Citroen已宣佈退出!)順帶一提,澳門大賽車還有另一項精英車手及名牌跑車雲集的FIA GT World Cup賽事,去年冠軍Maro Engel除了今年會捲土重來,也在香港eprix出賽,另一位eprix參賽車手Felix Rosenqvist也是澳門常客兼F3冠軍,熱切期待2016澳門大賽車!
Tuesday, October 04, 2016
Sports highlights and lowlights: WCH2016, Ryder Cup, October baseball, and football
Last time I wrote about this year's World Cup of Hockey, the 4th team of the semifinals was not determined yet. It turned out to be the Russian edging out Team North America (who would have got through if they could have won their last game in regulation!) Team Europe upset Sweden during the semi while the home team Canada did their job with Russia. The final was a best-of-3 between Europe and Canada. Canada took Game 1 and Europe led most of game 2 and looking to tie the series only to see 2 late goals by Canada to win the cup. It was an awesome tournament from start to finish!
Another international competition was the Ryder Cup. US was the team with home field and we certainly took advantage of it with a huge margin for the victory. However, it was not without controversy: the brother of Danny Willett of team Europe wrote about poor behaviour of US fans before the event, which Willett claimed to disagree before the event (and agree afterwards!) And the Willett's were right. I think it's too much to heckle players on the opposing golf team. This is not football/soccer afterall. Speaking of heckling fans, a funny story did came out of this: during the Ryder Cup practice round, a US fan made fun of the European players' inability to sink a putt. The players offered $100 to challenge this fan to make the long putt and that dude made it! That $100 note with the autographs of those players certainly worth more than $100 now.
Of course, for the local sports fan, the biggest deal was whether the 2016 SF Giants could make it to the playoff! If anyone could still remember how the season started, the Giants was the hottest team in baseball entering the All-star break. They seem to be able to win games that they shouldn't have won. Well, it seems like the "mirror image" after the All-star break: all players were in one slump after another. Starting pitching was not that great anymore. The bullpen was unreliable and the batters had trouble hitting the balls and getting runs scored! It was a torture to see they losing all those games they led at some points. We dropped all the way from NL West 1st place to fighting for the 2nd wild card! Anyway, it came down to the final series about the Dodgers. The way I saw it was that if we couldn't finish the season in convincing fashion, there's no point getting into the playoff (because of losses of other wild card competitors) And the Giants rose to the occasion! The first game on Friday started out close but the Giants jumped to a big lead and a win. We scored free tix to the 2nd game which feature 2-time Cy Young Clayton Kershaw vs ... well, Giant's rookie pitcher Ty Blach. I thought we were doomed but man I was so wrong! Blach matched Kershaw inning-by-inning with both teams shut out, until Pagan hit a solo homer. Then the Giants put 2 more runs on the board while the bullpen did a nice job keeping a clean sheet for the win. Sunday was the last day of the season and the Giants must win to retain the 2nd wild card and they did exactly that (and kinda spoiled Vin Sculley's last broadcast of his legendary career, who did an inning for the local station for this game)
The SF football fans were not as happy though: the 49er wasted a 14-0 lead at home over the Dallas Cowboys team that was hated by lots of their fans and fell to 1-3 for the season while the "crosstown rival" which was also the laughing stock for more than a decade, the Oakland Raiders, won another close game away at Baltimore for a 3-1 record. Oh yeah, Stanford was hammered by Washington on Friday night. I actually cared more about the Wisc-Mich and Texas-OkSt games on Saturday. Too bad both of my teams lost!
For fans of Manchester United like myself, tying Stoke City 1-1 felt almost like a loss. They barely beat their Europa league opponent from Ukraine 1-0 (scored with a mis-kick by Rooney fed to Ibrahimovic for a header) in mid-week as well. Seems like their huge victory over reigning EPL champ Leicester City the weekend before was just a fluke! Nevertheless, a 3 game unbeaten streak is way better than the 3 game losing streak before this!
Back to baseball, the playoff has officially started today with the AL wild card game between the O's and the Blue Jays. The latter was kinda like our 2nd home team since we have family there. And they advanced with a 3-run homer by Edwin Encarnacion in the bottom of 11th. It did look like the World Series winner by Joe Carter! (That's the most memorable HR in my 25 years of experience watching baseball)
Another international competition was the Ryder Cup. US was the team with home field and we certainly took advantage of it with a huge margin for the victory. However, it was not without controversy: the brother of Danny Willett of team Europe wrote about poor behaviour of US fans before the event, which Willett claimed to disagree before the event (and agree afterwards!) And the Willett's were right. I think it's too much to heckle players on the opposing golf team. This is not football/soccer afterall. Speaking of heckling fans, a funny story did came out of this: during the Ryder Cup practice round, a US fan made fun of the European players' inability to sink a putt. The players offered $100 to challenge this fan to make the long putt and that dude made it! That $100 note with the autographs of those players certainly worth more than $100 now.
Of course, for the local sports fan, the biggest deal was whether the 2016 SF Giants could make it to the playoff! If anyone could still remember how the season started, the Giants was the hottest team in baseball entering the All-star break. They seem to be able to win games that they shouldn't have won. Well, it seems like the "mirror image" after the All-star break: all players were in one slump after another. Starting pitching was not that great anymore. The bullpen was unreliable and the batters had trouble hitting the balls and getting runs scored! It was a torture to see they losing all those games they led at some points. We dropped all the way from NL West 1st place to fighting for the 2nd wild card! Anyway, it came down to the final series about the Dodgers. The way I saw it was that if we couldn't finish the season in convincing fashion, there's no point getting into the playoff (because of losses of other wild card competitors) And the Giants rose to the occasion! The first game on Friday started out close but the Giants jumped to a big lead and a win. We scored free tix to the 2nd game which feature 2-time Cy Young Clayton Kershaw vs ... well, Giant's rookie pitcher Ty Blach. I thought we were doomed but man I was so wrong! Blach matched Kershaw inning-by-inning with both teams shut out, until Pagan hit a solo homer. Then the Giants put 2 more runs on the board while the bullpen did a nice job keeping a clean sheet for the win. Sunday was the last day of the season and the Giants must win to retain the 2nd wild card and they did exactly that (and kinda spoiled Vin Sculley's last broadcast of his legendary career, who did an inning for the local station for this game)
The SF football fans were not as happy though: the 49er wasted a 14-0 lead at home over the Dallas Cowboys team that was hated by lots of their fans and fell to 1-3 for the season while the "crosstown rival" which was also the laughing stock for more than a decade, the Oakland Raiders, won another close game away at Baltimore for a 3-1 record. Oh yeah, Stanford was hammered by Washington on Friday night. I actually cared more about the Wisc-Mich and Texas-OkSt games on Saturday. Too bad both of my teams lost!
For fans of Manchester United like myself, tying Stoke City 1-1 felt almost like a loss. They barely beat their Europa league opponent from Ukraine 1-0 (scored with a mis-kick by Rooney fed to Ibrahimovic for a header) in mid-week as well. Seems like their huge victory over reigning EPL champ Leicester City the weekend before was just a fluke! Nevertheless, a 3 game unbeaten streak is way better than the 3 game losing streak before this!
Back to baseball, the playoff has officially started today with the AL wild card game between the O's and the Blue Jays. The latter was kinda like our 2nd home team since we have family there. And they advanced with a 3-run homer by Edwin Encarnacion in the bottom of 11th. It did look like the World Series winner by Joe Carter! (That's the most memorable HR in my 25 years of experience watching baseball)
college football,
ice hockey,
Saturday, October 01, 2016
Thursday, September 22, 2016
2016 Grand Prix of Sonoma
For us racing fans in the SF Bay Area, there are 2 race tracks that feature major races: Laguna Seca (Monterey) in the South and Sonoma Raceway in the North. The latter seems more high profile these days with the top 2 of US Motorsports: NASCAR and IndyCar both race there, but the former was not without its classic moments too. I am glad to have the opportunities to go to several races: MotoGP (Laguna Seca), NASCAR and IndyCar and enjoy the great atmosphere. In the past few years I had become a fan of Pirelli World Challenge (wrote about it in this post), of which the races last ~50 min and pit stop for tires/fuel were not required. You might think races like these are easier for the polesitter to lead from start to finish but it's actually not the case. Even though the leader enjoys the clean air, he could still not manage his tires carefully enough and be caught by the following cars. Thanks to tickets from my bro, I got to watch the WC's 2016 stop at Sonoma last Sat (IndyCar was actually the "headliner" but the "main event" happens on Sunday. Still, we watched the IndyCar qualifiers and saw the eventual winner of the race and the season championship Simon Pagenaud winning the pole in convincing fashion. The 22 team was just strong, most of the season. )
My daughter and I arrived at the raceway ~10am and took our time to walk around visiting the booths. And was able to catch the autograph session from the WC drivers. We got to meet these young and legendary drivers, including multiple championship winner Johnny O'Connell, Pat Long as well as the young gun Austin Cindric (son of Will Power's team strategist Tim Cindric) They all raced in the GT class. O'Connell fought Cindric for the whole race and passed the latter for victory on the last lap!
The 2nd WC race of the day was for the GTS class. In addition to the more "conventional" Ford Mustang, Porsche and Aston Martin Vantage, there are also many more "exotic" sports car you normally won't see, like Ginetta, KTM X-bow, Sin GT4. The top 3 were battling each other for most of the race. And former champ Lawson Aschenbach has to start from the back because of his absence during qualifying and had to fought his way up to the top 10 lap after lap.
WC lived up to my expectation and some more. I am looking forward to the season finale at Laguna Seca next month!
My daughter and I arrived at the raceway ~10am and took our time to walk around visiting the booths. And was able to catch the autograph session from the WC drivers. We got to meet these young and legendary drivers, including multiple championship winner Johnny O'Connell, Pat Long as well as the young gun Austin Cindric (son of Will Power's team strategist Tim Cindric) They all raced in the GT class. O'Connell fought Cindric for the whole race and passed the latter for victory on the last lap!
The 2nd WC race of the day was for the GTS class. In addition to the more "conventional" Ford Mustang, Porsche and Aston Martin Vantage, there are also many more "exotic" sports car you normally won't see, like Ginetta, KTM X-bow, Sin GT4. The top 3 were battling each other for most of the race. And former champ Lawson Aschenbach has to start from the back because of his absence during qualifying and had to fought his way up to the top 10 lap after lap.
WC lived up to my expectation and some more. I am looking forward to the season finale at Laguna Seca next month!
Wednesday, September 21, 2016
World Cup of Hockey 2016
北美四大體育/聯賽中的冰上曲棍球是我最喜愛觀看的比賽之一,而四年一度冬運,頂尖球員為自己國家全力爭勝,可觀性極高!捷克由綽號Dominator的守門員及另一位名將Jaromir Jagr領軍奪金那一屆,我印象尤深;以Sidney Crosby為主將的加拿大激戰美國奪金一役,亦算經典.其實NHL職業球員能參與奧運,始於1998年那一屆,在此之前他們能參與的國際賽,是加拿大盃(1996年改為世界盃),這世界盃在2004年也舉辦了一次,停了十二年今年終於舉辦第三屆!基於全球有頂級實力的國家其實不多,就以2014冬運十二國的比賽為例,多次出現勝負相差五或六球的一面倒比數,今屆世界盃八隊中找來六個實力最高的國家,再加兩隊"明星隊":Team North America由美加U23(該歳數或以下)球員組成(主辦機構靈感當然來自奧運足球),Team Europe則是由除俄羅絲瑞典芬蘭及捷克四國外的歐洲球員組成.八隊可謂叮噹馬頭.Team North America一班初生之犢表現尤為矚目,而其有型的球衣據報相當好賣,現場觀眾很多年輕人穿著!
Monday, August 22, 2016
這幾天靠FB 讀到以下幾則新聞:
1)著名爵士口琴家Toots Thielemans去世,享年94。我曾經有一陣子每天彈他膾炙人口的名作Bluesette, 是當時唯一一首我練習的3/4歌曲。作為爵士樂及口琴雙重愛好者,實在感到惋惜,今天下班一於大聽特聽他的唱片。還有鋼片琴大師Bobby Hutcherson,也於上星期過身。
2)有人回帶到2012年,指Usian Bolt當年在接受記者訪問時,運動場奏起美國國歌,Bolt即示意暫停,待歌播完再繼續,Bolt其實是牙買加人,對別國國歌同樣尊重,可見其為人甚有教養。2016奧運,除了Lockte講大話之類的醜聞,更多的是體育精神被展示,大會特別嘉獎兩位在賽跑時同跌倒,然後互相扶持過終點的女跑手。而『水神』Michael Phelps在蝶泳敗給新秀Schooling(our fellow University of Texas student!)後,叫記者多點訪問後者,亦被視為有風度的表現。
3)加國某網站登出一文,標題是黑膠碟買家多為中年loner, 再看內文,其實是部份(七成)黑膠碟買家接受調查時表示喜歡獨處,我覺得兩者不完全相同,有點微妙的分別:喜歡和朋友聚會的,也可以喜歡獨處呀,就像我!
Thursday, August 18, 2016
Strange Radio Experience (again)
U2's "In the Street of No Name" was playing on the radio just now while I was flipping through my "commercial" email account. And I saw this: "Guitar World's October Issue Featuring The Edge is Here!"
Wednesday, August 17, 2016
Metal Mayham
Once upon a time you could listen to and watch great metal music video on TV. That's the late 80s and early 90s when MTV was still about music instead of reality shows all day. The best segment of video came from "Triple Thrash Threat" during the show "Headbanger's ball" Of course that's a long gone era. Still, I have been able to watch some good old metal videos from the show "Metal Mania" on VH1 Classic. I guess that reflected the revival of interest in metal this decade. I haven't been channel-surfing for a long time but I just did last night and found VH1 Classic has become MTV Classic with special focus on the 90s. And the "new" channel has a show called "Metal Mayham" (with an 'a') I couldn't find any info about the show on the net. That "episode" started with Metallica's "Fade to Black" (Not a bad choice!) Then Testament's "Practice What You Preach" (I've listened to the song a thousand times but have never seen its MV!) Followed by Anthrax's "Time"! I guess the channel paid a tribute to "Triple Thrash Threat"! After that, it's hair metal with MV from Twisted Sisters, Quiet Riot, Ratt and White Lion. Then a very unusual choice from Living Colours (Vernon Reid's guitar never disappoints) And also a real "Classic" moment with a track from the Dio-era of Black Sabbath. Looking forward to other episodes.
(Side note: I am writing this at a tire shop waiting for service. The classic rock channel is on. Rocking with ZZ Top right now. \m/ )
(Side note: I am writing this at a tire shop waiting for service. The classic rock channel is on. Rocking with ZZ Top right now. \m/ )
Wednesday, August 10, 2016
Baseball legends
I watched a bit of the Marlins vs Giants game today and would like to write about 2 legends on the opponent: Ichiro Suzuki hit a ground rule double in the 9th inning (but Casilla didn't allow anyone else to get on base and saved the 1-0 game for the Giants. Yay!) That's Ichiro's 3002 hit. (He hit the 3000 milestone last weekend) Another legendary hitter was not a Marlin player, but their hitting coach, the former Giant Barry Bonds. He got ejected arguing with the umpire today. That's his first ejection (as a coach, obviously) Not sure if he made a big difference but this team has certainly improved a lot from last season and is a contender (currently holding one of the wild card) So glad to see the Giants finally won a series (against a contender too!) after their long long slump since the all-star break. Well, they will be the co-leader of the NL West for at least another day.
Letter opener and cycling
I watched a bit of the Olympic's Men Time trial on the really really early TV broadcast. None of the other "contenders" had started at that time. US cyclist Brent Bookwalter did and he slipped and crashed very soon after his start while crossing a tricky pavement. I guess there was really nothing else to show so it was replayed over and over and over and over! Then I head to work and rode from the train station to office. Just when I saw the pavement and reminded me of Bookwalter's incident, I started hearing weird clicking noise from the rear wheel! Shifting up and down didn't help. After I got into the office, I flipped the bike over and finally saw what's wrong: a piece of metal wire got into the bottom rear derailleur pulley (that small "wheel" thingy. I just learned its name) The only "tool" that I could find at the desk was a metal letter opener, which was actually very useful. I used the sharp end to pry out the wire, which broke into pieces and I got all of them out eventually.
Here is a bonus cycling related story, from the Olympic time trial: a few slots opened up at the last minutes (probably because of injuries at the road race?) Namibian cyclist Dan Craven was invited to fill one of the spots. He took part in the road race earlier and that's the only bike he had. No time trial bike for him. He was in a dilemma but finally accepted (after consulting his followers on Twitter!) knowing that his time won't be good. He did finish last. At least what he was afraid of, i.e., getting passed by all the guys started later than him, didn't happen. It's good to have the spirit to participate anyway. That's what sports is about!
Here is a bonus cycling related story, from the Olympic time trial: a few slots opened up at the last minutes (probably because of injuries at the road race?) Namibian cyclist Dan Craven was invited to fill one of the spots. He took part in the road race earlier and that's the only bike he had. No time trial bike for him. He was in a dilemma but finally accepted (after consulting his followers on Twitter!) knowing that his time won't be good. He did finish last. At least what he was afraid of, i.e., getting passed by all the guys started later than him, didn't happen. It's good to have the spirit to participate anyway. That's what sports is about!
Monday, July 25, 2016
Wednesday, July 20, 2016
不過電腦迷收藏古董機的不知又有幾多呢?相信大部份玩家追求速度和新功能,就算舊機有甚麼特別好用軟件或好玩遊戲,多數可在新機使用,大不了來個emulator!例如我很想懷舊一番的倚天中文系統, CP/M, 或Karateka
不過電腦迷收藏古董機的不知又有幾多呢?相信大部份玩家追求速度和新功能,就算舊機有甚麼特別好用軟件或好玩遊戲,多數可在新機使用,大不了來個emulator!例如我很想懷舊一番的倚天中文系統, CP/M, 或Karateka
Sunday, July 17, 2016
廿幾年後重遊的台灣,美食處處比起港澳有過之而無不及,真是無法抗拒了.下機不久就和司機談起牛肉麵,廿幾年來我一直懷念我心目中全世界最好吃的,是以前爸爸司機介紹在桃源街的一家,當年資訊沒現在發達不算超級出名,和很多人提起都沒聽過,最近Google一下,才發現桃源街老王記現在大大有名!雖然如此,今次的司機也有其他更欣賞的牛肉麵,後來他送我們到西門町的酒店,下車時告訴我桃源街牛肉麵就在1 block之外!我匆匆check in 放下行李,就立即去幫襯,店還是當年的老樣子,每塊牛肉依然切得恰到好處,入口軟硬適中,無論紅燒或清燉,味道也是和當年一樣正!講完老王記,美食和老字拉上關係的,還有各條老街例如九份十分淡水都有大量當地特色美食,真是眼闊肚窄,試不得太多!台中勝興車站的老街以客家菜為主,我們幫襯了一次和菜午飯,梅菜扣肉食過不少,龍鬚菜就是第一次,有營養也好味.
在台灣吃地道麵有牛肉麵,飯則有魯肉飯,司機帶我們到這家排隊排出街的,似乎是台北No. 1,幸好食客都是匆匆食完就走,等了一會就有位,加個滷水豆腐,才是幾美元。
廿幾年後重遊的台灣,美食處處比起港澳有過之而無不及,真是無法抗拒了.下機不久就和司機談起牛肉麵,廿幾年來我一直懷念我心目中全世界最好吃的,是以前爸爸司機介紹在桃源街的一家,當年資訊沒現在發達不算超級出名,和很多人提起都沒聽過,最近Google一下,才發現桃源街老王記現在大大有名!雖然如此,今次的司機也有其他更欣賞的牛肉麵,後來他送我們到西門町的酒店,下車時告訴我桃源街牛肉麵就在1 block之外!我匆匆check in 放下行李,就立即去幫襯,店還是當年的老樣子,每塊牛肉依然切得恰到好處,入口軟硬適中,無論紅燒或清燉,味道也是和當年一樣正!講完老王記,美食和老字拉上關係的,還有各條老街例如九份十分淡水都有大量當地特色美食,真是眼闊肚窄,試不得太多!台中勝興車站的老街以客家菜為主,我們幫襯了一次和菜午飯,梅菜扣肉食過不少,龍鬚菜就是第一次,有營養也好味.
在台灣吃地道麵有牛肉麵,飯則有魯肉飯,司機帶我們到這家排隊排出街的,似乎是台北No. 1,幸好食客都是匆匆食完就走,等了一會就有位,加個滷水豆腐,才是幾美元。
Tuesday, July 12, 2016
Sports highlights: Euro 2016, NASCAR at Kentucky, IndyCar at Iowa, Home run derby
I think it's blessed to be a soccer fan these days, even if you live in USA. This year we witnessed the amazing rise of Leicester City, the Cinderella who went from surviving to contending and eventually winning the most competitive league in professional soccer: The English Premier league. They clinched the championship in May. Soon followed by the UEFA Champions League final, which was won by Real Madrid but Athletico Madrid fought hard too. Then we had Copa America started in USA (in fact, right here in Santa Clara) in early June. And 1 week later Euro 2016 started in France. To be honest I didn't quite follow the qualification that much and only found out (1) France was the host and (2) Holland was NOT in it. My prediction was France winning it all (well, they did make it to the final) I also knew Argentina won't have any trouble making it to the final of Copa. I had to miss quite a few games because of traveling. I did manage to watch the penalty shootout between Argentina and Chile via my Slingbox. I guess the curse of Maradona's hand ball is still in full force. Don't feel sorry for Messi though. He has his fair share of glorious moments. And my vacation ended before the semifinals and final of Euro 2016 so I was able to watch the full games. (Still wish I could witness the triumph of Iceland and Wales in the earlier stages. Both teams feature mythical character lookalikes: Thor and the Monkey king :P ) As a supporter of Germany since forever, it's sad to see them losing to France on self-inflicting wounds (Schweinsteiger's hand ball resulted in a penalty) There's even more drama at the final between France and Portugal. When Cristiano Ronaldo was hurt and got replaced at the 25 minute mark, I thought it's over: just like the Brazillian Ronaldo becoming a non-factor last time in France. Well, for some reason the French couldn't take advantage. And Portugal played like they'd rather keep the tie and wait for penalty shootout, and was successful at that. And just like Leicester City, it was the unlikely hero Eder who scored and won the game for Portugal (and Ronaldo "the acting coach") Eder received a ton of criticism during the tournament. He was an underachiever who started his career promisingly in the Portuguese league. He almost played for the Hot Spur but ended up with Swansea instead where he didn't get to play much and was moved to the French club Lille, where his hard work was appreciated by the coaches and was a good fit to their system. I guess his experience scoring against opponents in the French league helped! Overall speaking, it was an OK tournament, which would have been better if there was more offense. It would be another 4 years until the next time they play the highest level of soccer in the world. Well, it will be a short break until we have the Olympic soccer tournament. And the European leagues will resume too.
The one sport that get little coverage while I was in Asia was NASCAR (I did accidentally find out Tony Stewart won our "home" race at Sonoma) Glad to be back and the first Sprint Cup race I watch featured a nail-biting finish: the leaders were all in fuel saving mode and Brad K was able to last 'til the end to beat out Carl Edwards for another victory this season. There was no fuel saving at the IndyCar race in Iowa. Josef Newgarden's No.21 car was simply good. No one was able to catch him, not the current points leader Simon Pagenaud, multi-time champion Scott Dixon nor the recently-got-hot Will Power, who ended up finishing 2nd. Well, this result made the overall championship a bit more competitive and interesting.
It was also worthy to write about the MLB Home Run Derby: my favorite teams combined have one participant: the defending champ Todd Frazier, who did make it to the final but lost to Giancarlo Stanton, who was predicted to win by someone from my son's baseball camp. You would probably agree with him if you have witnessed his beautiful and consistent swing. Stanton hitting those 61 HRs in one night was special for us baseball fans.
The one sport that get little coverage while I was in Asia was NASCAR (I did accidentally find out Tony Stewart won our "home" race at Sonoma) Glad to be back and the first Sprint Cup race I watch featured a nail-biting finish: the leaders were all in fuel saving mode and Brad K was able to last 'til the end to beat out Carl Edwards for another victory this season. There was no fuel saving at the IndyCar race in Iowa. Josef Newgarden's No.21 car was simply good. No one was able to catch him, not the current points leader Simon Pagenaud, multi-time champion Scott Dixon nor the recently-got-hot Will Power, who ended up finishing 2nd. Well, this result made the overall championship a bit more competitive and interesting.
It was also worthy to write about the MLB Home Run Derby: my favorite teams combined have one participant: the defending champ Todd Frazier, who did make it to the final but lost to Giancarlo Stanton, who was predicted to win by someone from my son's baseball camp. You would probably agree with him if you have witnessed his beautiful and consistent swing. Stanton hitting those 61 HRs in one night was special for us baseball fans.
Monday, July 11, 2016
之後幾天繼續精彩:陽明山是我唯一記得小時去過的地方, 小油坑可觀看火山噴氣的景象,我卻全無印象!只是令我想起之前的夏威夷之旅。而淡水以羊駝(alpacas)為生招牌的草泥馬咖啡(草泥馬是網民為取代粗口而創作的代詞,說成羊駝)又令我想起以前在Pacifica常見到的駱馬(llamas )店內那隻羊駝多次把我的衣服當作食物!附近的漁人碼頭倒不太像三藩市那個,這裡肯定沒有情人橋。淡水老街又是以小食為主,那酸梅湯甚有名氣。
Friday, July 08, 2016
Thursday, July 07, 2016
常常聽說在香港開jazz club有如倒錢落鹹水海(其實在三藩市又何嘗不是?連Yoshi's SF也要結業,新東主打算靠加入其他類型的音樂打救,甚有名氣的Savanna jazz為生存也要遷離SF) 不過jazz club有如打不死的生物,一雞死一雞鳴,在香港有心聽live jazz,還是可以找到,就如今次我們去的Peel Fresco,(今時今日香港聽jazz首選是Orange Peel,查過該週六Orange Peel無concert,再去Peel Fresco網站check calendar才知星期日有show)9點半到達show已經開始,是來自美國的鋼琴手領導三重奏,和calendar所述的陣容有所不同,客串打鼓的則是香港首屈一指的爵士鋼琴手Ted Lo!之後各路英雄輪流上台jam,我對吹tenor sax那位印象最深,可謂揮灑自如.我老友為了和我hangout聽音樂特地等我離港他才去vacation,今次實在盡興而歸.
到得誠品,不得不逛其唱片部,適逢歌手少浪在現場演出,此君活力十足;我亦購入一張由台灣爵士樂團Mission Formosa的專輯Kind of Truth,那是世界一流的原創作品及演奏.
星期日我們特地往台中后里參觀張連昌薩克斯風博物館,途中經過高速公路休息站湖口服務區,見到街頭藝人莊萬富演奏tenor sax,他的台灣及日本老歌別有風味;到了張連昌薩克斯風博物館,剛好趕上聽館內的live performance,表演者亦是擅長日本老歌,我最欣賞他smooth jazz版的周杰倫作品.
到得誠品,不得不逛其唱片部,適逢歌手少浪在現場演出,此君活力十足;我亦購入一張由台灣爵士樂團Mission Formosa的專輯Kind of Truth,那是世界一流的原創作品及演奏.
星期日我們特地往台中后里參觀張連昌薩克斯風博物館,途中經過高速公路休息站湖口服務區,見到街頭藝人莊萬富演奏tenor sax,他的台灣及日本老歌別有風味;到了張連昌薩克斯風博物館,剛好趕上聽館內的live performance,表演者亦是擅長日本老歌,我最欣賞他smooth jazz版的周杰倫作品.
Tuesday, July 05, 2016
今次在香港去的地方比較特別的要算上環的西港城,前身是舊上環街市北座大樓,保留了外觀,內面則是一些特色商店,布舖及懷舊酒樓.不過我們在上環最欣賞的還是咖啡店Barista Jam.
今次在香港去的地方比較特別的要算上環的西港城,前身是舊上環街市北座大樓,保留了外觀,內面則是一些特色商店,布舖及懷舊酒樓.不過我們在上環最欣賞的還是咖啡店Barista Jam.
Sunday, June 26, 2016
和香港相比,美國人居住空間相對地多,不過租迷你倉擺放家中放不下的雜物,在這裡已盛行多時,反而在香港似乎是近年才發覺打到「通街都係」的廣告,原來香港迷你倉大行其道,始自早前港府提出活化工廈政策,修例令開設迷你倉毋須申請。世上眾多嗜好,大多需要佔點地方,不要說單車友、結他友或hifi 友,就算是愛好買袋買鞋的時尚男女,租用迷你倉都可算是一條「後路」。不幸地,上個月牛頭角一間迷你倉發生大火,兩位消防員殉職。還記得那天正在香港,第一次看到這單新聞,已覺突兀,皆因火警新聞通常報導時已受控甚至撲熄,這是例外,之後一天又一天,竟然等了四天半才傳來撲滅的好消息!期間不免議論紛紛,尤其是針對派消防員入內「進攻」的決定。近年建制派傾向凡事賴佔中,這次應該說不上;但反對派凡事賴689, 這次倒不無道理:如果消防處高層決定保守地只在外面灑水,必定有輿論壓力指責「唔做嘢」,一個有公信力的政府,是不怕也不被這些壓力影響其做法的。無論如何,今次事件引起各方關注迷你倉安全,相信將來會有嚴格的安全標準,不過,租用迷你倉之風不見得會減弱。其實港台早前拍了一套以迷你倉為背景的處境喜劇,並已播出數集,不過遇上迷你倉大火這個敏感時刻,該劇已停止播出,期望復播後有機會看看。
Saturday, June 25, 2016
在香港坐爸爸開車,甚少會開動其CD changer,但做乘客的我常常轉他的電台,他好像也不介意(不過如果我開車我不讓別人轉我台!)這天聽到一個很有趣的訪問:港人馬君宇Brian Ma在美國就讀航天工程大學,然後於賽車隊工作,其中包括美國champ car這個open wheel頂級賽事(其後為IndyCar合併)的車隊,2004年他是著名車手Alex Tagliani的總工程師,也有美國的房車賽經驗(Grand Am Series)目前已轉戰中國的房車賽.訪問中他提到美國車隊工作人員在比賽週末生活和歐洲人的分別,以及中國的房車賽由網民投票決定出賽排位的有趣現象(說的當然是買票!) 和我一樣由香港赴美讀書工作的大有人在,不過這位肯定是相當不平凡的一位
Monday, June 13, 2016
公司打廣告用代言人大家都屢見不鮮,有的是大明星,又有的是不見經傳但因該廣告為人所認識的,例如Progressive 保險那位很annoying 的女士(證明她有演技)又或者本文主角:Verizon以前那位試手提電話網絡訊號強弱的Can you hear me now老兄。最近他被另一家電話公司Sprint挖角,宣傳重點是雖然Sprint的網絡依然及不上Verizon, 但差距只是很小,價錢卻相宜得多。我覺得Sprint用的廣告公司頗有心思,回想過去出名用代言人的廣告,例如汽水啤酒化𥺁品等等,轉代言人屢有發生,卻鮮有代言人跳槽到「對家」,這的確達到引人討論令人關注的效果。
Wednesday, June 08, 2016
Emacs 24.1 copy and paste
I have been an Emacs user for years. And my time of using Emacs on Windows has already surpassed that of using on Unix. One operation I perform a lot is highlighting a section of text and then either hit Ctrl-Y in Emacs to copy it or Ctrl-C in other Windows application. That's actually not the "correct" X-Windows behavior so it was corrected in Emacs 24.1 and up. However, I am so used to this and need it back! From this link:
Here are the exact lines to put in your .emacs (C-x C-f RET and enter ~/.emacs) file:
Here are the exact lines to put in your .emacs (C-x C-f RET and enter ~/.emacs) file:
(setq select-active-regions nil)
(setq mouse-drag-copy-region t)
(global-set-key [mouse-2] 'mouse-yank-at-click)
Tuesday, May 24, 2016
Sports highlights: Tour of California 2016 Stage 5-8
The "2nd half" of the tour was the like the 1st half: all stages feature exciting finishes. Stage 5 was from Lodi to South Lake Tahoe. This was another stage that the breakaway succeeded. And the winner, a young rider, should be no stranger to those who followed the tour last year. Toms Skujins won Stage 3 in San Jose in 2015 in a breakaway too. He was so new that other teams probably overlooked his ability last year and tried catching the breakaway too late. Teams certainly know his ability this year but still couldn't catch him. Stage 6 was a time trial. The big question was whether Julian Alaphilippe would retain the yellow jersey since there are quite a few good time trialists behind in the standing that could potentially overtaken him. Rohan Denis won the stage in convincing fashion but Alaphilippe responded well so he still had a healthy lead in the total time. Stage 7 was another one that featured one of my more memorable rides: Coleman Valley Road from my Levi Gran Fondo in 2011. Peter Sagan actually broke away on his own for a while and then was part of the group sprint, only finishing second to the best "pure" sprinter in the cycling world today: Alexander Kristoff. His team knew they must seize this opportunity (the next to last stage) and got the lead-out train well organized and they did a great job leading him out. Stage 8 was a loop in the State capital Sacramento which catered to the sprinters as well. The only big name sprinter that was overdue for winning a stage in this 2016 tour was Mark Cavendish, who was 2nd in total stage win to Sagan. When the riders approached the finish line, it was basically a huge mess. Cav lost his usually dependable lead-out guy Renshaw but this time it was him who successfully improvised. Cav, Sagan and Kristoff finished 1-2-3 for this last stage! And Julian Alaphilippe won the tour as the youngest ever winner (and the first French :) after the heart-breaking 2nd place overall finish last year (he led Peter Sagan up til the finish line when the latter barely grabbed the few bonus seconds) I'm looking forward to the next tour. Hopefully there will be a stage closer to home or office that I could watch in person!
Thursday, May 19, 2016
Sports highlights: the youngest F1 winner ever, NASCAR at Dover, Tour of California Stage 1-4
What a dream week for racing fans (I mean, the kind of racing junkies who enjoy all formula one, "stock" car and bicycle races) To be honest, I have a hard time calling myself a fan of F1 as I almost stopped watching (or fast-forward through) most of the races since it's either Lewis Hamilton or Nico Rosberg from the same Mercedes team winning it (Lewis had the upper hand in the past and won 2 championship during that run but now it's over. It's Rosberg's time) I have been relying on updates from my buddy on WhatsApp to decide whether to watch the recorded race these days but this Spanish GP was different: my buddy told me I should watch it as it was won by Max Verstappen. I couldn't believe what I heard. I saw this guy racing in Macau 2 years ago (he didn't do much that race except crashing out) I thought he was still with the "junior" Red Bull team. Turns out Red Bull has decided to swap him with another young driver on the "senior" team just before this race (thus promoting him and demoting his replacement) What a decision it turned out to be! Well, there was definitely an element of luck too: the two Mercedes driver took out each other at turn 4 of lap 1! (As a HAM fan, my description was that ROS blocked HAM and caused the crash) However, for some reason, the 2 cars from the next fastest team, Ferrari, driven by 2 former world champ, couldn't take advantage and let the younger driver (in fact, the youngest winner ever) of the 3rd fastest team, Red Bull, win the race! Oh well, I'm sure this was just a rare deviation from the norm: the subsequent races will all be won by Rosberg again. :P
There was another young vs established driver (former champ) showdown at the NASCAR Sprint Cup race at Dover on the same day too but this time the latter prevailed. What a close finish of that race with Matt Kenseth, Kyle Larson and Chase Elliot in that order. Kenseth showed why he was a championship level driver by holding off Larson whose car actually ran better. Don't get me wrong: Larson did a great job too. He was actually overtaken by Elliot for a while but got his position back later. I hope Larson would get his big break-through in the top series soon by winning his first race after these many 2nd place finishes.
The Tour of California also started on the same day down in San Diego. As of now 4 stages have completed and all of them featured very exciting finishes: Stage 1 was a sprinter's stage. Among the favorites were pure sprinters like Mark Cavendish and Alexander Kristoff. Eventually it was the not-so-pure-but-could-also-sprint Peter Sagan who did it again. He is the all-time winners of most stages of this tour and also won the overall last year. Stage 2 we saw 2 men in the breakaway survived the chase by the peloton and the duel at the finish line was won by former US National Road Race champ Ben King (My newest cycling friend, Alex Candelario of Big Island Bike Tours, finished 2nd to him in 2010!) Stage 3 was another mountain top finish at Gibraltar Road in Santa Barbara, which was well-known as a tough tough climb in the area but was chosen by the Tour for the first time! Julian Alaphilippe patiently waited for the right moment near the end of the race to attack and won it and also took over the overall lead. Stage 4, started in Morro Bay, was a special one for all of us who rode Sea Otter Gran Fondo before: the last Cat-2 climb of the stage was the Laurel Grade. I still remember how hard it was. I must have stopped 2 or 3 times on that not-too-long but steep stretch. Then after the super-fast decent there was another climb into the Laguna Seca raceway (famous for its big drop as seen in old Indy car races. MotoGP still races there) which was the finish of the stage. What was interesting about the race was that the previously mentioned pure sprinter Mark Cavendish actually joined the breakaway and didn't get caught until the Laurel Grade! After the chase group caught the breakaway, it became a group sprint finish and won by none other than Peter "the Great" Sagan, who was so good at "unorganized" group sprint (i.e., in which the lead-out train didn't get a chance to form properly and sprinters have to improvise on who to follow and when to take off) Hope the rest of the tour would be as exciting for me to write about.
There was another young vs established driver (former champ) showdown at the NASCAR Sprint Cup race at Dover on the same day too but this time the latter prevailed. What a close finish of that race with Matt Kenseth, Kyle Larson and Chase Elliot in that order. Kenseth showed why he was a championship level driver by holding off Larson whose car actually ran better. Don't get me wrong: Larson did a great job too. He was actually overtaken by Elliot for a while but got his position back later. I hope Larson would get his big break-through in the top series soon by winning his first race after these many 2nd place finishes.
The Tour of California also started on the same day down in San Diego. As of now 4 stages have completed and all of them featured very exciting finishes: Stage 1 was a sprinter's stage. Among the favorites were pure sprinters like Mark Cavendish and Alexander Kristoff. Eventually it was the not-so-pure-but-could-also-sprint Peter Sagan who did it again. He is the all-time winners of most stages of this tour and also won the overall last year. Stage 2 we saw 2 men in the breakaway survived the chase by the peloton and the duel at the finish line was won by former US National Road Race champ Ben King (My newest cycling friend, Alex Candelario of Big Island Bike Tours, finished 2nd to him in 2010!) Stage 3 was another mountain top finish at Gibraltar Road in Santa Barbara, which was well-known as a tough tough climb in the area but was chosen by the Tour for the first time! Julian Alaphilippe patiently waited for the right moment near the end of the race to attack and won it and also took over the overall lead. Stage 4, started in Morro Bay, was a special one for all of us who rode Sea Otter Gran Fondo before: the last Cat-2 climb of the stage was the Laurel Grade. I still remember how hard it was. I must have stopped 2 or 3 times on that not-too-long but steep stretch. Then after the super-fast decent there was another climb into the Laguna Seca raceway (famous for its big drop as seen in old Indy car races. MotoGP still races there) which was the finish of the stage. What was interesting about the race was that the previously mentioned pure sprinter Mark Cavendish actually joined the breakaway and didn't get caught until the Laurel Grade! After the chase group caught the breakaway, it became a group sprint finish and won by none other than Peter "the Great" Sagan, who was so good at "unorganized" group sprint (i.e., in which the lead-out train didn't get a chance to form properly and sprinters have to improvise on who to follow and when to take off) Hope the rest of the tour would be as exciting for me to write about.
Wednesday, May 18, 2016
The "leaked" Queen's comment on the recent visit by the Chinese leader
If you follow world/Chinese news, you should recall the high profile visit of the Chinese leader to the UK last year. It was a big deal that he was able to meet the Queen. Normally that wouldn't have happened but they made an exception because of the large amount of money that would brought to the country by doing businesses with the Chinese. This was supposed to be the evidence of the changing of the guard: a used-to-be-world-dominating country kow-tow to the latest "super power." Well, the British people were known for having their say in a subtle fashion. BBC just leaked a comment by the Queen related to this visit: it happened at an annual party that let her people to meet her Majesty. One of the participant mentioned to the Queen that she was an official from the police department that handled the visit. And the Queen's response? Two simple words that implied a lot: "Bad luck! " Then she went on to comment that the group was "rude. " The beauty of this was that no one could rebut on these comments as they were unofficial! Is this an intentional leak or what? One has to remember the British politicians were very good at their game.
[Update:] Even more details were leaked afterwards, according to those sources, the Chinese leader was very picky: down to the color of the closet, the location of the bathroom and the menu of the official dinners.
Monday, May 16, 2016
Friday, May 13, 2016
The best ice hockey player that hasn't won the cup yet
Yes, I am talking about Alexander Ovechkin of the Washington Capitals. I consider him one of the most dangerous player in the game ever since he arrived in NHL. He is such a prolific scorer and led the Capitals to several President's trophy (the team with the best regular season record) However, in North American sports, it's all about the playoffs. The importance of this trophy pale in comparison to the Stanley Cup! To be honest, I have so many other teams to root for that I never feel sorry for the Caps when they bowed out to lowly seeded teams in the past. For this season, I am actually glad that they lost to the Pens. Ovechkin played quite well and his supporting cast has never been better. For some reason they just cannot get over the hump. As my son said, Ovechkin is the hockey version of Dan Marino.
Friday, May 06, 2016
FM 98.1 format change
I have written about my radio listening experience a lot, mostly about jazz, rock or sports talk. I actually listen to 98.1 a lot too. It's one of my top 6 presets! So, what does this station play? Well, it was called Kiss FM in the past decade or so and played mostly 70s and 80s hits. A month ago it quietly changed its format to 96.5 KOIT-ish soft music. And it's got a new name: the Breeze. The transition was so smooth that I didn't find out until a week after! I missed those old upbeat stuff they used to play. I could be in cheesy disco mood once in a while too. After all, for old soft music I could go to 96.5. I guess the Breeze is trying to pick up the listeners who totally refuse to listen to newer hits, which KOIT is playing more often these days. Anyway, looks like the Breeze will remain on my top 6 after I heard them playing "Holding back the years" and "Don't dream this over" These 2 were among my favorites in the 80s!
Sunday, May 01, 2016
由高中開始,我已接觸中文文書處理,在DOS的年代已練習倉頡輸入法,用熟來自台灣的國喬及倚天等外掛中文系統打歌詞冧女。老實說,那段學習之路值得回味,雖然印象已極之模糊,只記得在台灣閱讀當地電腦雜誌,對這類軟件的成熟程度,相當驚嘆。(多得這位仁兄撰文,大家可以懷舊一番) 到Windows年代,改用南極星,現在還保留不少用其proprietary格式的文書檔案呢!事實上,電腦系統在國際化的漫長道路上已變得頗為成熟,從以下種種可見一班:Windows 10內置中文輸入法免費亦頗好用,由要特別選取Big5(繁體)或GB(殘體)encoding否則見亂碼發展至今日兼容多國文字的Unicode,而一般文書處理軟件也適用於中文。在此想分享一次最近學用特別中文功能的經驗:話說早幾天要打一篇訃聞,需要兩種功能:
Googled了一會,不覺得平時最常用的Google Docs有支援。於是再research一下我的「次選」Libreoffice,就找到不少來自台灣的網頁(可見該國人始終是中文文書處理方面的專家)這些指南都是以中文UI作示範,我嘗試在已裝的Libreoffice 4使用英文的UI找尋那些對應的選項,選用後打出來的字卻顯示得不對勁,索性重新安裝,裝了Libreoffice 5並特地同時加裝繁體中文UI,再重覆以上網頁指示,終於成功!在此列出步驟:
1)從top menu選格式->頁面->頁面(tab)->文字方向:從右向左(直書)
2)mouse-select要並排的字, 從top menu選格式->字元->亞洲語言版面設置(tab)->雙行, check分為雙行寫入
Googled了一會,不覺得平時最常用的Google Docs有支援。於是再research一下我的「次選」Libreoffice,就找到不少來自台灣的網頁(可見該國人始終是中文文書處理方面的專家)這些指南都是以中文UI作示範,我嘗試在已裝的Libreoffice 4使用英文的UI找尋那些對應的選項,選用後打出來的字卻顯示得不對勁,索性重新安裝,裝了Libreoffice 5並特地同時加裝繁體中文UI,再重覆以上網頁指示,終於成功!在此列出步驟:
1)從top menu選格式->頁面->頁面(tab)->文字方向:從右向左(直書)
2)mouse-select要並排的字, 從top menu選格式->字元->亞洲語言版面設置(tab)->雙行, check分為雙行寫入
Thursday, April 28, 2016
Contemporary Art in San Jose
When one think of art museums in the Bay Area, the top names come to the mind are probably SFMOMA, De Young, ... etc. However, there are also many lesser known "hidden gems." My favorite free art museum is Cantor Art Center (and the Anderson Collection next to it) in Stanford. Another free museum that I frequently visit is Triton in Sunnyvale. It showed works from local photography competitions, for example. I needed to run some errands in San Jose downtown this Saturday and used this opportunity to visit SJ Institute of Contemporary Art (also free admission)
One series of works featured pages from old magazines with faces covered up faces. I can understand the meaning but to be honest I think it's just too "easy". Another "easy" work was related to geography: it's the US map with state and state capital names switched around. Sometimes "easy" could also be "interesting"
One series of works featured pages from old magazines with faces covered up faces. I can understand the meaning but to be honest I think it's just too "easy". Another "easy" work was related to geography: it's the US map with state and state capital names switched around. Sometimes "easy" could also be "interesting"
Monday, April 25, 2016
日前日本棋手井山裕太成功贏得「十段」圍棋賽冠軍,完成了日本棋壇前無古人的壯舉,那就是同時手執七大賽冠軍獎座!想想日本棋壇多年人才輩出,高手如雲,武宮正樹、加藤正夫、趙治勳、林海峰(後兩位雖來自韓台,但為日本棋院成員)卻從無人有此成就,因此這在棋界可說是一則震撼性不少的新聞。可惜的是,今時今日的日本棋壇已不再手執牛耳,和以上高手叱咤風雲的年代水準有一大段距離,要知道那時代及更早前日本冠軍即是世界冠軍!而過去十多年世界冠軍一直是中韓棋手的天下。井山裕太七冠獲得傳媒的關注,也遠低於多次贏得韓國及世界冠軍的李世石和AlphaGo之戰。從未在世界賽奪冠的井山裕太,相信會有更多日本棋迷期望他作出零的突破。 這篇來自中國媒體的文章,可能有少少偏見,但某一程度上對井山七冠含金量的評估也有點代表性。
Saturday, April 23, 2016
Kenny Barron and his string playing friends
One thing great about going to a jazz concert is that you never know what to expect. For rock or pop concerts, the band/musician would usually be playing the hit singles from their new albums plus a few old big hits. For jazz, you might hear the compositions that the musician was famous for (or some standards that s/he is well-known for covering), or not. For tonight's Kenny Barron concert@SFJAZZ, there is yet another unknown: how is the "drum-less" lineup of a piano, a cello, a violin and a bass gonna work? It turned out to be all duets between piano and a string player except the last big jam. And the set list was a great mix of standards and his original compositions. What I enjoyed the most about the performance was how naturally they flow from one chorus to another. As much as improv is an important part of jazz, sometimes one could feel the player solo for the sake of it without much else really to say.
I am actually quite familiar with and admire Kenny Barron's piano playing in a duet setting from his album with Stan Getz. My sis loves that 2 Disc set too. He started the concert with the cellist Mark Summer who was the founding member of the famous jazz string group, Turtle Island Quartet. I could hear him very comfortable in playing the role of a walking bassist. After all, he played the only instrument in that range in a string quartet! I would say his sound leaned more towards the European classical tradition than American jazz. Still, I enjoy the brief improv solo he played. The more memorable tunes from this set included a Thelonius Monk cover: San Francisco holiday (Worry later) and Barron's original: Concentric circles. This was actually the longest set.
I am actually quite familiar with and admire Kenny Barron's piano playing in a duet setting from his album with Stan Getz. My sis loves that 2 Disc set too. He started the concert with the cellist Mark Summer who was the founding member of the famous jazz string group, Turtle Island Quartet. I could hear him very comfortable in playing the role of a walking bassist. After all, he played the only instrument in that range in a string quartet! I would say his sound leaned more towards the European classical tradition than American jazz. Still, I enjoy the brief improv solo he played. The more memorable tunes from this set included a Thelonius Monk cover: San Francisco holiday (Worry later) and Barron's original: Concentric circles. This was actually the longest set.
The next set featured the main reason I went to the concert: violinist Regina Carter. I think the first time jazz violin really caught my attention was from the Kenny Barron album "Things Unseen" And of course, Carter and Barron did an album together way back in 2001. They played 2 tunes from that album: a Latin arrangement of "Softly as in the morning sunrise" and Monk's cover: Misterioso. (As I am writing I am listening their cover of Sting's "Fragile" from the same album. Very emotional!)
Last but not least was bassist Dave Holland. Piano-bass duo was actually more common than you think. I could easily think of many such collaborations by bassists Charlie Haden or Ron Carter. I have seen Holland led his "big band" (an octet) and quartet before. Now I really want to see him perform flamenco live!
All 4 of them closed the concert with a big jam of another Barron's original "What If." This is definitely the most memorable concert I have been to in 2016 (could be one of my all-time-best!)
Thursday, April 21, 2016
Monday, April 11, 2016
Cello and Vodka
I heard this musician story on the radio last Friday morning:
There is a reason that their music is so good :P
In 1958 , five years after Joseph Stalin's death, the Congress of Soviet Composers' Party Resolution, which had for a decade censured Russian musicians, was finally lifted. Forced to withhold his best works for so long, Dmitri Shostakovich was at last freed to compose his first cello concerto. On August Second of 1959, he gave the completed manuscript to his friend, cello virtuoso Mstistlav Rostropovich. Just four days later, Rostropovich, accompanied by Shostakovich on piano, performed the four-movement work from memory three times. Recalling the occasion, Rostropovich said, "We were so happy, we drank a little vodka together. We then played it again, not so perfectly, and drank more vodka. The third time, I think I played the Saint-Saens Concerto while he accompanied his own concerto. We were very happy."
Thursday, April 07, 2016
Sports highlights: NHL and another John Scott story
I wrote about the feel-good story of the NHL season: journeyman enforcer John Scott played in the All-star game this year and won the MVP (and fan supports!) Yeah, he was actually in the minor league but he got called up at the end of the season. It's the right thing to do to honor a player towards the end of his career (and the team is already out of playoff hunt) Speaking of playoff, it's sad to see all Canadian teams were eliminated from this year's Stanley Cup playoff (and it's not even the last week of the season!)
Wednesday, April 06, 2016
Tuesday, April 05, 2016
老老實實,如果是肥彭其中一個女,不用老巴打電話,(肥彭亦肯定不會說call my Governor Patten!) 機場工作人員都自動會幫手,幫完之後亦不會傳出來.但689一家神僧鬼厭,知情人士當然不會為他們守秘.
老老實實,如果是肥彭其中一個女,不用老巴打電話,(肥彭亦肯定不會說call my Governor Patten!) 機場工作人員都自動會幫手,幫完之後亦不會傳出來.但689一家神僧鬼厭,知情人士當然不會為他們守秘.
Thursday, March 31, 2016
亞視一而再再而三欠薪,已不再是新聞,月初債權人德勤會計師樓指公司現金僅餘二十萬港幣,需要遣散員工及提早熄機,等不及到四月一日廣播牌照期滿,新股東司榮彬的代表急急召開記者會晒冷:展示一篋五百萬現金再加五百萬支票,認真(土)豪氣;還說要在熄機前搞一次亞姐呢!且看會否兌現。老老實實,雖然家人係亞視忠實觀眾,我自己就算不上;但當年少數會用錄影機錄下來的劇集,竟然多數都是亞視作品,計有郎心如鐵,萬家燈火,我和殭屍有個約會。有沒有發現三劇的共通點?對,萬綺雯均有份參演:P 前兩套特別是萬劇,就是有一股亞視劇集娘到kitsch的味道。
Wednesday, March 30, 2016
Big Island單車團員
上次寫Big Island 單車遊,之所以如此好玩,也多得領隊有一個相當能幹的助手Jeremy. 此君在Big Island 土生土長,由他介紹當地風土人情,例如當地生長相當有特色的植物,或者歷史掌故等等,特別感覺地道。他介紹過西面Kohala coast 乾旱環境也能生長的頑強Kiawe樹,木可用作BBQ; 而我在火山旅館窗外看到好幾棵枝上帶有紅花的樹,Jeremy告訴我們樹名Ohia而花則叫Lehua,在當地故老相傳,乃係一對情侶化身,樹原為一美男子,被當地女神Pele看中,但Ohia為愛人Lehua拒絕Pele的愛,結果中後者之咒慘變為樹,其他神祗無力解Pele之咒,唯有幫Lehua化為寄身於Ohia樹之紅花,詳見此文.
他其實才加入Alex 公司個多月,這次是他首次負責multi-day tour, 每朝除了把單車搬上搬落,亦要準備sports drinks等等飲品,裝滿幾個cooler及零食補給盒,還有開車尾隨單車隨時支援。之前他也做過多份不同的工作,和旅遊業有關的是酒店concierge, 和單車業有關的是在Oahu帶mountain biking 團,也做過汽車及建築器材公司服務部等等工作。現在Alex 公司後山有機會用建築器材開發mountain biking trails, 又多一項專長!
另兩位團友是一對物理治療師夫婦,開設自家診所,辛苦經營廿年以上,現今仔大女大,公司亦上了軌道,才多點機會出外把臂同遊.可能因為工作健康意識高,兩位都是很fit之人,亦是單車高手,今次特地帶了自己的Tandem bike來踩(另一位團友和我則踩提供的Giant Defy Advanced, 和我踩開的單車差不多級數,只是disc brake不覺有多大好處)見他們合拍地發力收力,十分欣賞,的確是老夫老妻的典範.
最後一位團友是比我年輕一個generation的米高(我又比物理治療師夫婦年輕一個generation吧)此君iPhone不離手,自拍乃係高手,又是fit人一名:玩過Iron man.在著名個人衛生產品公司負責產品推廣,工作包括計劃如何為公司產品在合作的百貨公司有效地展示等等,他們人生經驗都相當豐富,全程天南地北講過不停,全無冷場!
另兩位團友是一對物理治療師夫婦,開設自家診所,辛苦經營廿年以上,現今仔大女大,公司亦上了軌道,才多點機會出外把臂同遊.可能因為工作健康意識高,兩位都是很fit之人,亦是單車高手,今次特地帶了自己的Tandem bike來踩(另一位團友和我則踩提供的Giant Defy Advanced, 和我踩開的單車差不多級數,只是disc brake不覺有多大好處)見他們合拍地發力收力,十分欣賞,的確是老夫老妻的典範.
最後一位團友是比我年輕一個generation的米高(我又比物理治療師夫婦年輕一個generation吧)此君iPhone不離手,自拍乃係高手,又是fit人一名:玩過Iron man.在著名個人衛生產品公司負責產品推廣,工作包括計劃如何為公司產品在合作的百貨公司有效地展示等等,他們人生經驗都相當豐富,全程天南地北講過不停,全無冷場!
Saturday, March 26, 2016
Big Island單車遊
我對單車環島這類活動有很大的興趣,今年春假參加了Big Island Bike Tours這間公司舉辦的一星期夏威夷Big Island環島遊,東主兼領隊是前職業車手Alex Candelario,有多年在Big Island練車的經驗,對島上有挑戰性、風景優美又安全的路線可謂相當熟悉,在他精心安排下,團友們可以踩單車認識這個環境及氣候多變的地方,實在是不一樣的旅遊。
Big Island如何多變?從該團住宿點可見一斑:Hapuna Prince Hotel位於陽光普照渡假村林立的Kohala,海灘水清沙幼且白,即使不用器材,游泳也可見到海中一羣羣美麗的熱帶魚,沿著海岸線踩車不時可見鯨蹤;島南住的Airbnb渡假屋則在清幽寧靜的Woodvalley,四週被樹林和綠草包圍,可謂洗滌心靈,有置身世外桃源之感;至於火山區,氣候有如熱帶雨林,早上天朗氣清,下午又有零散驟雨,晚上適宜在Jagger museum觀看火山爆發,火紅的烈焰壯麗雄奇,令人深感大自然的威力。我們住的Volcano house, 就正正對著火山,晚飯時可欣賞之前提到的壯觀場面。
-Crater rim trail: 這條行山徑橫跨火山口,可算非常難得的經驗。
-Pololu valley hike:這條行山徑沿著懸崖直落到海邊,頗有挑戰性。
-Ahalanui hot pond: 這是一個靠海的地熱温泉,一邊浸一邊觀看潮水不斷進出,實是快事。
-Big Island Brewhaus: 特別介紹他們的White Mountain Porter
-Kau coffee mill: 有咖啡及夏威夷果tasting, 亦有tour介紹種植方法過程。
就算不是hardcore單車友,如果想遊Big Island, 我也會建議參加Big Island Bike Tours的day tour, 加上以上景點,還有我今次沒有機會去的Green sand beach at South Point,該處不適宜駕車,只能hike下去,十分期待下一次再去!
Wednesday, March 16, 2016
Wednesday, March 09, 2016
AlphaGo vs Lee Sedol Game 1
A new chapter in the history of the mankind has been written yesterday: the hardest game to beat invented by the human being has finally been beaten by Artificial Intelligence. One of the best Go player in the world, 18 time world champ Lee Sedol, dubbed by Google as the Roger Federer of Go, started a 5 game series against Google's AI machine AlphaGo yesterday and lost game one. I watched the game live on YoutTube, along with 80k+ users all over the world. I thought Lee started well and built up some solid territories but AlphaGo slowly ate into all those and Lee resigned. Note: I am not a very strong player. According to this (seems to be) professional analysis, Lee actually overplayed in the beginning (which I as an amateur thought were strong move) and only caught up in the middle game but then eventually lost it. Basically, Lee made a few mistakes. AlphaGo did too but its play was closer to perfect.
(Side note: was listening to the classical channel this morning and the host mentioned something from a Scientific journal. I thought it has to do with this match but it's not. It was about researchers came up with a model to predict the gender, the age group and income level based on the apps on that person's phone. And it was way-off for that radio host :P So, machine learning still have a long way to go. On the other hand, I doubt human could predict much better either)
(Side note: was listening to the classical channel this morning and the host mentioned something from a Scientific journal. I thought it has to do with this match but it's not. It was about researchers came up with a model to predict the gender, the age group and income level based on the apps on that person's phone. And it was way-off for that radio host :P So, machine learning still have a long way to go. On the other hand, I doubt human could predict much better either)
Tuesday, March 01, 2016
Sports highlights: Daytona 500, Supercross at Texas, a new Man U rising star
NASCAR is unique among North American sports in many ways. It starts the season with the biggest race of the year: the Daytona 500. I guess it's too big a tradition to move it so that it's more like other sports, where the big events happen later in the season. And I think the 2016 Daytona 500 finish was one of the best I have watched in my short history of being a NASCAR fan. I certainly remember those tandem-drafting races won by Trevor Bayne and JJ. This one was more exciting and showcased how good a race car driver Denny Hamlin was: he weaved through the traffic after the final restart to get to the front, was passed by Martin Truex Jr briefly but he took the lead back at the last second for a photo finish!
The night before there was an equally exciting race in Texas: it was the 450 class of Supercross. Defending series champ Ryan Dungey has been dominating since the beginning of the season in January. This was the first time that he got to the front but lost the lead, to the German star Ken Roczen, who showed flashes of brilliance ever since he moved from Europe to race here in US but injury stalled his progress last season. Roczen was able to fend off Dungey at the end and won the race.
Another star in making was the 18 year old Marcus Rashford. I watched the Europa League match between Man U and Midtjylland, the 2015 Danish league champ. Rashford's name was on Man U's lineup and I had no idea who he was. I thought Van Gaul intentionally put in some rookies because it's a easy game that he wanted to rest his regulars. Wrong! It's the 2nd leg and Man U lost 1-2 in the 1st leg so it's pretty much do-or-die. Van Gaul had no choice because the regulars were injured! And they got to a poor start for this 2nd leg by giving up one more goal to Midtjylland so they needed 2 goals just to force overtime. I was glad to see Memphis got his form back and scored. Then it's Rashford time! He scored 2 in the 2nd half to help Man U to advance. Then he shined some more in the Premier league match against Arsenal by scoring 2 goals! What an incredible start in his young career. I hope he develops in the right way and doesn't become another Man U "1-hit wonder." (I remember Januzaj. My friend reminded me Macheda was another)
The night before there was an equally exciting race in Texas: it was the 450 class of Supercross. Defending series champ Ryan Dungey has been dominating since the beginning of the season in January. This was the first time that he got to the front but lost the lead, to the German star Ken Roczen, who showed flashes of brilliance ever since he moved from Europe to race here in US but injury stalled his progress last season. Roczen was able to fend off Dungey at the end and won the race.
Another star in making was the 18 year old Marcus Rashford. I watched the Europa League match between Man U and Midtjylland, the 2015 Danish league champ. Rashford's name was on Man U's lineup and I had no idea who he was. I thought Van Gaul intentionally put in some rookies because it's a easy game that he wanted to rest his regulars. Wrong! It's the 2nd leg and Man U lost 1-2 in the 1st leg so it's pretty much do-or-die. Van Gaul had no choice because the regulars were injured! And they got to a poor start for this 2nd leg by giving up one more goal to Midtjylland so they needed 2 goals just to force overtime. I was glad to see Memphis got his form back and scored. Then it's Rashford time! He scored 2 in the 2nd half to help Man U to advance. Then he shined some more in the Premier league match against Arsenal by scoring 2 goals! What an incredible start in his young career. I hope he develops in the right way and doesn't become another Man U "1-hit wonder." (I remember Januzaj. My friend reminded me Macheda was another)
Tuesday, February 16, 2016
GoDaddy MySQL Server changes
I have been hosting one of my website at GoDaddy for a long time (too long that I couldn't remember) and I setup my own instance of WordPress 1.5 back then (now it's a feature of GoDaddy web hosting and it's so much easier) and I seldom make any change unless it's broken. I visited my site just now and got a helpful error message saying WordPress cannot connect to the database (I used a host name in the domain) And I (re)discovered where the db server name was stored: it's wp-config.php. So I opened the database manager from GoDaddy to figure out the IP address of the db server and replace the one in wp-config.php. Voila! My site is back.
Sunday, February 14, 2016
A weekend of concerts
One of the biggest attraction of New York City to me was the jazz scene. I used to live in the village and went to several shows per week. And some times on the same night as I would go to an early show. Then walked around the village to attend a 10pm-ish show. And finished off at the all-night jazz jam at the Small's. It's harder to do that in the Bay Area as places are more scattered. And there are not as many notable performances per night anyway. Well, 2/5 was an exception: guitarist Rez Abbasi and his acoustic quartet (RAAQ) played at the California Jazz Conservatory (formerly known as the Jazzschool) in Berkeley and smooth jazz veteran Euge Groove played at Yoshi's in Oakland. RAAQ's show started at 8pm while Euge's show time was 10pm. I could only leave home at 6:30 and the traffic on a Friday night was usually bad (~1.5hr to the Oakland/Berkeley area) And it seemed rather unpredictable for this Super Bowl weekend in the "host city" so my "strategy" was buying the Yoshi's ticket in advance and take a chance with the Jazzschool concert. It was a lucky day for me though as I arrived ~7:50. Found no street parking so I pulled into a nearby garage quickly and got to the concert at 8. The quartet was almost done with setting up at that time. It was perfect! (Turned out their flight from JFK was delayed by 4 hr and they rushed from the airport straight to Jazzschool!) I guess the school is good at booking great guitarists: I saw the "Seasons" quartet performed there before too. RAAQ got a lot of praises for their recent effort in "Intents and Purposes": an album-ful of fusion classics. To me, they did a double-twist by adopting those pieces to an acoustic setting but they were also "rocking" hard with their acoustic instruments! Then I headed to Oakland, which was a 20-min drive for the Euge Groove show. Gotta admit the atmosphere was completely different here. While the music of RAAQ sounded quite intellectual, Euge's music was very accessible with heavy pop, funk and some R&B elements. Very danceable too. To be honest, I was surprised by the large amount of black folks in the audience. After all, smooth jazz was a genre where "white guys" commercialized original black music and made good money with it. I guess all people care was enjoyable music: Euge was a very entertaining show man. And of course he's got his sax chops too. I have so much to learn! What a great evening with two of my favorite instruments :)
Then we attended the El Camino Youth Symphony's Chinese New Year concert. The program was a good mixture of "Western" (e.g. Chopin concerto) and Chinese music. Those with traditional CNY folk sound were fortunately not too cheesy. Even the "Yellow River" concerto from the Cultural revolution-era sounded semi-exciting, thanks to the extraordinary technique of the pianist Gwhyneth Chen. Her playing was so great that I had to buy her CD after the concert.
Monday, February 08, 2016
Sports highlights: Super Bowl 50 surprises, Caribbean World Series, Phoenix Open
This Super Bowl Sunday is quite different from the ones before: it's actually held in the "neighborhood" (less than 15 miles away) The traffic was expected to be real bad before and after the game. Also, it's the Chinese New Year's eve. So we ended up not able to invite anyone to party at our place. After lunch, there were still 3 hours 'til kickoff so we watched a bit of the Caribbean World Series, between the Winter league champions from Venezuela and Mexico. Former White Sox great Freddie Garcia (who pitched the world series-clinching game 4) pitched his final game for the Venezuelan team. It was kinda exciting. Mexico came back to tie while down 2-4 and got a walk-off HR at bottom of the 9th. I also watched a tie-breaking playoff at the end of the Phoenix Open Golf Tournament between Rickie Fowler and Hideki Matsuyama. The American Fowler is becoming one of the "Big 4" of this new generation of world golfers and that's why I tuned in. Matsuyama is the highest ranked Japanese player too. They remained tied after first 3 playoff holes. The tie was not broken until Fowler hit his tee shot into the water and practically gave away the victory. And that happened while Lady Gaga was singing the national anthem during the Super Bowl opening ceremony. I jumped in right at the kickoff! The game featured 3 players from my schools: Panther's kicker and kick returner/RB Fozzy Whitaker (Texas) and Punter Brad Nortman (Wisconsin) as well as the star TE of the Broncos, Owen Daniels (Wisconsin) My coworker was so convinced that the Panther would blow out the Broncos unless the latter could somehow force some turnovers into scores. That was what exactly happened. I knew the Broncos defense would be the most important factor to the "watchability" of the game and they stood up to the challenge. Normally I prefer offensive fireworks but I was glad that it was a defense dominated tight game instead. It's not a bad thing that a good player like Peyton Manning could go out on top. Also, long-time Cowboy-turned Bronco LB DeMarcus Ware deserved his super bowl ring.
So, that's how the sports world wrapped up the year of the sheep. I am looking forward to a great year of the monkey! (Yay to Euro 2016 and World Cup of Hockey!!!)
So, that's how the sports world wrapped up the year of the sheep. I am looking forward to a great year of the monkey! (Yay to Euro 2016 and World Cup of Hockey!!!)
Friday, February 05, 2016
Jazz movies
I wrote this post 1.5 years ago and mentioned the lack of biopics about jazz giants like Coltrane and Miles. Well, it turns out new films were made or announced in 2015: one for Coltrane and one for Miles called "Miles Ahead" written, directed by and starring Don Cheadle. He looked real cool in the released photos. A lot of it was fictional though and was set against the period when Miles was near his creative low point ~50 years old. In addition, there was another recent release about the greatest electric jazz bassist ever, Jaco Pastorius, simply titled Jaco. It was made with the contribution of former Metallica bassist Robert Trujillo, who was a true fan and a sincere guy. The January issue of Bassplayer had a special feature about this project and how he got involved. It was an interesting read. (Coincidentally I re-read the part of Alex Skolnick's autobiography about how the Pastorius family was not doing well financially while fighting for the rights of Jaco's music recently. Trujillo acquired Jaco's famed bass of doom so that it could return to the family. Isn't it funny that two metal guys both had something about Jaco to talk about?)
Wednesday, February 03, 2016
Super Bowl 50
美式足球係我最最喜歡睇既運動, 年年聽傳媒報導,大量球迷會湧去super bowl主辦城市朝聖,究竟實際上有乜活動?我一直唔知,因為未去過。今年在自己地頭,無理由唔去踩場,結論係四個字:不外如是。(好聽一點,或者講:點都應去,好過唔去:p)
睇過NFL頻道播出既地圖,整個三藩市灣區都有相關活動,除左比賽當日既球場,SF金融區Embarcadero被營造為重頭戲Super Bowl City, Justin Herman Plaza附近封左好幾條街,進入"City"要過金屬探測器,保安嚴密程度僅次於機場,"City"內有乜呢?除左飲品(掠水酒) 食物㰙位,就係一間間贊助商既檔口,展示一點旗下和足球及SF 拉得上關係的產品;唔好睇少呢啲,都幾多人排隊,我估遠度而來既遊客也唔會介意花少少時間掛?當然也見有好似我講明一定唔等既本地友。我唯一等既係入去Levi's 睇佢賣啲球隊球賽logo衫,真係設計得幾好睇。
最後一提:有無留意舊史Super Bowl講係邊一屆一定用羅馬數字,但今年就變左阿拉伯數目字?我個陰謀論朋友可以會話個league打壓歐洲文化,不過官方透露羅馬字50係L, 俾人覺得好Loser(香港人用親L 都唔係好野啦), 明年會轉番羅馬字喎。無論如何,今屆就係金禧,我送一個字:撐!
Monday, February 01, 2016
All-star games
Gotta admit I haven't been paying much attention to the NHL All-star break even though I have NHL games on TV almost every night after the football season is over (sans Super Bowl) as a non-basketball fan. Then I found out it was on the same day as NFL's "All-star game" aka Pro-bowl. I was curious about the decision of putting both games on the same day by the two leagues but couldn't find much info on the net. Most articles ridicule the mere existence of these games as both have low TV ratings. In fact, NFL have indeed consider getting rid of the game a few years ago. I think the game went downhill after it was moved to the week before the Superbowl (for filling the void between the 2-week break from conference championship weekend) which prevented players from SB teams to play in the game to avoid injury, which is obviously the right thing to do but it significantly lowers the star power of the game. To be fair, the SB stars didn't play much during the "old" Pro-bowls that were held after SB either. And this new format of teams chosen by two former stars and HOFer (Michael Irvin and Jerry Rice) which was copied from NHL mixing players from different conference was confusing too. Nevertheless, I recorded and watched the game, which proved how hardcore a football fan I am! Oh yeah, the former Cowboy's team beat the former Niner's.
Ironically, this is the year NHL moved away from the 2-opposing-all-star-team-drafting-own-player format and went back to conference/division competing with each other. However, instead of one 60 minute game, they played 3x20 min game. Each game pits one division against another in 3-on-3 format! The two winners play against each other in the last game to determine the winning division. This season was the first one that NHL uses 3-on-3 during overtime. And it was controversial: players don't like it but I do. I think it's easier to score this way without going into shootout. However, this wasn't even the controversy of this game! It has to do with one player: John Scott. BTW, I watched the pro-bowl first and the bottom ticker had already shown me him winning the MVP honor :( So, who is John Scott? I haven't followed the NHL like I used to so I only know the biggest of the biggest stars like Patrick Kane, Jonathan Quick, Sidney Crosby, and local players like Joe Pavelski...etc. Turns out John Scott plays the role of an enforcer (whom teams put on ice to fight rather than playing the puck!) most recently for the Coyotes. Why was he controversial? He was voted in by fans who wanna showcase the fan-vote loophole of the NHL All-star game. And he was traded to the minor league just before the game. Some in the league management actually tried to dissuade him to play but he refused to back down. He was chosen as the Pacific division team captain and scored twice in the game (his career total was 5 goals :) and as I mentioned already he won the MVP with real fan support at the game. It became a feel-good story and actually shed some positive light on the game drawing attentions from NPR and Wall Street Journal. The NHL got a lucky break from a potential publicity disaster.
Tuesday, January 26, 2016
5)這次寒流也引起了對香港露宿者問題的關注:梁特首去探訪避寒中心就無謂多講,反而一向關心露宿者的Benson Tsang去探訪兼派發物資就被阻甚至被報警收場,又是政苦機構處事殭化之過.又有報導指政苦此時派員噴水洗隧道,實為乘機趕走露宿者.更帶出禮義廉數位議員均以趕絕露宿者為己任.平心而論,在街上走,又有誰喜歡見到露宿者?但一個人成為露宿者總有其難處,推動高地價政策的政苦就算不是元兇也是幫兇.
5)這次寒流也引起了對香港露宿者問題的關注:梁特首去探訪避寒中心就無謂多講,反而一向關心露宿者的Benson Tsang去探訪兼派發物資就被阻甚至被報警收場,又是政苦機構處事殭化之過.又有報導指政苦此時派員噴水洗隧道,實為乘機趕走露宿者.更帶出禮義廉數位議員均以趕絕露宿者為己任.平心而論,在街上走,又有誰喜歡見到露宿者?但一個人成為露宿者總有其難處,推動高地價政策的政苦就算不是元兇也是幫兇.
Monday, January 25, 2016
本文標題有否令讀者聯想到甚麼異度空間,心底升起一股寒意呢?事實上,話題的確和寒意有關,不過是天氣的。1/24(星期日)是香港自1957年以來最凍的一天,很多朋友貼了攝氏二度或三度的screen cap。好幾個朋友說穿了兩件羽絨也不夠,有一個還病倒了,真慘慘豬。一次反常的天氣,卻帶出多項爭議:
Wednesday, January 20, 2016
Farewell to many 60-something musicians
What a poor start for the music scene in 2016! I simply cannot remember so many greats pass away in such a short period of time. It's as if the "other world" is trying to form an all-star band with David Bowie, Glenn Frey, Lemmy (they will take care of vocal, guitar and bass) and Dale Griffin of Mott the Hoople would play the drums. "Tower of Power" founder and trumpeter Mic Gillette could join them too. :( And the new band could be managed by the legendary Malcolm McLaren. Wish they all RIP.
Tuesday, January 19, 2016
Guitars at Yoshi's
It has been a good 2 month-ful of live (guitar) music for me, including 3 at Yoshi's (and the Memorial concert for my friend that I played in) I took my sis to Yoshi's for Mike Stern's concert last December (also featuring Randy Brecker on trumpet and Dennis Chamber on drums) I bet she has never seen such a powerful drummer. One thing I like about him is his moves were not flashy for flashy sake. On the other hand, they just seem natural for the stuff he played. And Mike Stern was vintage Mike Stern with his unmistakable sound on his Tele.
Then I got to see another great drummer on my first visit to Yoshi's on 2016: Simon Phillips, whom I last saw playing with Hiromi. This time he led his own fusion quartet: Protocol, with Danger Danger's Andy Timmons on guitar. Their sound reminded me of Cassiopeia, a legendary Japanese group with guitar/keys/bass/drums that I really enjoy. Their music had rich melodies and also showcase their great skills on their instruments.
And I saw two of my most admired musicians/instrumentalists last night at Yoshi's: Testament's Alex Skolnick on guitar and Stu Hamm on bass, 25 years after seeing them played together in Austin. I became interested in their music even before listening to Hamm and Testament (via the Hong Kong indie music publication 音樂一週, 還記得樂評人戲稱Hamm's Kings of Sleep為昏君!Very creative) For a jazz and metal head like me, it's hard not to like Skol: a guitarist equally excel in the legendary thrash metal band Testament as well as his own jazz trio and world music group! He also wrote well, in magazines, his blogs and his bio. I bet he got some of that from his PhD parents. And I started playing bass around the time Hamm released his ground-breaking Kings of Sleep, with his melodic and harmonically rich original compositions. His bass licks and accompaniment distinguished his music from those who merely "noodles" with their technical chops. From what I read in Skol's bio, they went separate ways after their tour in the early 90s. Skol soon recorded with another bass legend Michael Manring. I was so glad to be at this "reunion" show, which also celebrated Hamm's latest release, the Book of Lies. In addition to new tunes from the album, like the solo bass piece from his suite, they also played quite a few covers: "We will rock you", "Misty Mountain Hop" (with Skol on slide guitar!), "Lucy in the Sky with Diamond" (Hamm played it as a solo piece 6 years ago at Bassplayer Live in Livermore) and "Red house" (with Skol on vocal) The encore piece sounds like a Joe Satriani (Hamm's long time collaborator) tune and Skol showed his "lineage" to the mastro. Now, time for some criticisms: there were way too many covers! When I was a kid, I couldn't stand "Misty Mountain Hop" :P (but it's one of the few tunes that I completely changed my mind after I grew up) Hamm's playing sounded a bit muddy too. And finally, it's a personal thing but I am not a big fan of vocalizing with guitar solo (like what Skol did last night. Coincidentally, Stern also did it in his show! I do know it's a good practice routine for improv)
Looking forward to a great year of live music in 2016!
Then I got to see another great drummer on my first visit to Yoshi's on 2016: Simon Phillips, whom I last saw playing with Hiromi. This time he led his own fusion quartet: Protocol, with Danger Danger's Andy Timmons on guitar. Their sound reminded me of Cassiopeia, a legendary Japanese group with guitar/keys/bass/drums that I really enjoy. Their music had rich melodies and also showcase their great skills on their instruments.
And I saw two of my most admired musicians/instrumentalists last night at Yoshi's: Testament's Alex Skolnick on guitar and Stu Hamm on bass, 25 years after seeing them played together in Austin. I became interested in their music even before listening to Hamm and Testament (via the Hong Kong indie music publication 音樂一週, 還記得樂評人戲稱Hamm's Kings of Sleep為昏君!Very creative) For a jazz and metal head like me, it's hard not to like Skol: a guitarist equally excel in the legendary thrash metal band Testament as well as his own jazz trio and world music group! He also wrote well, in magazines, his blogs and his bio. I bet he got some of that from his PhD parents. And I started playing bass around the time Hamm released his ground-breaking Kings of Sleep, with his melodic and harmonically rich original compositions. His bass licks and accompaniment distinguished his music from those who merely "noodles" with their technical chops. From what I read in Skol's bio, they went separate ways after their tour in the early 90s. Skol soon recorded with another bass legend Michael Manring. I was so glad to be at this "reunion" show, which also celebrated Hamm's latest release, the Book of Lies. In addition to new tunes from the album, like the solo bass piece from his suite, they also played quite a few covers: "We will rock you", "Misty Mountain Hop" (with Skol on slide guitar!), "Lucy in the Sky with Diamond" (Hamm played it as a solo piece 6 years ago at Bassplayer Live in Livermore) and "Red house" (with Skol on vocal) The encore piece sounds like a Joe Satriani (Hamm's long time collaborator) tune and Skol showed his "lineage" to the mastro. Now, time for some criticisms: there were way too many covers! When I was a kid, I couldn't stand "Misty Mountain Hop" :P (but it's one of the few tunes that I completely changed my mind after I grew up) Hamm's playing sounded a bit muddy too. And finally, it's a personal thing but I am not a big fan of vocalizing with guitar solo (like what Skol did last night. Coincidentally, Stern also did it in his show! I do know it's a good practice routine for improv)
Looking forward to a great year of live music in 2016!
Friday, January 15, 2016
Time series database
Most application developers are probably familiar with good old relational databases (Yes, I am a certified Oracle DBA) as well as the new breed of NoSQL database like MongoDB. I deal with quite a bit of metric data at work, which is time-based. I have been playing with InfluxDB which is optimized for such data and is part of a TICK stack for collecting, managing and visualizing time series data. Compared to Oracle and SQL Server, installing InfluxDB is a piece of cake: just do a yum install, then start it and it's ready for inserting data! To interact with it, it has a command-line interface, influx, just like Oracle has SQLPlus. Programmatically, all you need to do is making use of its HTTP API: 'get' to query and 'post' to insert. No complicated database driver configurations. Of course, you could use one of the available client library for your language to make things even easier. My next step would be trying to time the queries using something like Influx-cli to evaluate its performance.
Friday, January 08, 2016
Do you know what songs you played the most in 2015?
Well, with the help of technology, your music service could actually compile the stat and give you the answer. Before showing her the email, I asked my daughter to guess. The song she thought she played the most came in as #4. Her brother actually guessed correctly her #1 song, by "One Direction." He also got it right about her most played female singer, Meghan Trainor!
Thursday, January 07, 2016
話說家姐想買一個給在香港的爸爸,海外買的Volt數不合(比較老式的電器不如電腦電話用的都是universal power adapter),我建議在香港買,不過兩家香港最大型連鎖電器舖的多間分店均沒有售賣,他們的對象也是以強國遊客為主吧。提議在香港買的我當然要再想辦法:想到「街坊」式電器舖較有機會出售這種「街坊」式電器,在今時今日香港以遊客消費主導零售舖位租金高企的情況下,這類電器舖的生存空間已大不如前,商場往往都已被「兩大」進駐,唯有在一些屋邨商場二樓角落才可能找到。最後我們在昌運站一家兼賣影碟的舖頭找到一部收音機鬧鐘,售價才HK$100,時間顯示還很巨型,而且是「名牌」山水牌(這是小時候頗有名氣的音響品牌,雖然今已轉手,屬強國集團旗下)其實「現代化」收音機鬧鐘很多都是iPhone accessory,可以連接iPhone,播放其中之音樂及叉電,這部也是,如此便宜相信因為支援的是舊款30pin接口而不是Lightning. 這個任務總算完成(比家姐原本買的還要便宜呀!)
話說家姐想買一個給在香港的爸爸,海外買的Volt數不合(比較老式的電器不如電腦電話用的都是universal power adapter),我建議在香港買,不過兩家香港最大型連鎖電器舖的多間分店均沒有售賣,他們的對象也是以強國遊客為主吧。提議在香港買的我當然要再想辦法:想到「街坊」式電器舖較有機會出售這種「街坊」式電器,在今時今日香港以遊客消費主導零售舖位租金高企的情況下,這類電器舖的生存空間已大不如前,商場往往都已被「兩大」進駐,唯有在一些屋邨商場二樓角落才可能找到。最後我們在昌運站一家兼賣影碟的舖頭找到一部收音機鬧鐘,售價才HK$100,時間顯示還很巨型,而且是「名牌」山水牌(這是小時候頗有名氣的音響品牌,雖然今已轉手,屬強國集團旗下)其實「現代化」收音機鬧鐘很多都是iPhone accessory,可以連接iPhone,播放其中之音樂及叉電,這部也是,如此便宜相信因為支援的是舊款30pin接口而不是Lightning. 這個任務總算完成(比家姐原本買的還要便宜呀!)
Sunday, January 03, 2016
唐詩入樂 畫作及書法
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